Alpha test pets and mounts

Author: Snufler , Created: 21-Jan-2015 02:48 PM View on Web Archive

Will it ever be possible to get those? Because you see them in collection tab and there is like no way to get them, they were in store only in alpha...


21-Jan-2015 02:48 PM


Avarem said somewhere they'll be released. The Christmas Raptor for Alpha players wasn't changed in any way, I doubt they'll do that with the pets.


21-Jan-2015 02:48 PM


I know, just hoping they let us keep something special from alpha, besides the couple of masks.


21-Jan-2015 02:48 PM


Avarem did say at one point that EVERYTHING that counts towards mastery will be obtainable at some point (like the pinatas rotating out with the seasons and the styles that are soon to go into the...