Costume Giveaway

Trovesaurus is happy to host a Costume giveaway! 

We have over 50 codes that are being given away. Some are for specific costumes such as Lunar Ronin, Sugar Skull, Dark Infineon, Disciple of Q'bthulhu, Heartbleed, Bee Trickster, F43 Trickster or the Bone Knight. Others are for the Blitz & Glitz costume pack.

Starts - April 21, 2015, 3:01 pm UTC (10 years ago)
Ends - April 27, 2015, 11:59 pm UTC (10 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 51


51x A Costume or Pack code!

51 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward

  • 26x Lunar Ronin Code
  • 9x Bone Knight Code
  • 5x Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • 1x Bee Trickster Code
  • 1x Dark Infineon Code
  • 1x Heartbleed Costume Code
  • 1x Costume Pack Code A1
  • 1x Costume Code A1!
  • 1x Costume Code A2!
  • 1x Costume Pack M1
  • 1x Costume Code T1
  • 1x Costume Code T2
  • 1x Costume Code T3
  • 1x Costume Code T4

446 Signups

11.43% chance to receive 1 reward

  • [Deleted User] - Costume Code A1!
  • padman - Costume Code A2!
  • [Deleted User] - Costume Pack M1
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • CynderWolf - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Mattecoco - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Ranen/wtfisit123 - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • YUHHN - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Talita - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • technomancer99 - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Mertol - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Alekseyx - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • lilgamefreak102 - Lunar Ronin Code
  • rabanos - Lunar Ronin Code
  • DK Moore - Lunar Ronin Code
  • helloman - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • Scarran - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • JimTheJimolojist - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Lunar Ronin Code
  • [Deleted User] - Costume Code T1
  • [Deleted User] - Costume Code T2
  • MariaRose23 - Costume Code T3
  • [Deleted User] - Costume Code T4
  • gKT - Bee Trickster Code
  • spar13 - Dark Infineon Code
  • [Deleted User] - Heartbleed Costume Code
  • Fazam - Costume Pack Code A1
  • [Deleted User] - Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • [Deleted User] - Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • [Deleted User] - Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • deigu - Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • [Deleted User] - Disciple of Q'bthulhu Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
  • Variableingwer - Bone Knight Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
  • Shadowklaw - Bone Knight Code
  • Lizzie - Bone Knight Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
  • [Deleted User] - Bone Knight Code
Comments and Likes Comments 151

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[Deleted User]

Great! Lunar Ronin rules! :) I can't wait for another ^^

[Deleted User]

Yay! I got a Lunar Ronin! Time to roll a Neon Ninja :)

Thanks for the competition, and grats to the other winners

[Deleted User]

how do i know i entered?

[Deleted User]


Thank you for the code and gratz all the winners ! :)

♥♥♥ Yay! :D I won a Bone Knight Code!!! Thank you for making this Giveaway and congratulations to all the other winners! ♥♥♥♥

[Deleted User]
Congratulations to the winners!
[Deleted User]

O I did not win ok

[Deleted User]

How do I know if I won

[Deleted User]

Well gratz to all that won... xD

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

I can't wait 1 hour left!!!


Hope I get Bone Knight! Good Luck Everyone!!!

[Deleted User]

I am entering this thing

[Deleted User]

Thanks to people that created the costumes and the giveaway of codes!

Good Luck Guys and Thanks to the people who started this!

Good luck to all :)

[Deleted User]

I love the creators hope i can get a pack THE COSTUMES ARE AMAZING!


[Deleted User]

Let me win ! Unluckiness.


[Deleted User]

Horrible luck to you all! I want to win... Just kidding. Good luck!

[Deleted User]

Good luck guys!

[Deleted User]

Good luck everyone!

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

O.o Heart Bleed Looks Really Cool And All The Candy Barbarian Costumes, And Shadow Disciple ,And Heart Breaker And All the Fae Tricksters, Oh wait... Thats All Of Them.

Good Luck Everyone :D

[Deleted User]

I love u Uni.

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Really love this game and have been obsessively playing it for a couple of months. ;p

[Deleted User]

Well even if i don't win anything at least i had the chance ps. good luck everyone :3 XD


[Deleted User]

16 hours left. Good luck everyone ;3

[Deleted User]

I only want the Lunar Ronnin. :D


The barbarian, sage, and ninja costumes look cool.  Really liking the sugar skull.

[Deleted User]

Good luck!:<

[Deleted User]

Kyaaa =^-^=
Good luck to yall

[Deleted User]

Good luck !~


Good luck Everyone! 

[Deleted User]

Please can i have the Dark Infineon I've been struggling to get a costume it's hard to get costumes. Since i don't have that much time to play. I really want the costume and it'll be pretty awesome if i get a costume it would realyhelp.

Good luck everyone!

Good luck everyone!

I would love to win the costume pack ^_^

[Deleted User]

I hope i win one... Btw, good luck everyone!

hope i win.. i have no coustumes.....

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Good luck ! :D




[Deleted User]

im so excited! mabye i'll win for once!


[Deleted User]

My nick in gameis Kawarei :D

[Deleted User]

All the costumes are pretty sweet hope i get one atleast :D

[Deleted User]

Trove name : NeonCristal

I hope I will win something :)

Thanks for the oppurtunity. ;)

[Deleted User]

Good luck to all.

hope i win lol

[Deleted User]

Wish everyone luck!

[Deleted User]

Heya !


Thanks for the contest and good luck everyone ! :)

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Good luck everyone! :D

[Deleted User]

Good Luck everyone and thanks for the content! :3

I wanna win :D

[Deleted User]

gl guys

[Deleted User]

Hi I would like to win because I love all the costumes and I can't f I would like to win because I love all the costumes and I can't buy the pack

[Deleted User]

I hope i win :o

[Deleted User]

Good luck to all!

[Deleted User]

Good luck all :)

[Deleted User]

Thanks for the contest

[Deleted User]

Thanks in advance

[Deleted User]

Good luck everybody :)


[Deleted User]

May the force be ever in my favor

Thank you for the giveaway! <3 I love these costumes! :D  Good Luck to everyone! :D

[Deleted User]

Thanks for the giveaway

Thanks to all who made those awesome costumes and also to trovesaurus for making this event. <3

Must. have. Dark Infineon and/or Lunar Ronin! They are beautiful costumes!

Thank you for the contest. :)

thanks alot for this giveaway :)

[Deleted User]


Would love to win one of these great costumes!

[Deleted User]

what should I say, what should I say, awwwwwwwwwwwww

[Deleted User]

Please let me win Senpai! ._.

I honestly can't decide which costume i like best. Spoiled for choice for sure ^^

[Deleted User]

Bone Knight

Bone Knight

Bone Knight


Thanks in advance :D

Yay! :D

[Deleted User]

Thanks in advance

Maybe it will be the first time i will win something ?

This sounds really selfish, but I sure hope I win!

Is this entered? You guys are awesome for doing this!


You are really kind :)

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

awsome! Thankies



Thank you to the people who donated codes for this to be done, and thank you dusty for sharing this on the trove forums

[Deleted User]

Neon Ninja costumes please!!!!!!!!

[Deleted User]

Crosses fingers ... but future grats to all the winners. :)

Good luck to all!

[Deleted User]

I need Lunar Robin :3

[Deleted User]

Heartbleed, Bee Trickster, and Shadow's Disciple are my favorite, but all of these costumes are great additions to the game!


[Deleted User]

All of these costumes are amazing, all with much detail and great vfx. I definitly am excited for this giveaway and I hope that I sha'll be the one to win this amazing 8 Costume Pack. Thanks for opening this giveaway and I hope many will enter and see.

[Deleted User]

i really want that pack! but good luck veryone and lets see who get this :) hype up


[Deleted User]

Good luck to everyone!

Gl Everyone! :)

[Deleted User]

Can't wait to see who's gonna win. Good luck to everyone btw

[Deleted User]

RNGesus help me pls

[Deleted User]

I'd love to win, these costumes are awesome!

Good luck everyone, and thanks for making this awesome giveaway! <3

[Deleted User]

Woop Woop! can't wait for the draw :D.

Good luck to everyone in this giveaway :)

I want to win this costumes so baaaaad! :D waaahhh all of them looks great :) 

Hi, I would like to enter this draw. If I do win then thanks a lot!, but by the way I do already have a Bee Trickster and a Dark infineon. I don't think this is my decision to make but if I DID win then I would prefer a shadow's disciple or lunar ronin. Thanks for this anyway!

[Deleted User]

GL everyone :D

[Deleted User]

I wan be a winner :3 Maby let's hope

[Deleted User]

I hope i win xD

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

I'll be the WINNER!!!

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Entering too! I love how much you involve with the game :)

Thanks for this giveaway ♥ Good luck everyone!

[Deleted User]

Entering my friend suggested I did.

[Deleted User]

Hope I win!

[Deleted User]

I may step down if I win the big prize in friedsushi's giveaway. Wouldn't want to reduce other people's chances if I don't need to ^^"

[Deleted User]

Good luck to everyone and thanks Trovesaurus and to the amazing mod creators who create these costumes!!!

[Deleted User]

Hope i can win! Good luck everyone

[Deleted User]

Whoa that is so great. Thanks trovesaurus and other mod creators

[Deleted User]

yay another giveaway !

Maybe I can win this time?

Good luck to Everyone :)


[Deleted User]

Great giveaway, good luck to all.

[Deleted User]

Good Luck for All!

Life is filled with ups and downs,
But I pray you stick to your grounds.
Never let hope give away,
Or fears make your life fray.
Good luck for good times ahead,
And let happiness in your life spread!


[Deleted User]

Good Luck To Everyone!


Good luck to everyone!

Good luck =O

Good luck friends :P


Good Luck  o/

[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Cool, Good Luck Everyone


[Deleted User]


[Deleted User]

Hello I want to Enter the Giveaway !! :D im just hyped about this one , i hope i could win something 


IGN: lDestruccion

Good luck to all of those who enter

[Deleted User]

Good luck guys.

Thanks for this giveaway!

[Deleted User]

I really wish i can get the lunar ronin ~.~ it will be a great birthday gift for my friend. Wish everyone all the best for this giveaway!

Thanks for hosting this! Good luck to everyone!

[Deleted User]

This is really cool of you guys. Nice to see the continuing generosity of this game's community.

[Deleted User]

Thanks for doing this! Hope everyone gets the best of odds.

[Deleted User]

cool giveaway.

[Deleted User]
The bees.

Hope I get something! Thnx for the giveaway!

:O So hyped to get some costumes.Good luck Ya'll.

Nice gl all

Thanks for the giveaway :)

I want to look cool too :(

Love the Dark Infineon and Lunar Ronin costumes!

[Deleted User]

Enter me in the Draw for this please!!  Thanks Dusty and Eta :P