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Eclipse Key Fragments


Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.

Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Разработал: Trove Team

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Database Changes

Changes in the database for Eclipse Key Fragments

description changed
  • from 'Crafting Material. Use to craft a Eclipse Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Eclipse Keys are used at the end of Ultra Shadow Tower floors to open vaults for massive amounts of loot.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Uber-8 and Uber-9 Prime Worlds.'
  • to 'Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.'

May 5, 2020 Delves

description changed
  • from 'Crafting Material. Found by completing dungeons in Prime Uber-8 & Uber-9 Worlds.\n\nUse to craft an Eclipse Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.\n\nEclipse Keys are used at the end of Ultra Shadow Tower floors to open a vault for massive amounts of loot.'
  • to 'Crafting Material. Use to craft a Eclipse Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Eclipse Keys are used at the end of Ultra Shadow Tower floors to open vaults for massive amounts of loot.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Uber-8 and Uber-9 Prime Worlds.'

May 15, 2019 Spring Cleaning 2019

Entry created

September 22, 2015 Faster Fish and Double Dragon