Trove XBOX LIVE Code

Author: EcktronPrime , Created: 28-Jun-2017 07:24 AM View on Web Archive

So on xbox one, you are supposed to get a code for digital dragonfly wings, and i have yet to get the code. Anyone know why?

Trove XBOX LIVE Code Fasti / Trove Forums
Xbox One is sending codes to a massive list of people so it can take a while. Basically, we ask you to please bear with us. Thanks!

Trove XBOX LIVE Code Fasti / Trove Forums


Quote Originally Posted by renisjebus View Post
Sooo... how is that list looking? Are the rest of us gonna get this or just SOL?
Xbox One sent the code to people who had played during an eligible period. If you weren't eligible you wouldn't have received a code. If you were eligible you can contact their support team for assistance.