$20, $50, and $100 packs for MoP? Pitchforks handed out here
Unknown! , Created: 31-Mar-2016 07:18 PM View on Web Archive
31-Mar-2016 07:18 PM
sure no one has to buy it but I definatly dislike this and I don't get why Trove wants to make so many players unhappy... Sometimes I feel Avarem must just yolo these decisions out of thin air and...
31-Mar-2016 07:41 PM
it just depends what they view trove as tho... like when i first started playing Trove I was like... this game could be big. It was a great voxel game with almost every idea being a possible patch,...
31-Mar-2016 09:05 PM
that picture is straight 5/7
31-Mar-2016 09:37 PM
I have to agree with this point. I've seen an unfortunate amount of people complaining or straight up whining about almost every change Trion has made since I started playing almost nine months ago....
1-Apr-2016 01:57 AM
Yeah, no, I see this argument used 1000% of the time and I know it's not true. I know because I remember seeing a post (I believe it was either Fasti or Avarem himself) saying that they aren't being...
1-Apr-2016 02:51 AM
2-Apr-2016 08:10 PM
Yeah, I agree and I can see your points. The problem here is gating the content for a week behind a literal paywall. I believe this is the first time it's happened in trove.
I'm all for $20, $50,...