Lunar Lancer Updates
With this revamp we wanted to keep the core gameplay style of the Lunar Lancer while removing some of the awkwardness around the class and increasing the overall damage. Some of the main complaints we wanted to address were the speed of the grapple ability and the awkwardness of entering Lunacy mode. We have removed Crescent Combo from the basic form of the Lunar Lancer because the class was relying too heavily on it, replacing it instead with more movement potential. Lunacy mode (now known as Lunarform) has an increased buff and gives access to new abilities. Additionally, Lunarform is now activated by using the ultimate while at max Moon Power (energy). Energy Regen and Max Energy gain no longer affect the class; instead Moon Power is gained by attacking enemies with basic attacks or abilities. While in Lunarform, Moon Power drains over time and abilities cost Moon Power. At zero Moon Power you will revert to the basic form. Please note that this is subject to change and we look forward to your feedback.
- Basic Abilities:
- Passive - Lunacy - Using abilities or attacking enemies gives Moon Power. Gather enough to become infused with the power of the moon. Lunar Lancers gain Moon Power instead of energy.
- Basic Attack - Increased damage of basic attack by 180%. Increased hit range and added new animations.
- New Primary Ability - Grapple Pulls the player towards their target. On impact deals 400% damage to nearby enemies.
- New Secondary Ability - Lunar Leap - Jump up into the air dealing 350% damage to enemies around the player and gain slow fall. For a short time the grapple becomes Lunar Infused, dealing increased damage. After damaging enemies the player gains an attack buff.
- New Primary Ability - Lunar Infused Grapple - Pulls the player towards their target. On impact deals 800% damage to nearby enemies, triggering a physical damage buff.
- Ultimate Ability - Lunarform - This ability can be used at max Moon Power. When used the player transforms, gaining increased movement speed, 50% reduced damage, and 130% increased attack damage. Moon Power drains over time and at zero the player reverts to their basic form.
- Lunarform Abilities
- Basic Attack - Crescent combo - Perform a sweeping attack back and forth dealing 850% damage. This ability has a chance to stun.
- New Primary Ability - Eclipse Spear - Throw a spear that deals 550% area damage. Costs Moon Power.
- New Secondary Ability - Lunar Slam - Jump up high into the air and slam down dealing 1000% damage and stunning enemies. Costs Moon Power.
- Ultimate Ability - Blessing of the Moon - Summon a spear from the heavens that increases stability and movement speed, additionally applies an healing over time buff to allies. It also deals 1000% damage to enemies on impact and deals additional damage over time. Costs Moon Power.
Delve Leaderboard Rewards
- 42 new temporary banners are available as awards for weekly Delve contest leaderboards:
- CHALLENGE MODE awards the top 8 and top 100 players of the "Deepest" and "Fastest 3-Tier Clear" leaderboards with a GOLD or SILVER banner
- PRIVATE MODE awards the top 16 and top 100 players of the "Deepest" and "Deepest 3-Tier Clear" leaderboards with a GOLD or SILVER banner
- PUBLIC MODE awards the top 16 players on the "Deepest Delve AS a class" leaderboard, and the top 100 players on the "Deepest Delve WITH a class" leaderboard
- These banners give neither mastery nor stats, cannot be deconstructed, and go away each Monday when leaderboards reset. They are purely for showing off!
New Abilities (Public Evaluation)
- The team has been creating some additional abilities, and would like to have feedback on how these abilities feel. To acquire the abilities for testing, simply equip rings that will be granted in claims.
- The following abilities are available for testing:
- Pirate Captain AVAST-YE!!!! Basic Attacks cause your minion to attack your target, as well as applying a debuff increasing damage done to it.
- Vanguardian - Champions! Congregate! - Fired Up and Force Flash now apply to up to 2 nearby allies when used.
- Ice Sage - Nice Ice Baby - The Big Chill Summons an Ice Crash at the players location. This Ice Crash changes the ground around them to ice.
- Ice Sage - As-Cold-as-Ice - While on ice the Ice Sage gains additional critical hit chance and critical damage.
- Boomeranger - Overstuffed Urn - The Urn triggers an additional effect.
- Tomb Raiser - Skellbiggle-split - Using Bonetourage has a chance to summon a larger skellittle. When this large skellittle dies it will spawn skellittles.
- Lunar Lancer - From-the-Moon - When in Lunarform, basic attacks have a chance to spawn meteors from the sky.
- Dino Tamer - Oh-my-Dinos! - Dino Buddy now spawns two minions instead of one.
- Fae Trickster - Big Brain - Ego Blast now allows for two hits within 2 seconds instead of just one.
- Gunslinger - Berserk-Slinger - When using run and gun gain berserk, increasing damage and attack speed, but greatly reduce movement speed.
New Dungeons
- New Cursed Vale Dungeon from Exootex!
- New Geode Topside Dungeon from FoodFight2!
- 2 New Geode Topside Dungeons from Cyekie13_!
- New Geode Topside Lair from JoshuaFT!
New Styles
- Emerald Tiara, a new hairstyle from Erythra!
- Lunary Cut, a new hairstyle from FailedVictory!
- Fishy Fins, a new haistyle from SkyTheVirus!
- Feral Claws, a new Fist style from SkyTheVirus!
- Fine Tuner, a new Fist style from galaxoman!
- Balefire Bruisers, a new Fist style from Garvenius!
- Plasmic Solvents, a new Fist style from onigiry!
- Fists of the Limitlessness, a new Fist style from 4rkeN!
- Crystalized Might, a new Fist style from Stardustian_Drago!
- Deadly Daisy, a new Spear style from Rubricks!
- Clubbed Poker, a new Spear style from DakotaSpine!
- Crossfade, a new Spear style from Polkadog!
- Cloud Piercer, a new Spear style from seedyman!
- A very Rare Bird, a new Spear style from onigiry!
- Six-legged Buddy, a new Bow style from Sqwyt!
- Firewood, a new Bow style from LFPOM!
- Pagoda Protector, a new Bow style from Marzes!
- Venomous Fly, a new Bow style from Marzes!
- Spine of Corruption, a new Bow style from FoodFight2!
- Soulcursed Warden, a new Staff style from Exootex!
- Lapius Quartus, a new Staff style from 4rkeN!
- Forbidden Needle, a new Staff style from Cyekie13_!
- Luminous Edge, a new Staff style from Kiwimaximus!
- Tuekry Stuffer, a new Gun style from UnseenRhyme91!
- Proton Propulsor, a new Gun style from jackemled!
- Hydra's Snapper, a new Gun style from TFMHisztrike!
- Shining A.T.M.O.S., a new Hat style from 0sita!
- Blossoming Art, a new Face style from Kepor!
Additional Updates
- When personalized loot chests appear on Delve Stepper delves, they now have a chance to grant a different memento than the memento that was possible in that depth's pressurized loot box.
- Fixed an issue preventing Jurassic Jungle from using all of the 1* Dungeon options.
- Fixed an issue that could result in a crash when spawning air currents.
- Fixed a situation that could break the HP bars for target dummies.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the vfx for Jubilant Song to fly away.
- Fixed some vfx issues for the A.T.M.O.S. and Erimatra dragons.
- Fixed part of the Bucolic Beau Dino Tamer costume.
Forum Archive
PTS Patch Notes - Lunar Leap - 9/28/2021
Author: PostCard , Created: 28-Sep-2021 02:16 PM View on Web Archive
Lunar Lancer Updates With this revamp we wanted to keep the core gameplay style of the Lunar Lancer while removing some of the awkwardness around...
28-Sep-2021 08:16 AM
PTS Patch Notes - Lunar Leap - 9/28/2021
Trove Forums September 28, 2021 0