Added VFX and Sound Effects to crystal gear drops. (work in progress)
Small bug fix with shadow vfx.
Added my real Acid Aura VFX to the new Aura: Corrosion Cloak
Major Changes: Added sounds to when Radiant / Stellar drop, also added loop sound to the beam it self.
Minor Changes: Removed sound and vfx of when you open Loot Chests.
Major Changes: added 'explosions?' to when a radiant or stellar drops, also changed the beam glow.
Minor Changes: Fixed some bugs on all 3 beams.
Screenshot quality is bad, it's much better in-game =)
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Novuhz
Tags: Vfx
Notes: Added VFX and Sound Effects to crystal gear drops. (work in progress)
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 14+
- item_loot_spawn_lvl_07
- item_loot_spawn_lvl_08
- item_loot_spawn_lvl_08
- item_loot_spawn_lvl_09
- item_loot_spawn_lvl_10_1
- item_treasurechest_spawn_01
- weapon_aura_bow_acid_01
- weapon_aura_bow_acid_01
- weapon_aura_melee_acid_01
- weapon_aura_pistol_acid_01
- weapon_aura_pistol_acid_01
- weapon_aura_spear_acid_01
- weapon_aura_spear_acid_01
- weapon_aura_staff_acid_01
- png 1+
- drops
Created: July 13, 2016
Updated: December 13, 2018
Type: TMOD
Original Work
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Steam Workshop Views: 232,653
Downloads: 224,748
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