The Robo Raptor - Streamer Exclusive - How to Get

Author: Avarem , Created: 5-Nov-2014 07:12 PM View on Web Archive

The Robo Raptor is a community streamer giveaway exclusive mount. This means we'll be giving out codes to our community streamers for them to give...


6-Nov-2014 04:55 PM


Im trying to start streaming again and i messaged Kiwi about it..hopefully ill get some codes togive team would love to bring more people into the game


5-Dec-2014 04:02 PM


as the tittle says thank you so much kiwi i fixed it and applied archive. thanks so much, figgleton


5-Dec-2014 05:21 PM


she replied to mine pretty fast and said i was qualified. but ya. kiwi is really busy and has so many people to give codes to im sure.


15-Jan-2015 05:53 PM


Hey Kiwi, I emailed you about raptor codes back in December and still haven't gotten a response back. Just wondering if you got my email? Thanks!


5-Nov-2014 07:12 PM


My stream name is TheUnknownM, I sent an email and kiwi said i did not had the requirements to get the codes but i sent in another email again showing my past streams, I hope i get the codes so i can...


5-Nov-2014 07:12 PM


And what are we suppose to do now that Sarah/Kiwi has moved over to Defiance? Who do I contact to refill my batch of codes? :) Ran out tonight when i hit 1K followers and would need more for...

The Robo Raptor is a community streamer giveaway exclusive mount. This means we'll be giving out codes to our community streamers for them to give away to you guys! If you're a streamer and you...

Hey folks, I wanted to drop in and clarify this a bit. I don't particularly love watching streaming myself (I don't really watch TV either, I'm not very interested in non participatory viewing),...

This is more for people who already stream, not a way to persuade folks to stream. There isn't an exact number, but we do look over people to see if this is a real interest of theirs.

Stream a bit, see if it is an interest, then let us know. We have no plans to stop doing this. :)

Hey there folks, you're going to want to start going to Fasti for Robo Raptors! :) I'm giving him lists of folks who need them to get you all hooked up in the interim, sorry for the delay!

Hey there, folks. It does take some time for me to review all of these accounts, but I'm working through them! For these giveaways, I'd prefer you to email me at [email protected]. It's a bit...

Excellent, that will save time! Appreciate it!

It depends on your following and streaming frequency, but we can revisit the topic. It's something the team has already talked about. Just email me again and I'll review. We do intend to space these...

Also - if you abuse your Raptor privileges (giving them to friends, not using them for stream giveaways etc.) you probably won't get any more!

We're looking for streamers that have already established a following. Just stream a bit, see if this is what you're into, and hit me up when you have a bit of a following. I'll make magical code...

Also, if you see folks abusing this, please make sure to report it to me. :o Thanks everyone!

Hey there. I reviewed your account, and I'd like to set out a public reminder: I review each account that is sent to me. If you do not have past broadcasts set to record, I will not be able to verify...

I believe I replied to yours a while back. You might want to check your spam filter! I'll double check. Make sure to email me.

I'll creep through and see if y'all somehow got stuck in the spam filter! If you want to help me find you quickly, PM me with the email you contacted me from. They're totally allowed to keep a...