Testing Chaos Chest Drop & Core Rates

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


Unknown Date!


Steady pace? kinda vague. Care to explain in detail?


Unknown Date!


Why? Everything is untradeable. I don't see the point in limiting players to the same pace of loot drops if it doesn't effect anything in the game except personal progression. Just make it so...


Unknown Date!


Out of curiosity can we know the statistics of what the 'average and even casual' players are capable of? Or is this top secret hush hush information? On a side note from the small sample size of...


Unknown Date!


So, whats the gate limit for chaos chest to drop per day farming? Might aswell rework the chaos chest tome from weekly to daily, also put on store as cubit item for new player to buy.


Unknown Date!


Even with you putting everyone on an even playingfield, the rate is too low for how many cores we, and especially new players need for all the items. Ontop of that, grindable chaos chests means...


Unknown Date!


* In Soviet Russia, man who works hard and fast gets same pay as man who slacks. On a positive note though, I dropped the new chaos bench on PTS today and it looks great! Also, kudos on the...


Unknown Date!


If you look at the people who spend the most on this game. What are they buying? I know I'm not at the top but I've spent a large amount compared to most people. When I'm not buying packs, I'm buying...


Unknown Date!


We are getting punished for speed farming now?


Unknown Date!


Yea, there is also the Uncommon 5. And I don't think I'll be able to see it again any time soon. It only happened the once out of the 1200 chests you gave us and we're not getting any more.


The reason for the limit is that we wanted to increase the speed for the average and even casual player. In order to increase the speed for those players we had to include a limit at the high end or it would get out of control in a hurry. A better way to think of it is actually that it's a boost for casual farmers that lets them keep up with fast farmers. You'll still get some extra for being quick, but just not as much as you do by default for farming for other stuff.


Appreciate that you guys are doing this and giving feedback!

A few quick notes here:

* We have a bug we'll be fixing in the next PTS patch where if you have a full inventory the chaos chest won't drop.
* There is some code in place that prevents high speed dungeon runners from getting a lot more of these. So as long as you maintain a steady pace of adventuring you'll earn them at the same rate as someone who is exceptionally fast.

Also, even beyond drops, the store, and CF there are other ways to get these rewards. If you rank high enough on the leaderboards for example that can get you a decent bit of progress.

Something to consider: there are craftables that won't be available as rare results, like costumes. It's definitely true that if you've managed to get enough CF you might still be able to make...

Hm. The uncommon one should be 5 and the rare 50. Let me know if you see it again or can take a screenshot?