Crafting Material.
Gain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.
제작자: Trove Team
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The Rise of the Shadow Tower Update introduces the Lunar Lancer and Shadow Tower. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?63828 ...
September 15, 2015 Patch
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, talking about the upcoming Shadow Tower update! Forum thread here!...
September 11, 2015
Adding a new dragon, first challenge of the day now awards one dragon soul. The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT and should be down for approximately 3 hours. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?56623-Ancient-Dragon-A...
September 1, 2015 Patch
Recently we were approached by a flux selling website interested in displaying their ads on our site. We rejected the request....
August 29, 2015
Welcome to the twenty-second issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations. In this issue: Newsweek Review - Style Do's and Don'ts, Shadow Dungeons, and An...
August 24, 2015 Trove Creations Digest
We recently had a chat with Avarem at Gamescom, and he provided some Trove Carpet codes to us so that we could host a contest. We decided the best way to benefit us and you guys was to encourage people to write quality guides. We've had some wonderful en...
August 22, 2015 Giveaway
The Neon Dragons Edition patch features new dragons, chaos chest randomisations, a new adventure box and various other adjustments. The servers will go down July 21, 7AM PDT and will be down for around 3 hours. Source: http://forums.trovegam...
July 21, 2015 Patch
Welcome to the nineteenth issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations. In this issue: Newsweek Review - Dungeon Likes and Dislikes, Avarem AMA, and Sundries&nb...
July 20, 2015 Trove Creations Digest
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, covering upcoming launch packs + launch hype! Forum thread here!...
July 2, 2015 Livestream