Forum Archive
[Tutorial] - Modding Mounts
Author: Aviarei , Created: 24-Jan-2015 11:09 PM View on Web Archive
Modding Mounts Ever wanted to create your own modded mount? Here's a tutorial on how! This also works with costumes, items, and anything...
24-Jan-2015 11:09 PM
24-Jan-2015 11:09 PM
As far as official submissions of stuff... bit hazy atm and not sure to what level we would do something like that if we did. It gets a looot more muddy when we start talking about taking items from...
I don't think so? I'm not sure. There may be a plugin for maya but a lot of our stuffs is done on the granny side. Ted may be able to give you a less dumb answer.
We feel a mod section of the forum wouldn't be out of the question if it gets more popular. :) right now it would probably mean less people looking at it though since it would be removed from more...
As long as you're linking to anything you've uniquely created yourself go for it if people are willing to deal with that to get to your content.
I also wanted to say that this is that I'm really enjoying this thread - definitely looking forward to what you guys come up with.
We're trying out an experiment with the new hotdog skin and mount. If it works we'll be able to consider more. We aren't a game designed to do direct rev share, but we are figuring out how to make...