The New Jetpack Not Submitted

Mod Description

A new jetpack is here! Its time to fly around with style! :D

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Creation time: 18hrs


A new Jetpack is here! Its time to fly around with style!


I have quit for some time but i have decided to come back to trove and this is what  i brought. A new jetpack!


Last time i made a jetpack it used wings!/page5


But this time i thought, lets try something different and so i made a voxel based model of a jetpack and added it to the rocket mount. With all the required sound effects of fire already with the rocket and the vfx turned vertical and then split into two parts this mod changed the rocket into a jetpack.


The jetpack fits in nicely with most characters. It even works with the dracolyte's ult!


Pics: imgur album of screenshots


Have fun!

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 3+
    • c_mt_rocket_white_body
    • c_mt_rocket_white_engine
    • c_mt_rocket_white_ui
  • pkfx 3+
    • character_mount_rocket_idle_01
    • character_mount_rocket_stall_01
    • character_mount_rocket_turbo_01
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 17, 2016

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 6,097

Downloads: 661

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