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Shout your love to everyone online and leave your mark on them for the next 24 hours. Requires Trove Mastery Rank 20.

Imported in Patch: Open Seas and Ally Edition Designed by: Trove Team

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[RU] Trove: Патч - День Святого Qubeslick-а. (14.03.2017)

Trove - День Святого Qubeslick-а! (14.03.2017)...

March 14, 2017 Patch Rus Translation Update

Patch Notes - St. Qubeslick's Day! - March 14, 2017

St. Qubeslick's Day arrives, rid the land of tentacle invaders. Other changes include changes to the Store, Gems and the new Llama, Corgi, Meownt, Centaur and Shmeep Talismans. This page was created automatically from

March 12, 2017 Patch

[PT-BR] PATCH - 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) - AUGUST 18, 2016

Tradução das informações sobre o patch de 18 de agosto de 2016...

August 18, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese

Patch - 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) - August 18, 2016

Bug FixesFixed a client memory leak when fighting certain NPCs Fixed bug where wireframe meshes appear in the world for some players Added "Sales" tag to the Heart-a-Phone and Name Change Tag Fishing now works again! Miscellaneous Extended doubl...

August 17, 2016 Patch


Tradução do patch notes de 16/08 "Daily Loot" Os servidores devem ficar offline por 90 minutos, a partir das 11 da manhã horário de Brasília....

August 16, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese

Patch - Daily Loot - August 16, 2016

This patch changes the unsocketing cost of gems and adds daily login chests as well as other fixes. Source:

August 16, 2016 Patch

Patch - Trove Anniversary Edition - July 12

Anniversary! It's been about one year since we officially went live! To thank you for your ongoing support, we've set up a number of amazing bonuses for the next two weeks!All classes are 66% off Gem Packs are 25% off If you log in between July 1...

July 12, 2016 Patch

Cookiephant Edition Database Update

Below are the changes we have detected in the Cookiephant Edition patch....

March 18, 2015 Database Update