Usages Download

Arena Coin


Spend with the Battle Broker to unlock arena rewards. The Battle Broker can be found in the Battle Station in the Trove Hub.

Earned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.

Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Разработал: Trove Team

Database Links

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Database Changes

Changes in the database for Arena Coin

description changed
  • from 'Spend to unlock arena rewards at the Battle Broker merchant in the Hub. They can be found near the Battle Portal.\n\nEarned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.'
  • to 'Spend with the Battle Broker to unlock arena rewards. The Battle Broker can be found in the Battle Station in the Trove Hub.\n\nEarned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.'

September 22, 2020 Hubdate

description changed
  • from 'Spend to unlock arena rewards at the Battle Broker merchant in the Hub. They can be found near the Battle Portal.'
  • to 'Spend to unlock arena rewards at the Battle Broker merchant in the Hub. They can be found near the Battle Portal.\n\nEarned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.'

May 15, 2019 Spring Cleaning 2019

Entry created

September 22, 2015 Faster Fish and Double Dragon