Ideas and Opinions dor Avarem on what should be in Upcoming Chaos Chest

Author: Unknown! , Created: 10-Apr-2016 11:39 AM View on Web Archive

XILED White Mage

10-Apr-2016 11:39 AM


How about: A dev-stream carpet, same rarity as the chaos coin. A rare chance to pull some titan souls since the gems will be expensive AF Trotting turkey Bashful lovebug A chance to...


11-Apr-2016 12:58 AM


I like the idea of the Trove carpet , but no to the Bashful.. I still have a ton of those and they are practically worthless on the market. But would love to get my hands on those old allies that...


10-Apr-2016 01:06 PM


1) No 2) Yes 3) No 4) No 5) No 6) No 7) No 8) No Putting special day event mounts (Like lovebug) pretty much takes away the only importance that it has imo. I do agree with the Titan Souls...