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제작자: Trove Team

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Fish 'N' Ships - Database Update

  The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Fish 'N' Ships Update client files and the following changes have been made....

March 31, 2015 Database Update

Cookiephant Edition - Patch Notes

This patch features four new mounts, including two new crafted corgis and two colors of FriedSushi's excellent Cookiephant mount. There's also a few new Knight skins in the chaos chest this week from player submissions (Bone Knight and Elysian Guardian)...

March 16, 2015 Patch

Neon Nightsky Database Update

We've enhanced our reporting tools and now we can deliver more detailed reports on items that are changed from patches, we've also enabled checks for names and description changes so our database becomes more up to date. Some of these updates may be old...

March 10, 2015 Database Update

Neon Nightsky Edition Patch Notes

The Neon Nightsky Edition patch notes have been published! The update is scheduled to arrive on 3/10/15. Maintenence will begin at the usual 7:00 AM PST start time and should last for about three hours. Source:

March 9, 2015 Patch

Feb 24: Chaos Chest - Drop List

Consolidated drop lists from Chaos Chests as of Feb 24 Patch. Feedback thread: ...

February 25, 2015 Chaos Chest

Feb 17: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Chaos Chest gathering thread Feb 17:

February 17, 2015 Chaos Chest

Feb 11: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Dribble has posted the results of opening 500 Chaos Chests on the Trove Forums. Source: If you want to contribute to this overall list, you can take a video o...

February 11, 2015 Chaos Chest

Take Flight Update - Patch Live

The take flight update will arrive today and patch notes are available. Discuss on Forums | View New Styles | View new Items and Deco...

February 10, 2015 Patch

Feb 2: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Dribble has created a post on the forums showing what he received opening 500 Chaos Chests. Continue reading for the full list:...

February 4, 2015 Chaos Chest