Opulent Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragment
Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!
Imported in Patch: May 23, 2017 Разработал: Trove Team
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These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....
June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Megalithic Update, and list the changes we have detected in the client....
June 27, 2017 Database Update
We've updated our database to the latest client version. Detected this time was item database changes, this could be because we failed to import them properly in a previous version....
May 23, 2017 Database Update