

Only Sunseekers and recognized Agents permitted beyond this point

Geode Topside (Uber-8) World

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.

Clear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.

Geode Topside (Uber-10) World

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.

Clear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.

Geode Topside (Uber-9) World

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.

Clear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.

Donate Inert Geodes

The Sunseekers are researching Inert Geodes! Please donate any extra Inert Geodes you have, thank you!

Inert Geode

Hoarded by Bosses within Delves, these interesting mineral formations are of great interest to the Sunseekers

Zeuztian, the Eternal Irradiance

Having stolen Light from the furnace of the sun, Zeuztian abhors the shadow and seeks its destruction at all costs.

Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +25 Light, and +50 Magic Find.