Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 8 years ago
Sep 20, 2015
21.34 KB
This brings back the "Dust" trail, moon spawn in animation, and little ground-stars which will light the path behind you.
(Also I fixed the right-wing being a duplicate of the left wing)
Jul 26, 2015
102.27 KB
Jul 26, 2015
189.6 KB
May 15, 2015
203.39 KB
Complete Overhaul of Original Design, heavily polished based on community input.
Chaos Butterfly
Alternatively it can replace Level 20 Mastery wings
Created: April 18, 2015
Accepted: July 9, 2017
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 23,668
Downloads: 7,421
Not visible on Trove Tools
Trove Tools is an older app and doesn't handle the amount of mods we list very well, so we have a few restrictions for mods to show up.
- Has already been accepted into game