Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache
This box has a Pressure Sensitive lock and cannot be opened within a Delve or Geode cavern
Imported in Patch: Delves Designed by: Trove Team
Cannot be traded
Database Links
Community Links
Other methods to obtain:
Can be obtained by completing the following badges:
Silver Badge: Public Delves :
Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache 1
Platinum Badge: Private Delves:
Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache 2
Obsidian Badge: Challenge Delves:
Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache 3
Available for limited purchase from the Rescued Boulder Cache Trader for the Inert Geode 1,025 for
Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache 3.
Last updated 4 years ago
by CobaltKitty2254