Gliding Time Trial event!

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


Unknown Date!


Trovians! Defiant Few is hosting a gliding time trial event to coincide with the release of Wings!! The full-blown event (with prizes to be determined) will take place February 10th so everyone has a...


Unknown Date!


Just so you know what you're in for :D Market did a really awesome ring course. I did one too, it's a bit easier though than Market's! Here are some screenshots of both of ours. We'd love to see a...


Unknown Date!


Looks awesome! I'll definitely drop by and do some recording and put it up on my yt channel.


Unknown Date!


Awesome! Looking forward to having you visit!! Excellent!! We'd be honored! :) Please let us know your channel so we can share! The joinworld ID is in the OP as well as my sig, or you guys...


Unknown Date!


And because it's so nice, i recorded Market's second (almost finished) course while hiding my character.


Unknown Date!


Here you go! Hope you like it.


Unknown Date!


awww it wont be fastest time ok. but here is my new fastest with it being 45 seconds run starts at :46 seconds and stops at 1:31 seconds.


Unknown Date!


Sargonnas, Fuzz, and I have been busy today... This is the course on which the tournament will run! It's not quite finished yet, but we plan to have it done in the next 12 hours. I'll add to this...


Unknown Date!


humm maybe me? :P run starts at 0:04 seconds and stops at 0:55 seconds. so it adds up to a 51 second run


Unknown Date!


you could just make it a mastery level 20+ event and make everyone use the same wings, speed difrance problem solved!

20. But yes, this is the way to get them as a free player.

Nice! That's some great color commentary from Blinky during the run too.