Resolved - Trove Downtime - 11/05/2015

Author: Unknown! , Created: 5-Nov-2015 01:15 PM View on Web Archive


5-Nov-2015 01:15 PM



5-Nov-2015 01:15 PM


Wrong try again. Bahaha. Math is never correct that could add up to pizza if you did it right. Grab me a slice if it turns into pi. :P


5-Nov-2015 01:21 PM


No, 2=1. You're welcome. ;D


5-Nov-2015 01:42 PM


Whiners like you should go find a new game. coz they don't HAVE to give you free anything. Hell they don't even HAVE to leave Trove F2P yet they do so get off your damned high horse

Update 5 - 5: 09 PM PST - The team continues to work on the root issue that brought Trove down earlier. They are almost finished with their investigation, and will be restarting all of our services...

As of this time, we will be bringing the Trove servers back offline. Thank you in advance for your patience, and we'll do our best to get them back online as soon as possible. ~Celestrata