Radiant Pemblock.tmod
Oct 14, 2016
267.26 KB
.tmod file
May 6, 2016
17.74 KB
Version 1.2, i haven't kept previous ones :(
May 6, 2016
17.48 KB
Version without Corona on head
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Gemric
Tags: not found
Notes: This mod replaces Pember with Radiant Pemblock, contains VFX effects. You can find more informations in Trove Forum thread about this mod Here and check out my another mods Radiant Boomeranger, Radiant Fire Wings and Radiant Hunter Replaces: Pembe
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 10+
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_head
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_hips
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_l_back_foot
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_l_front_foot
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_mouth
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_neck
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_r_back_foot
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_r_front_foot
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_tail
- c_mt_dog_corgi_fire_torso
- pkfx 3+
- character_mount_corgi_fire_chest_01
- character_mount_corgi_fire_jump_01
- character_mount_corgi_fire_pawprints_01
- png 1+
- radiant pemblock
Created: May 5, 2016
Updated: October 14, 2016
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 7,533
Downloads: 1,225
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