
Hero Rally Point

Spawns a random Hero who will give out an assortment of Adventures.
Press [HK:Loot] to use.

Hero Rally Point

Spawns a random Hero who will give out an assortment of Adventures.
Press [HK:Loot] to use.

Hero Rally Point

Spawns a random Hero who will give out an assortment of Adventures.
Press [HK:Loot] to use.

Hero Rally Point

Spawns a random Hero who will give out an assortment of Adventures.
Press [HK:Loot] to use.

Hero Rally Point

Spawns a random Hero who will give out an assortment of Adventures.
Press [HK:Loot] to use.

Decoded Resistor Message

You, who have sought the power to resist the Amperium, are called to take on the mantle of Hero of Luminopolis. Use to unlock the Vanguardian class.