Market Data

Last Update: 4 days ago | Listings: 1,410,069 | Items: 306
Watch Item
Listings Total 1h Best ea 1d Best ea 1w Best ea 1m Best ea
Acrobat Bark #
47 33,807 499
490 490 490
Ancient Gears #
140 255,434 354
311 310 288
Bardium #
21 11,122 1,699
1,200 1,200 1,200
Blazine #
14 44,334 54
40 30 15
Bond Crystalizer #
6 61 33,000
33,000 27,000 25,000
Builderite #
258 2,066,402 17
16 16 16
Builder's Blossom #
46 37,134 743
500 500 400
Cave Birds #
27 19,456 644
555 445 69
Cave Kelp #
49 21,846 698
599 250 250
Chronozine #
32 72,508 189
122 85 80
Cogwine #
24 25,077 419
400 300 288
Day Drop #
127 1,021,384 9
5 5 5
Dream Dew #
38 45,973 278
278 194 194
Everlight #
48 57,232 188
188 122 122
Fireheart Flower #
95 38,807 900
900 750 750
Geminite #
40 258,001 98
95 11 11
Gleamstone #
106 367,208 11
9 6 6
Lunarium #
38 76,042 150
150 122 122
Mightstone #
89 62,505 288
288 255 100
Moonlit Moss #
18 75,473 45
45 30 20
Moonstone #
10 33,606 30
29 25 22
Queen Trumpets #
47 44,318 680
650 500 500
Quirkstone #
66 130,026 199
199 199 199
Sparkzite #
67 181,791 121
121 99 98
Sun Sap #
32 111,802 158
158 80 28
Wallflowers #
65 484,577 48
38 38 7
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Total of all stack sizes in the past 1h
Minimum ea seen for the period excluding the bottom 5% of results