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Context for message 931117886188183593

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Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931131886506487828
    [type] => 0
    [content] => mp4 instead
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 565097923025567755
            [username] => Sly
            [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714
            [discriminator] => 0511
            [public_flags] => 64

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:25:41.337000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


mp4 instead

Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931132073564078120
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Can't change the format, I'm on the phone
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 211873278728339457
            [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r
            [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812
            [discriminator] => 2977
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:26:25.935000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Can't change the format, I'm on the phone

Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931134533057802270
    [type] => 0
    [content] => don't care if it compressed, I used a random website
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 565097923025567755
            [username] => Sly
            [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714
            [discriminator] => 0511
            [public_flags] => 64

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:36:12.324000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


don't care if it compressed, I used a random website

Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931134541609979905
    [type] => 0
    [content] => be happy
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 565097923025567755
            [username] => Sly
            [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714
            [discriminator] => 0511
            [public_flags] => 64

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:36:14.363000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


be happy

Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931134746254270504
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Idc either is just for this to be fixed lul
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 211873278728339457
            [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r
            [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812
            [discriminator] => 2977
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:37:03.154000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Idc either is just for this to be fixed lul

Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931134810485821460
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Or at least let it know
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 211873278728339457
            [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r
            [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812
            [discriminator] => 2977
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:37:18.468000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Or at least let it know

Sly 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931135275021766686
    [type] => 0
    [content] => oh the sign thing
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 565097923025567755
            [username] => Sly
            [avatar] => a_f898fefb19f3df3add75f02442382714
            [discriminator] => 0511
            [public_flags] => 64

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:39:09.222000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


oh the sign thing

Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931135367594258444
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Ye
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 211873278728339457
            [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r
            [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812
            [discriminator] => 2977
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:39:31.293000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array



Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r 3 years ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931135710432460870
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Seems to not be that much of a threat on that club but it could be worse, that club idk why but it has their signs behaving like they did before console adaptation
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 211873278728339457
            [username] => Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r
            [avatar] => d3289231ab770a7f7ed57c78e871b812
            [discriminator] => 2977
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:40:53.032000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Seems to not be that much of a threat on that club but it could be worse, that club idk why but it has their signs behaving like they did before console adaptation

ab 3 years ago Ticket T-109 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 931136388479479818
    [type] => 0
    [content] => translations were never blocked on signs
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 89918356290797568
            [username] => ab
            [avatar] => 23c5afb38258370b23ad024277fc1958
            [discriminator] => 3772
            [public_flags] => 512

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-13T10:43:34.691000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


translations were never blocked on signs