Hamila 41 14 last updated 1 year ago

526/10,988 (4.79%)

Allies Unlocked
14/770 (1.82%)
Auras Unlocked
1/46 (2.17%)
Badges Unlocked
10/151 (6.62%)
Companions Unlocked
4/33 (12.12%)
Costumes Unlocked
2/480 (0.42%)
Fish Unlocked
1/147 (0.68%)
Flasks Unlocked
1/14 (7.14%)
Level 20 Unlocked
1/18 (5.56%)
Level Unlocked
30/504 (5.95%)
Mag Riders Unlocked
3/53 (5.66%)
Memento Unlocked
0/208 (0%)
Mounts Unlocked
10/942 (1.06%)
Recipes Unlocked
21/1,805 (1.16%)
Sails Unlocked
3/82 (3.66%)
Ships Unlocked
1/55 (1.82%)
Styles Unlocked
401/4,747 (8.45%)
Tomes Unlocked
0/58 (0%)
Upgrade Level Unlocked
9/88 (10.23%)
Wings Unlocked
1/63 (1.59%)

3,263/192,275 (1.7%)

Allies Mastery XP
240/16,210 (1.48%)
Auras Mastery XP
50/2,300 (2.17%)
Badges Mastery XP
200/6,280 (3.18%)
Companions Mastery XP
40/880 (4.55%)
Costumes Mastery XP
70/33,740 (0.21%)
Fish Mastery XP
5/2,080 (0.24%)
Flasks Mastery XP
25/350 (7.14%)
Helmet Styles Mastery XP
90/5,870 (1.53%)
Level 20 Mastery XP
125/2,250 (5.56%)
Level Mastery XP
450/7,560 (5.95%)
Mag Riders Mastery XP
150/2,650 (5.66%)
Max Level Mastery XP
0/3,600 (0%)
Memento Mastery XP
0/1,990 (0%)
Mounts Mastery XP
500/73,500 (0.68%)
Profession Tier Mastery XP
225/2,925 (7.69%)
Recipes Mastery XP
42/3,736 (1.12%)
Sails Mastery XP
30/1,410 (2.13%)
Ships Mastery XP
50/3,800 (1.32%)
Styles Mastery XP
401/4,754 (8.44%)
Tomes Mastery XP
0/4,040 (0%)
Upgrade Level Mastery XP
450/4,400 (10.23%)
Wings Mastery XP
100/6,300 (1.59%)

Player Metrics Expand

Adventures Completed
42/83,466 (0.05%)
AncientGears Mined
0/71,105 (0%)
Bardium Mined
0/41,844 (0%)
Blazine Mined
235/24,177 (0.97%)
Blocks Destroyed
6,493/30,815,188 (0.02%)
Blocks Placed
1,129/3,575,165 (0.03%)
Bomber Royale Damage
0/1,452,533,834 (0%)
Bomber Royale Deaths
0/7,792 (0%)
Boxes Opened
565/9,381,714 (0.01%)
Builderite Mined
0/68,028 (0%)
Builders Chest Mined
0/6,737 (0%)
Builders Vault Mined
0/10,748 (0%)
BuildersBox Mined
18/1,588 (1.13%)
Challenges Completed
15/38,194 (0.04%)
Chronozine Mined
0/16,118 (0%)
Cinnabar Mined
40/90,151 (0.04%)
Club Experience Gained
300/9,765,550 (0%)
Club Worlds Liked
1/2,064 (0.05%)
Companion Eggs Found
10/17,781 (0.06%)
Crystallized Clouds Mined
6/1,000,011 (0%)
Days Logged in
24/3,305 (0.73%)
1/8,498 (0.01%)
Deaths in PVP
0/7,891 (0%)
Deepest Public Delve Depth
40/193 (20.73%)
Delves Completed
1/43,242 (0%)
Dungeons Completed
197/1,522,065 (0.01%)
Emberslag Mined
0/45,037 (0%)
Enemies Defeated
2,034/11,482,162 (0.02%)
Everlight Mined
0/57,906 (0%)
Flags Captured in PVP
0/10,695 (0%)
Flux Collected
16,075/952,425,483 (0%)
Formicite Mined
302/207,280 (0.15%)
Games afk in PVP
0/4,593 (0%)
Games Played in PVP
0/10,106 (0%)
Games Won in PVP
0/5,938 (0%)
GAS Module Upgrades
1/9 (11.11%)
Geminite Mined
259/12,678 (2.04%)
Glacial Shards Mined
46/76,773 (0.06%)
Gleamstone Mined
503/33,408 (1.51%)
Glim Collected
4,143/482,774,260 (0%)
GoldenSouls Mined
4/10,044 (0.04%)
Harts Received
0/96 (0%)
Harts Sent
0/387 (0%)
Hearts Received
0/516 (0%)
Hearts Sent
0/389 (0%)
Hydra Hard Kills
0/6,020 (0%)
Hydra Normal Kills
0/1,335 (0%)
Hydra Ultra Kills
0/1,186 (0%)
Infinium Mined
61/1,000,000 (0.01%)
Invaders Killed
81/540,413 (0.01%)
Irradium Mined
0/166,744 (0%)
Items Composted
0/51,273,297 (0%)
Items Fished
0/147,011 (0%)
Items Forged
167/45,429 (0.37%)
Items Loot Collected
950/95,132,273 (0%)
Leviathan Slain
0/5,718 (0%)
Lunarium Mined
0/49,155 (0%)
Luxion Votes
0/1,077 (0%)
Magic Find Triggers
47/2,005,571 (0%)
Marketplace Purchases
33/29,913 (0.11%)
Marketplace Sales
3/44,781 (0.01%)
Mightstone Mined
0/18,313 (0%)
Moonstone Mined
69/13,786 (0.5%)
Pinatas Looted
234/1,008,995 (0.02%)
Pinatas Thrown
46/650,922 (0.01%)
Plants Harvested
0/3,576,854 (0%)
Plants Watered
0/4,672,365 (0%)
Players Revived
0/1,880 (0%)
Points Scored in PVP
0/30,019 (0%)
Primordial Flames Mined
30/73,975 (0.04%)
Public Delves Completed
1/3,553 (0.03%)
Quirkstone Mined
0/55,192 (0%)
Rank 1 Dungeons Completed
146/257,885 (0.06%)
Rank 3 Dungeons Completed
26/164,059 (0.02%)
Reliquary Charged
9/5,412 (0.17%)
Seconds Played in PVP
0/2,006,539 (0%)
Shapestone Mined
475/1,892,327 (0.03%)
Somber Souls Mined
1/8,741 (0.01%)
Sparkzite Mined
0/31,875 (0%)
Times Revived
0/1,025 (0%)
Total Paragon Levels
0/7,225 (0%)
World Bosses Killed
39/841,565 (0%)

Class Level
Paragon Class Level
Candy Barbarian 0
Last Updated
1 year ago

Combat Stat Info

Power Rank
7,336/49,360 (14.86%)
Power Rank Base
7,336/49,360 (14.86%)
Physical Damage
21,649/6,032,276 (0.36%)
Physical Damage Base
16,887/283,608 (5.95%)
Physical Damage Bonus
28/427 (6.6%)
Magic Damage
12,181/5,752,927 (0.21%)
Magic Damage Base
11,258/283,191 (3.98%)
Magic Damage Bonus
8/340 (2.41%)
Maximum Health
229,302/89,873,192 (0.26%)
Maximum Health Base
67,564/952,189 (7.1%)
Maximum Health Bonus
239/10,434 (2.29%)
Maximum Energy
101/666 (15.17%)
Maximum Energy Base
101/187 (54.01%)
Health Regen
1,173/140,387 (0.84%)
Health Regen Base
1,173/118,954 (0.99%)
Energy Regen
190/1,066 (17.81%)
Energy Regen Base
188/576 (32.64%)
Energy Regen Bonus
1/92 (1.09%)
Movement Speed
90/666 (13.51%)
Movement Speed Base
48/235 (20.43%)
Attack Speed
100/2,595 (3.85%)
Attack Speed Base
100/418 (23.92%)
12/666 (1.82%)
Jump Base
12/170 (7.12%)
Jump Bonus
0/0 (0%)
Critical Hit
35/224 (15.61%)
Critical Hit Base
35/224 (15.61%)
Critical Damage
296/3,715 (7.97%)
Critical Damage Base
296/3,457 (8.57%)
Magic Find
140/20,516 (0.68%)
Magic Find Base
140/6,864 (2.04%)
140/14,024 (1%)
Light Base
140/13,885 (1.01%)
Light Bonus
0/3 (0%)
10/4,824 (0.21%)
Stability Base
10/2,522 (0.4%)
Stability Bonus
0/105 (0%)

Percentages given are based on maximum reported metrics by a character, not the maximum obtainable metrics. Thanks to Sly and Dan for helping to make this happen.