Credit Pouch
Can be consumed for 250 credits.
Imported in Patch: May 23, 2017 Criado por: Trove Team
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Database Links
Community Links
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Megalithic Update, and list the changes we have detected in the client....
June 27, 2017 Database Update
The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more. Source: ...
June 23, 2017 Patch
We've updated our database to the latest client version. Detected this time was item database changes, this could be because we failed to import them properly in a previous version....
May 23, 2017 Database Update
UpdatesRemoved the "Join a Club" and "Enter the Shadow Tower" steps of the Golden Thread. In future updates we'll provide new methods for players to join a club and enter the shadow tower. Updated the description for the credit pouches to more a...
May 9, 2017 Patch
Depth Charge is an event that runs from April 18, to May 2 and features a quest series with mining robots and Qubesly. Source:
April 7, 2017 Patch
Trove - День Святого Qubeslick-а! (14.03.2017)...
March 14, 2017 Patch Rus Translation Update
St. Qubeslick's Day arrives, rid the land of tentacle invaders. Other changes include changes to the Store, Gems and the new Llama, Corgi, Meownt, Centaur and Shmeep Talismans. This page was created automatically from
March 12, 2017 Patch
Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments. Source:
January 20, 2017 Livestream