This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 12+
- C_MT_carpet_L_corner01
- C_MT_carpet_L_corner02
- C_MT_carpet_L_tassel01
- C_MT_carpet_L_tassel02
- C_MT_carpet_panel01
- C_MT_carpet_panel02
- C_MT_carpet_panel03
- C_MT_carpet_panel04
- C_MT_carpet_R_corner01
- C_MT_carpet_R_corner02
- C_MT_carpet_R_tassel01
- C_MT_carpet_R_tassel02
- dds 10+
- vfx_bubble_fb4x4_01
- vfx_candy_01
- vfx_circle_03
- vfx_clef_02
- vfx_cubit_anim_fb4x4_02
- vfx_gradient_03
- vfx_note_03
- vfx_rays_01
- vfx_rays_02
- vfx_smokecloud_fb4x4_01
- txt 5+
- atlasDef_4x4
- dependencies
- dependencies
- dependencies
- LastRevision
- pkfx 3+
- character_mount_magicCarpet_jump_01
- character_mount_magicCarpet_persistant_01
- character_mount_magicCarpet_trail_01
- pkat 1+
- atlasDef_4x4
- xml 1+
- PopcornProject
Magic Carpet
Extra information for this mod.
Created: May 28, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,153
Downloads: 276
Not visible on Trove Tools
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