Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2022. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

Fixed karma for gems tabs in character sheet
- Fixed a bug with opening of boxes without karma getting stuck
- Added an option to open all the boxes with the multi box opening feature, or until the inventory is full
- Added an option to open enough boxes to fill up the karma bar, should work fine in most cases except if you don't have patron and are opening gem boxes.
- Fixes for tracking tome progress on new update
- Fix the new lesser dragon cache progress to show the faster karma progress
- Slightly modified warning message on multibox feature
- Added a special button in box opening screen for multi box opening options (hopefully safe from any accidents)
- Choose from 5, 10, 35 or 70 options for opening boxes with a single click :)
- Small fix on gems screen, return normal tooltip when gem is deselected.
View progress of karma bar on lockboxes and gems in character gems tab, amount needed with patron is in brackets. Also displays progress of daily cubits and tomes when hovered!

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Is it possible if a Zip version of this mod to be made? Because for some reason I can't run Tmod files for they don't work. Please?
I've noticed that the Legendary Tome progress is off. I think it's calculating based on the old Lair/Dungeon rate and not the current numbers. They should be the same as the standard Tomes. The percentage is right, just not the calculations on number of Lairs or Dungeons needed to fill it.
I'd like to also suggest adding a way to remind people that they've filled a Legendary Tome and/or just don't have a Tome equiped. Maybe have something flash up on screen, make the Tome icon blink, or some other such way to draw attention to it.
Idk if anyone will see this, but there is a bug with mystery boxes, the mod doesn't work with that box at all after the update, before it worked perfectly.
Created: October 20, 2016
Updated: June 1, 2019
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 136,973
Downloads: 134,241
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