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PostCard: PTS Patch Notes - 6/1/2021
Author: DevTracker , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive
Originally Posted by PostCard [](showthread.php?p=847116#post847116) Bard Updates ► [(]The overall duration of Jubilant, Peaceful, and Battle songs have been increased. Buffs have been modified to balance the new duration: ► Jubilant Song causes nearby allies to dance and gain 25%(40% with Gem) increased movement speed and 30(50 with Gem) max energy. Buffs allies with a 50% chance to restore energy when dealing damage. Removes 5 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 second. ► Peaceful Song heals nearby allies by 20%(45% with Gem) of max health and buffs them with 8%(15% with Gem) life gain when dealing damage. Additionally stuns nearby enemies for 1.5(3 with Gem) seconds. Removes 5 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 seconds. ► Battle Song triggers an explosion around the bard dealing 600% magic damage to nearby enemies and temporarily redirects aggro to the player. Buffs nearby allies with 25%(50% with Gem) increased attack speed and 20(45 with Gem) critical hit. Removes 5 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 seconds. ► Fixed an issue where players could use singing crystal to stack multiple buffs. Additional Updates ► Fixed an issue where hats for level 10, 20, and 30 bard were not rewarded. ► Increased mastery for the Cookie Conjurer, Cornucopia, Mistletoe Matron, Snowfest Slugger, Lederhosen Lancer, and Capotain Commander costumes. ► The drop rates of stable gateways have been increased. ► Fixed the dodge icon in the tutorial to reference the updated art. [Jump to post...](