For the next two weeks TFMHisztike is challenging our art community to draw the
Tiny Tim ally for a chance to win a code to unlock him.
- Create some Trove related fan art that includes the
Tiny Tim ally
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Fan Art gallery and make the art visible
- Enter into the Tiny Tim challenge
All work must be your own, please don't include screenshots.
- Wednesday, March 24 to Wednesday, April 7, 2021
- A minimum of 5, and a maximum of 10 highlights will receive a code that unlocks Tiny Tim
- Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token
Reward Tokens are used in the Trovesaurus Rewards section to unlock packs or collections.
You can view the 3D model in Troxel: https://trovesaurus.com/collections/pet/zepperay_timmense/troxel
Featured Art Comments:
I appreciate the effort that goes into creating a 3d animation, and I like the glowing neon colours, good job.
- TFMHisztike
Featured Art Comments:
I like that you drew Tiny Tim and Timmense together, they are cuties. The tongue out on Tiny is adorable. Good job on the details in this.
Tiny Tim('s blue cousin, Jeff)
Featured Art Comments:
Likes the choice of colours, and I appreciate drawing on paper. His eyes are big and cute (well 1 :p)
Featured Art Comments:
He looks big and strong, this is how Tiny Tim will look when he grows up. We really like the style and the seaweed on him. Good job.
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Tim looks happy trying to fly. Good job on animating him, the wings move well.
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Tim is in danger! Is this how we captured him to make him our ally? Does Timmense fight us to get him back? Likes his derp face.
- TFM and Etaew
Tiny Tim art contest ( With reference to Finding Nemo)
Featured Art Comments:
Clean and cute Tim as well as friends, we like the colours and the references. Good job.
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Good job on creating a cute scene, we like the effort that goes into traditional drawings, and that you added more than the ally to the scene.
- TFM and Etaew