TMOD MetadataShow
Author: SugoiTrash
Notes: Replaces aquatic fish with a chilly variant.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 25+
- fish_bonefish
- fish_eyefish
- fish_fatcat
- fish_hubhugger
- fish_magic_frogprince
- fish_magic_gryphon
- fish_magic_merqubesly
- fish_magic_phoenix
- fish_magic_witchfunnel
- fish_moonfish
- fish_noobfish
- fish_shardine_radiant
- fish_sunfish
- fish_swordfish
- fish_undead_ghostfish
- fish_water_ancient
- fish_water_epic
- fish_water_fae
- fish_water_legendary
- fish_water_rare
- fish_water_relic
- fish_water_resplendent
- fish_water_school
- fish_water_shadow
- fish_water_uncommon
All water fish except the Frozen Orefish.
All enchanted fish.
Extra information for this mod.
Created: December 22, 2016
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,330
Downloads: 165
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