
Delve Gateway: Vengeful Pinata God

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Vengeful Pinata God!

Delve Gateway: Daughter of the Moon

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Daughter of the Moon!

Delve Gateway: Magman

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Magman!

Delve Gateway: Frozen Dracolich

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Frozen Dracolich!

Delve Gateway: Balefire Dragon

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Balefire Dragon!

Delve Gateway: Greater Balephantom

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Greater Balephantom!

Delve Gateway: Black Beak

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Black Beak!

Delve Gateway: Refracted Balephantom

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Refracted Balephantom!

Delve Gateway: Shadowshroom King

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Shadowshroom King!

Delve Gateway: Mean Gene the Green

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Mean Gene the Green!

Delve Gateway: Ice Giant King

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Ice Giant King!

Delve Gateway: Red Dragon

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Red Dragon!

Delve Gateway: Squawk Red-Eye

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Squawk Red-Eye!

Delve Gateway: Blue Barry

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Blue Barry!

Delve Gateway: Wight King

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Wight King!

Delve Gateway: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon!

Delve Gateway: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep!

Delve Gateway: Quetzalcoatlus

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Quetzalcoatlus!

Delve Gateway: Diatryma

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Diatryma!

Delve Gateway: Threzinosaurus

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Threzinosaurus!

Delve Gateway: Spike Walker

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Spike Walker!

Delve Gateway: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Delve Gateway: Lobstroso

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Lobstroso!

Delve Gateway: Deep Waspider

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Deep Waspider!

Delve Gateway: Darknik Dreadnought

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Darknik Dreadnought!

Delve Gateway: Triceratops

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Triceratops!

Delve Gateway: Amperium Plasma Projector

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Amperium Plasma Projector!

Delve Gateway: Bone Blade

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Bone Blade!

Delve Gateway: Weeping Prophet

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Weeping Prophet!