[MOD HYPE] S.A.D. Bot 3000 (Gunslinger Costume)

Author: Screamheart , Created: 15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM View on Web Archive

MadBot3000 MADBot3000


6-Jun-2015 07:28 AM


Scream, we definitely need a download link for this ;)


15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM


While no one's mod is ever entitled to get in, I definitely see what you mean. I do hope we see some more costumes for classes that could use more of 'em. I really doubt that they hate GS xD, but I...


15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM


Plus, game is being launched and all. I have definitely been a fan of this costume ever since it went up if only being I love GS and there haven't been many good ROBO costumes for it (that I can...


15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM


That's a Gunslinger costume lol And yeah, I really like Scream's stuff, too. It's like he and a select few others basically have a monopoly on mods due to their quality ("modopoly"?).


15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM


Hahaha, I derped there. Totally meant to say Gunslinger. That's a great word for it, Modopoly.


15-Feb-2015 10:03 AM


@screamheart will u ever make a pirate captain costume ??