Buttercream Sundae.tmod
Oct 23, 2016
191.3 KB
Made the ears longer to better resemble her.
Fixed the back legs to better attatch to the hips.
Made her earpin look better.
Buttercream Sundae.tmod
Oct 22, 2016
74.11 KB
No changes listed
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: VoltRabbit
Tags: not found
Notes: Replaces the Lovely Lapin ally with Buttercream. Be sure to not give her sugar!
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 18+
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_ear_l_01
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_ear_l_02
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_ear_r_01
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_ear_r_02
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_foot_bl
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_foot_br
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_foot_fl
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_foot_fr
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_head
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_hips
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_jaw
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_leg_bl
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_leg_br
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_leg_fl
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_leg_fr
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_tail
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_torso
- c_c_bunny_pinkheart_ui
- png 1+
- buttercream
Created: October 22, 2016
Updated: October 23, 2016
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,002
Downloads: 224
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