Kishann, Soul of Splendor

Thanks to Wyndsong we are giving away 10x [collection=Kishann, Soul of Splendor] mounts.

Starts - August 24, 2018, 3:00 pm UTC (6 years ago)
Ends - August 31, 2018, 3:00 pm UTC (6 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 10


10x Kishann, Soul of Splendor

10 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


1,547 Signups

0.65% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 68

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gg's and praise the sunflower !

Congrats to the 10 winners!  

how do we know if we won


Results should be posted on this page

Wait do we get the code or we have to be logged in? Cause if we have to be login in im f't my house getting built or whatever its called and right now i cant be on my laptop if we have to be in trove rip me.

я выграю


0.64% удачи

This is intense




Im excited for this >:OOOOO


Please pick me i only have on one mount.

you know you got to be lucky saying you only 1 mount nobody will belive you and trying to win something other people want too is just disgusting dirty play im not trying to pick on you or saying that you dont deserve it everybody got a chance but dont try to pick it cause there more people then you who got no mounts maybe only the first mount you start with.

0.68% let's go

0.7% lets go :D

"-99.999999%" Yea LETS GOOO :D

0.72% woooooooh

0.73% ?


damn welp no chance of winnig that xD i bet theres that 1 lucky guy who signs up for every give away loses all 1 time that he comes to give away where i am boom LOL happend to my friend he won like 5+ give aways as soon as i joined him

0.78% :«




Be cool if I win this


im so hype if i win this i will freak out so much

0.89% lol

nope now it gets better lol .72%


Thank you for this chance ^^


So many people, damn before that was less now i dont even have 1% Still bet that im gonna get it confidence will destroy me but lets "GET IT" LETS GOOOOO IM HYPED FOR THIS MOUNT LOOKS SICK

Hope i get it for once

i hope it me

wow i was the 1000 person to sign up, but good luck to you all

good luck all


Good luck

Good luck all, Good playing

Im new to the system first time in this site well yesterday i were here but it was first time so yeah i dont know anything about those yet.

Good Luck everyone


Thank you, good luck to you too.

you will see winners when giveaway ends



how can i know i won or no ?

Good luck!

GL everyone!

Good luck to you all




Good luck to everyone and everything that participates