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Crafting Material.

Gain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.

デザイン者: Trove Team

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Shadow Tower your way to Flux, Clubits, Leaderboard rewards and Loot.

No RNG way to earn FLUX, get on the leader board and earn clubits.  Selling Shadow Cashes or Hearts of Darkness is how you earn flux.   ...

January 12, 2018 clubits flux shadow tower

Make Flux and Glim fast

The best way to make glim now is to loot collect adventurine. To earn adventurine = Pirate quest farming. Each adventurine worth 100 glims, a pirate quest gives 36 for non-patron user and 47 for patron user. So each pirate quest gives 3600/...

January 11, 2018 Flux making Glim making

Quick Mastery Level 20 for unlocking the Marktplace

This guide shows one of the fastes ways to get your account to mastery level 20 so you are able to trade with other players and buy resources....

January 10, 2018 Mastery

Some ways to earn flux.


January 9, 2018

How to get "FREE" Flux

Hello everyone, I don't know about you but for me I never have enough flux. So I am making this to help all of you, the best way to earn flux is simple just use the resell method....

January 8, 2018

The Path to Yorinn

This is the path I took to obtain Yorinn, The Dusk Shadow.  I hope it helps you along the same path....

January 8, 2018

B_Y3LL0W's NPC Preview Tool

A special mod previewing utility that can preview up to 20 NPCs. Read the guide on how to use it.  ...

November 30, 2017 Advanced Modding Metaforge Modding NPC

Гайд по Рыбной ловле в Trove для чайников (Полный & Обновленнный!)

Это руководство для получения всех редких рыб в Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Добавлено цветовое обозначение жидкостей и добавлено еще одно возможное ме�...

August 24, 2017 RU

Dragons (FR)

Tous les dragons sont listés ici. Notez que les prix estimés n'incluent que les matéraiux échangeables ! Les prix sont basés sur les prix du marché en juillet 2017...

August 17, 2017 Dragons FR