Banana Not Submitted

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This is the pet of the Bloody Knights Club and the stream <3

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Esta es la pet del Club Bloody Knights y del stream <3

Si os pasais vereis que muchas veces nuestro saludo en BANANA! o que nuestra keyword para los sorteos es !banana, todo se debe a que un miembro del club llamado Fouryth se dedicaba a saludar siempre con esta palabra, acabamos todos diciendo lo mismo, haciendo un concurso de "a ver quien construye la banana más chula", y ésta es.

La banana fue construída por Laghire en el juego, pasada a Voxel por Aynat, y entre Dani y Aynat conseguimos ponerla en el juego; Ahora solo falta que Trion nos la acepte en los Streamer Dreams!!! Por favoooor!!

Dar gracias también a todos los que participaron en el contest de la Banana.

Animo a todo el que se suscriba al mod que ponga en los comentarios "UEE BANANAAA" jajaja.

[IMPORTANTE]: Este mod reemplaza la apariencia del Gunslinger Qubesly para poner la Banana. 



This is the pet of the Bloody Knights Club and the stream <3

If you pass you will see that many times our greeting in BANANA! Or our keyword for banana raffles, it's all because a member of the club called Fouryth was always greet with this word, we all ended up saying the same, doing a contest "to see who builds the coolest banana ", And this is.

The banana was built by Laghire in the game, passed to Voxel by Aynat, and between Dani and Aynat we got to put it in the game; Now it only needs to be accepted by Trion in the Streamer Dreams !!! By favoooor !!

Give thanks also to all who participated in the Banana contest.

I encourage everyone who subscribes to the mod that puts in the comments "UEE BANANAAA" lol.

[IMPORTANT]: This mod replaces the appearance of the Gunslinger Qubesly to put the Banana.

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  • blueprint 9+
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_crest
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_head
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_l_eye
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_l_foot
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_l_hand
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_mustache
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_r_eye
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_r_foot
    • c_c_qubesly_gunslinger_r_hand

Gunslinger Qubesly

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: August 19, 2017

Updated: August 20, 2017

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,832

Steam Workshop Views: 8,843

Downloads: 125

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