Usages Download

Empowered Gem Box


Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.

Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Designed by: Trove Team

Cannot be traded

Database Links

Community Links


Das Boost – New $5 Boost Packs

Introducing two brand new ways to get a boost: Gem and Dragon Boost Packs! The Dragon Boost Pack grants 50 Dragon Coins to put you well on your way to legendary dragon ownership. The Gem Boost Pack provides an Empowered Gem Box, ten Gem Booster Boxes, ...

August 16, 2016 Blog

Leaderboard Contests: August 15

This week's Leaderboard Contests are as follows:...

August 16, 2016 Leaderboard Contests


Tradução do patch notes de 16/08 "Daily Loot" Os servidores devem ficar offline por 90 minutos, a partir das 11 da manhã horário de Brasília....

August 16, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese

Patch - Daily Loot - August 16, 2016

This patch changes the unsocketing cost of gems and adds daily login chests as well as other fixes. Source:

August 16, 2016 Patch

Database Update - Restoration Edition

I've just finished rebuilding our database importer, so I'll run it now to bring us up to date. A load of changes will be unannounced and will bring the database back up to live status. A further update will be run tomorrow....

August 15, 2016 Database Update

PT-BR Livestream Notes August 12

Tradução das notas da livestream de 12 de agosto, feitas por HeroOfPeace originalmente no fórum Fonte: ...

August 13, 2016 BR Livestream Portuguese

Leaderboard Contests: August 08

This week's Leaderboard Contests are as follows:...

August 8, 2016 Leaderboard Contests

Leaderboard Contests: August 01

This week's Leaderboard Contests are as follows:...

August 2, 2016 Leaderboard Contests

Patch - Gemmy Tuesday - June 28

Weekly EventsChaos Chest contents have been shuffled! Take a ride on the Crazy Busy Caterpillar! Costume Sale! Select costumes are 50% off this week only! Gem AdjustmentsYou can now combine 10 Clover Gem Boosters in to 1 Horseshoe Gem Booster at...

June 27, 2016 Patch