Can't Open Up Trove/I Think I Might Have Lost My Account

Author: DatSavageSloth , Created: 6-Dec-2016 09:07 AM View on Web Archive

So this is my first post, I normally stock the forums when I need help with stuff but I can't find an answer for this. Anyway, I wanted to get on...


6-Dec-2016 09:07 AM

#717051 Got this to work, that is exactly what I see when I open Trove, and I am currently following what you said to do! UPDATE: Deleted everything including glyph and...


Hey there,

First off, your account is safe. Nothing you can do in the game files will put your game at risk. Secondly, welcome to the forums! Sorry it isn't under better circumstances.

If you're able to post the screenshot to Imgur, or any image upload site and paste the link here we'll check it out.

You may want to go through and delete any remaining files for the game from your computer, reboot it, then try installing again.

Our support team will work with you to make sure you're all taken care of if you get a chance to submit a ticket.

Thanks very much


Quote Originally Posted by DatSavageSloth View Post Got this to work, that is exactly what I see when I open Trove, and I am currently following what you said to do!

UPDATE: Deleted everything including glyph and reinstalled it, no change. I am starting to think it might just be a visual problem that is stopping me from clicking and seeing half of the screen. Display settings: FullscreenMode = 0 VSync = WindowMode = 1 X = Y = Width = Height = AllowSWFallback = Language =

UPDATE 2: Submited a ticket!
I've seen a couple reports of issues with Mac so we'll definitely need to follow up. Make sure to include system info in the ticket. Stuff like the graphics card model, specific OS version, and anything else you think may be pertinent. Thanks again.


Quote Originally Posted by DatSavageSloth View Post
Update: PROBLEM HAS BEEN FIXED! I did it by just changing the the display settings around in Trove.cfg although I think another problem has come up, I can't go into Fullscreen-windowed mode without it completely freezing everything.
Can you say what specific changes you made? I'd like to send this info to the team.


Hey again,

Please make sure if you send in your crash reports if you get one. That'll help us get to the bottom of this.

For now, check to see if multithreading is enabled. It is by default but you can disable it in your game settings.

If it is enabled but you can't get to your in game settings to adjust it go ahead and disable it in ~/Documents/Trion Worlds/Trove/Trove.cfg and try the game again.

To disable it look for the line: Multithreaded = and type the word "false" after a space then the equal sign.

It should look like this when done: Multithreaded = false

Save the file and launch the game again. If it's edited while the game is open you won't see any improvement.
