/Joinme command hasnt been working for awhile now
, Created: 5-Apr-2017 03:05 AM View on Web Archive
Time: few weeks now Context: type /joinme command in chat window Expected: me or other player to receive an invite Observed: nothing happens...

Originally Posted by
Time: few weeks now
Context: type /joinme command in chat window
Expected: me or other player to receive an invite
Observed: nothing happens
Repro Steps:
1. Go in to chat window
2. type in /joinme (psn name)
3. Nothing happens
Don't know if you guys have gotten any reports about this, but has been happening to most my friends also. Thanks for everything you guys do! love the game!!
Thanks for the report! We've seen this reported quite a few times and the QA team is investigating. We've setup a JIRA (for tracking bugs) so this is a work in progress.