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Cosmic Gem Dust


Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Cosmic Gems.

Gained from Loot Collecting Cosmic Gems.

Imported in Patch: November Update 设计者为: Trove Team


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Preview: l be soon. The amount of cosmic gem dust obtained from loot collecting Crys Show

Additional Updates
  • Crystalline Cores now enter the world primarily from beating the timer in 5-star dungeons.
    Their drop rates and the cost of upgrades have been adjusted:
    • Beating the 5-star dungeon timer can now grant a gold, silver, or bronze reward depending on how much time is remaining.
    • A Gold reward can be received once a day, and grants 8 Crystalline Cores.
    • A Silver reward can be received twice a day, and grants 3 Crystalline Cores.
    • A Bronze reward can be received endlessly, and grants 1 Crystalline Core.
    • Players can check the number of rewards remaining that day by using /adventurerewards.
    • Lesser Geode Surface Caches still exist, but will now drop randomly from 5-star dungeon NPCs (more common as uber level goes up).
    • The Crystalline Core Compendium now grants 50 per week. Note: Crafting costs for items which require or produce crystalline cores (except where mentioned above) and forge fragments have not yet been updated, but will be soon.
  • The amount of cosmic gem dust obtained from loot collecting Crystal gear has been reduced. For Crystal 2 and 3 gear, the amount of Forge Fragments obtained from loot collecting has been increased.
  • Contained Chaos Flares now transfer other augments along with them.
  • The Light curve has been adjusted slightly - players at minimal or maximal values of Light may notice a damage difference.
  • Fixed haptic feedback on controllers when the player runs out of jumps. Also removed haptic feedback from occurring when a challenge is about to end.

Preview: , thus, from cursed skull events. Cosmic Gem Dust can now drop from Gem Boost Show

Additional Updates
  • The Crystalline Stave crafted at the Sunseeker's Crystalforge can no longer roll Physical Damage at the Chaos Forge.
  • Crystalline Weapons crafted at the Sunseeker's Crystalforge will now have correct stat allocations.
  • Equipping forged crystalline gear now properly updates the "Equip a Crystalline Weapon" step for the Geode Topside Golden Thread.
  • Crystal gear with 9 or 10 pearls should now deconstruct with pearls returned to the player.
  • Cosmic Gem Boxes correctly drop from chests, and, thus, from cursed skull events.
  • Cosmic Gem Dust can now drop from Gem Booster Boxes.
  • Added a Cosmic Empowered Gem Box recipe to the top of Crystallogy.
  • Further adjusted Light requirements.
  • Minions will now inherit Light stats - this also fixes the Ice Sage's M2 ability.
  • Crystal gear should now show the proper strings when adding an aura in the forge.
  • Crystal rarity is now an option for the minimum auto loot dropdown.
  • Community Chests in the Trove Hub and Geode Hub have been replaced with Personal Chests.
  • The Community Chest can no longer be crafted.
  • Dungeon ruins no longer spawn on top of the landing pad on Geode Topside.
  • Fixed an issue where Neon City quests could appear in Geode Topside worlds.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Shores of the Everdark from spawning Arenas.
  • Minor text fixes for Gemsly's description.