New Strings

New Strings detected in January 23, 2025.


Return the Chicken to its rightful location in the Tutorial world


Errant Chicken


Surely this Chicken belongs somewhere other than a Dungeon?!


I stole these from those H.E.C.K. geeks, you can probably find a use for 'em!


A bunch of other Trovians have been bringing me these coins... You and Marquitillo can probably do something with them!


I can never thank you enough, Trovian. You're one of us, now. You're family!


What the H.E.C.K.?! Daily Quest reward


Meet H.E.C.K. - the Helpers of Exotic Creatures for Karma!


What the H.E.C.K.?!


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 1/12: Trovian! I am Hailey, an Ambassador from H.E.C.K., here visiting Trove to spread goodwill! What is H.E.C.K., you ask? Why it's an intergalactic organization to which I belong: Helpers of Exotic Creatures... for Karma! Come meet me in the hub!


Meet H.E.C.K. Helper Hailey


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 2/12: As you may have noticed, Heckbugs have taken to Trove & Geode for their yearly spawning migration. While they can be vicious & deadly, they can also be cute & cuddly! Since this species is categorized as Exotic, our organization has tasked itself with ensuring their protection! And you can help! Head into one of the Geode Caverns (Sunken Sunvault, Verdant Veins, or Moonglow Grotto), and use CRITTER TREATS, COMFORT BLANKETS, and CURING KITS to Feed, Warm, and Heal-up the poor lil' Heckbugs!


Help Heckbugs in Geode Caves


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 3/12: HELLO, TROVIAN! I see you've met my counterpart, Hailey. While she helps the young Heckbugs thrive in their new environments, I have a much more exciting job: helping to get those young Heckbugs born in the first place! Come see me in the Hub so we can get started!


Meet H.E.C.K. Heartwarmer Harold


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 4/12: Heckbug mating can be a complex process, but we've nearly perfected it. I've got quite a collection of Amorous Heckbugs, ready to find love! Buy some from me to get ready for the next step.


Purchase Amorous Heckbugs from Heartwarmer Harold


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 5/12: Now just head to DRAGONFIRE PEAKS and let one of those lil' cuties loose!


Use an Amorous Heckbug in Dragonfire Peaks


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 6/12: Now run around and find another Heckbug for your Heckbug to romance! Heckbugs are notoriously picky, so it may take a few! Repeat this 10 times, and you'll have some idea of what I do every day this season!


Help Amorous Heckbugs find Love


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 7/12: It's me again, Hailey! Are you ready for the final stage in building this circle of life? It's time to hatch a Heckbug Egg! You can find these eggs all around the Geode Caverns, and hatch them at the EGG INCUBATOR!


Hatch a Heckbug Egg


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 8/12: Trovian... the H.E.C.K. isn't all they claim to be... Meet me behind their structure in the Hub to learn more...


Meet the Heckbug Hunter


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 9/12: Hailey and Harold are keeping themselves blind from the truth: Heckbugs are bloodthirsty killers! They'll destroy entire planets, they will! I've seen it happen, and it'll happen again! UNLESS we put a stop to them! You've got to cull their numbers, and every day that you do I'll reward you for it! AND REMEMBER! If you don't have my banner, you'll need Amorous Heckbugs to strip their blasted shielding!


Complete the Heckbug Hunter's Daily Quest


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 10/12: I knew you had that killer instinct. There's one last step, and it requirest he Standard of the Heckbug Hunter. Purchase the banner from me and equip it!


Equip the Standard of the Heckbug Hunter


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 11/12: To save Trove from the heckbug hordes, we have to target the Heckbug Invaders. You may have already seen some, dropping from the sky. But they also hide out in dungeons, and with the Banner equipped you can draw them out!


Defeat Heckbug Invaders


What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 12/12: Great work, Trovian! Return to me, I've got a reward for ya--something I took from those silly H.E.C.K.-heads, Haily & Harold.


Return to the Heckbug Hunter


Marquitillo Missing 1/4: Trovian! My nephew is missing! Please, come find me in the Hub to help me find him!


Speak with Captain Markos Ybarra


Marquitillo Missing 2/4: He said something about... a Rubber Duckhat? Rubber Duckats have recently shown up in 5-Star dungeons... maybe search those for something related? 5-Star dungeons can primarily be found in Geode Topside worlds or Long Shade difficulty worlds.


Complete 5-Star Dungeons


Marquitillo Missing 3/4: I'm hearing talk of Rubber Duckats in 5-Star dungeons across Trove. I guess Marquitillo was onto something afterall... Please, find him and bring him home!


Find Marquitillo in 5-Star Dungeons


Marquitillo Missing 4/4: You found him! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Please come back so I can reward you, Trovian!


Return to Captain Markos Ybarra


A costume for the Gunslinger. Easily upholds law and order thanks to his magic powers.


Enchanted Enforcer


Meet She'xia, the Mythical. Invite her to join you today!\n\n * She'xia, the Mythical\n * 33 Greater Dragon Caches\n * 333 Dragon Coins\n * 3 Diamond Dragonite Pouches\n\n50 Patron Points!


Wood Snake Dragon Pack


Captain Markos Ybarra's nephew, Marquitillo, has gone missing!


Marquitillo Missing!


Search 5-Star dungeons for signs of Marquitillo!


She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon!


The Wood Snake Dragon Pack is available for purchase, and Polished Mythical Wood can be found in the Forbidden Spires!


Collect Mystic Wood Egg Fragments in the Forbidden Spires, or purchase the Pack!


Chilling Strike


Marquitillo has been learning about an ancient, Duck-based civilization! Information about them, as well as their coins, have recently shown up in 5-Star dungeons across Trove! Help him study these ancient beings by completing 5-Star dungeons!


Complete 5 Star Dungeons


Complete 5-Star Dungeons to help Marquitillo collect Rubber Duckats!


H.E.C.K. Helper Hailey wants you to help travel to the Geode Caverns to help Feed, Heal, and Warm any Heckbugs growing up there! Make sure to bring Critter Treats, Curing Kits, and Comfort Blankets!


Help Geode Heckbugs


Help 15 Heckbugs in the Geode Caverns


The Heckbug Hunter isn't convinced at the success of H.E.C.K.'s mission, and has tasked you with helping to cull the Heckbug population. Find Heckbugs in the Dragonfire Peaks and slay them!


Kill Heckbugs


Hunt and Kill 10 Heckbugs in the Dragonfire Peaks


H.E.C.K. Heartwarmer Harold wants you to help travel to the Dragonfire Peaks to help Heckbugs fall in love! Make sure to bring some Amorous Heckbugs!


Help Dragonfire Heckbugs


Help 15 Heckbugs find love in the Dragonfire Peaks


Salty Trash Hoarder


Salty Trash Collector


Grants a chance to harvest additional Enchanted Wood.


Wood Attuned


When the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is running, allows collection of Mythical Coins and Polished Mythical Wood even when outside of the Forbidden Spires, though at a reduced rate.


Mythical Sidewinder


Boo-Boo Boost






Power Surge


Flask Refill


Heal Surge


Minor Heal Surge


Speed Surge


Minor Speed Surge


Shield Surge


Study Session


Study Session: Math


Study Session: Gym


Study Session: Cooking


Study Session: History


Study Session: Omni


Grill Time




Life Steal


Minor Life Steal


Minor Cooldown Reduction


Cooldown Reduction




Magic Vitality


Speedy Survival


Positive Vibes


Ember Mana Magnet


Aqua Mana Magnet


Wild Harvest


Weapon Arts Disciple


Mana Flow


Pinzoin Collection


Summon: Call Fracturer




Make Your Own Luck


Slayer's Boon


Ember Strike


Healing Flower


Minor Healing Flower


Friendsgiving's Feast


Bright Strike


Print your Own Luck


Summon: Dino-Kick-Bot


Summon: Solar Offensive Council




Star Surge Sparkles


Summon: Tauri


Summon: Dinoboy Rex






Shade State


Trove Fitness Membership


It's neither safe nor fast, but it sure does look pretty!


Hydrochoerus Hippy Bus


The bane of both beast and bug!


Heckroller Buggy


Eco-friendly vroom vroom.


Troveller 1800


The infinite traveler, She'xia accumulates wisdom from all places and beings she touches.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +10 Stability, and +50 Magic Find


She'xia, the Mythical


Will purr if you give her some fish or Meta-Mana.


Astonishing Arwen


Useful for invasions (friendly or otherwise!).


H.E.C.K. Hover-Rover


Not yet ready to fly, but happy to try!




Absolutely harmless.


Sweet, and sour, and sweet, and sour again!


Seven cups of color, three cups of sugar, one full package of sprinkles, and joy!


Not just your ordinary firefly.


Small in size but strong in spirit!


Keeps an eye on all incoming threats.


Ember Drake lordling.


Smartest of the Blue Balladines.


Sally Spikes


An absolutely healthy and naturally mutated specimen.


Happily waves to each and every living or undead creature.


Sick and tired of Shadowy Soul Vaults being so cagey.


Prefers fresh air up the lush canopy to humid swamps.


Mastered all forms of social media.


Eager to hatch and travel the world!


Watch out for that bee!


Positively buzzing.


A big fan of active lifestyle and strawberry frosting.


Claims to be an inspiration for a book, and a movie!


Would like to learn to fly, one day.


Trustworthy companion for mountaineering and delving!


Why don't you run from me?


Heads or tails?


Jolly jug full of juniper juice!


Needs regular watering and plenty of sunlight.


Automatically connects to plasma networks.


Has not mined a single ore node in his whole life.


Has 11 siblings.


Necromancy is the only way of getting a best friend forever.


Does not pose a threat to the environment.


A very brave steed.


Heroic Hippocampus


Top Trovian scientists believe that with enough study, this creature could be utilized as a purely biological air conditioner!


Heckbug Heatsucker


Takes his role as the king very serious!


Tenacious Triton


The best cookies in the realm, catch them if you can!


Fleetly Flying Cookies


"I'm compiling my notes on this Duck civilization... I think I'll call it: Duck Dynasty!"


Marquitillo the Inquisitive Archaeologist


Trash for some, home for another!


Upcycled Flower Pot


Visiting from far-away lands.


Sagacious Selkie


Keeps you hydrated!


Hellenistic Hydria


Quite delicious.


Easter Edward


Wearing the most fashionable algae the ocean has to offer.


Natty Naiad


Ready for a grand tea party!


Classy Caterpillar


Though most at home in wooded areas, this creature can thrive in all locations.


Mythical Sidewinder


Shows accurate time two times per day!


Steam-powered Spiderclock


Always ready to pounce and feed.


Bulbous Heckmantis


Lived through many joyful gatherings.


Trustworty Tea Pot


Round and round they go, without a care in the world.


Playful Pisces


Enjoys spending time in archives and libraries.


Smart Samuel


Set with a three-layered cake, ready to give you a delicious sugar high!


Afternoon Tea Table


Nobody knows how they work!


Magical Engines


Gemerald Crafter


Gemerald Dungeoneer


Gemerald Slayer


Gemerald Finder


Gemerald Miner


Zephyr Essence Drop


Delver's Luck


Pyric Luck


Abyssal Luck


Chance to grant additional H.E.C.K. Karma Tokens when helping Heckbugs in Dragonfire Peaks.


Chance to grant additional H.E.C.K. Karma Tokens when helping Heckbugs in Dragonfire Peaks. Only active during the What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 Event


Using a Flask while equipped grants an effect which gives a chance to grant additional H.E.C.K. Karma Token when helping Heckbugs in Geode Caverns. Only active during the What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 Event


Chance to grant additional H.E.C.K. Karma Token when helping Heckbugs in Geode Caverns.


Periodically removes shiels from nearby Hellbugs in Dragonfire Peaks. Increases drop rate of Heckbug Pincers. Occasionally reveals hidden Heckbug Invaders when completing Dungeons.


Increases drop rate of Rubber Duckats during the Marquitillo's Missing event.


Increases drop rate of Heckbug Pincers.


Increases drop rate of Heckbug Pincers. Only active during the What the H.E.C.K.?! 2025 Event


Bamboo Collector


Keeping the Heckbug population thriving, two Heckbugs at a time!


Keeping the Heckbug population thriving, two Heckbugs at a time! Chance to grant additional H.E.C.K. Karma Tokens when helping Heckbugs in Dragonfire Peaks.


H.E.C.K. Standard: Heckbug Heartwarmer


Helping usher in the next generation of Heckbugs through warmth, sustenance, and recuperation.


H.E.C.K. Standard: Heckbug Helper


Keeping worlds like Trove safe from the Heckbug menace!


Keeping worlds like Trove safe from the Heckbug menace! Periodically removes shiels from nearby Hellbugs in Dragonfire Peaks. Increases drop rate of Heckbug Pincers.


Standard of the Heckbug Hunter


Can only be used in Dragonfire Peaks.


Single and ready to mingle! This Heckbug is ready to find love in the Dragonfire Peaks!


Amorous Heckbug


Craft to gain LIMITED access to the 'the Mythical' title suffix.\nTitle access is revoked in SUMMER (JUN 1st).


Seasonal Title: the Mythical


Grants the 'Ybarra' title suffix.


Title: Ybarra


Grants the '5*' title prefix and suffix.


Title: 5*


Grants the '5-Star' title prefix.


Title: 5-Star


Grants the '*****' title prefix and suffix.


Title: *****


Grants 'the Capyfriend' title suffix.


Title: Capyfriend


Grants 'the Capykin' title suffix.


Title: the Capykin


Grants the 'Detector' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Detector' title suffix.


Title: Detector


Grants 'the Ducktopped' title suffix.


Title: the Ducktopped


Grants the 'Duck Bearer' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Duck Bearer' title suffix.


Title: Duck Bearer


Grants the 'Duck Supporter' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Duck Supporter' title suffix.


Title: Duck Supporter


Grants the 'Finder' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Finder' title suffix.


Title: Finder


Grants the 'Hydrochoerus' title prefix.


Title: Hydrochoerus


Grants the 'Rescuer' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Rescuer' title suffix.


Title: Rescuer


Grants the 'Searcher' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Searcher' title suffix.


Title: Searcher


Grants the 'Seeker' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Seeker' title suffix.


Title: Seeker


Grants the 'Spotter' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Spotter' title suffix.


Title: Spotter


Grants the 'Starry-Eyed' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Starry-Eyed' title suffix.


Title: Starry-Eyed


Grants the 'Underduck' title prefix.\nGrants 'the Underduck' title suffix.


Title: Underduck


Obtained from the Forbidden Spires, but if and only if the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:NavigationMenu])


Currency from a long-forgotten era, somehow retaining its polish and sheen.\n\nObtained rarely from Dungeons in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])


Currency from a long-forgotten era, somehow retaining its polish and sheen.\n\nObtained rarely from Dungeons in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:NavigationMenu])


Mythical Coin


Made from high quality rubber. Apparently utilized by some ancient culture!


Rubber Duckat


A token representing effort spent helping the Helpers of Exotic Creatures for Karma organization.


H.E.C.K. Karma Token


Beautifully polished hardwood, imbued with mythical energy.\n\nObtained occasionally from enemies in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])


Beautifully polished hardwood, imbued with mythical energy.\n\nObtained occasionally from enemies in the Forbidden Spires, but only if the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:NavigationMenu])


Polished Mythical Wood


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the hub!


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the hub.\n\nThese egg fragments can be crafted at Mythical Workbenches--found in the Forbidden Spires when the 'She'xia - the Wood Snake Dragon' event is active.


Polished Wood Egg Fragment


Dormant Mythical Wooden Egg


Mount: All in One Flying Gym


Consume to unlock the Dragon: She'xia, the Mythical!


Golden Dormant Mythical Wooden Egg


Despite Marquitillo's desperate search, this hat is not an original.


Rubber Duckhat


Enchanted Enforcer Firearm


Marvelous Mechanoid Mana Rod


Marvelous Mechanoid Mask


Enchanted Enforcer Hood


"Missing?! No, I've just been hunting these Rubber Duckets! They're from some kind of ancient civilization!"


Marquitillo Ybarra


"I've been learning about an ancient Duck-based civilization! Got any Duckats or information from 5-Stars Dungeons?!"\nPress [HK:Loot] to trade


Marquitillo Ybarra


H.E.C.K. Heartwarmer




H.E.C.K. Helper




Press [HK:Loot] to see items for sale!


Heckbug Hunter


"Oh, Marquitillo, you little rascal..."


A rare capybara plushie. Friendly and waterproof.


Rare Capybara


Press [HK:Loot] to transmute Polished Mythical Wood


Mythical Workbench


Chocolate Lantern Bottom


Chocolate Lantern Middle


Chocolate Lantern Top


Petrified Mystical Heckbug Egg


Petrified Volcanic Heckbug Egg


Petrified Heckbug-Hybrid Egg


This egg will never hatch.


Petrified Heckbug Egg


A costume for the Dracolyte. A marvel of magic and technology!


Marvelous Mechanoid


Seasonally available at the DRAGON CRUCIBLE. Requires ownership of Mount: She'xia, the Mythical.


, the Mythical


Obtained during the 'Marquitillo Missing' event.




Obtained during the St. Qubeslick 2024 Event.








the Capyfriend


the Capykin




the Detector


the Ducktopped


Duck Bearer


, the Duck Bearer


Duck Supporter


, the Duck Supporter




the Finder






the Rescuer




the Searcher




the Seeker




the Spotter




the Starry-Eyed




the Underduck

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in January 23, 2025.

  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_friendsgiving_food_omni_description - Damaging enemies can sometimes give you a Friendsgiving snack.
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_coin_spawner_description - Damaging enemies can sometimes spawn an explosive St. Qubeslick coin.
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_pinzoin_spawner_description - Damaging enemies can sometimes spawn an explosive Pinzoin.
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_catastrophe_vision_banner_emptyeffect_description - Allows the wearer to see Fiona Catastra. Slightly increases the chance to get Bleached Bones from skeleton enemies and bone harvests. Sometimes spawns a destructible Gravestone, containing a small amount of loot!
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_dos_increased_bones_low_description - Sometimes after defeating an enemy this ally can begin its Zoomies. While under this effect the player can find extra Bleached Bones from chests. Zoomies last for 1 hour have a 12 hour Cooldown.
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_dos_increased_bones_high_description - Sometimes after defeating an enemy this ally can begin its Zoomys. While under this effect the player can find extra Bleached Bones from chests and defeating enemies. Zoomies last for 1 hour have a 12 hour Cooldown.
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_pet_rooster_birdfae_loottrigger_description - Grants a chance to collect additional Positive Karma when pulling Unsightly Weeds
  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_chaos_buff_effect_description - Triggers Chaos on damage dealt with a 10 second cooldown. Chaos can increase damage dealt, reduce damage taken, reduce cooldowns, heal you, or even increase Magic Find.
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_caterpillar_battle_item_name - Battle Caterpillar
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_horse_willowworth_description - Woodsworth the fourth, carving many Trovian paths.
  • $prefabs_collections_tome_flux_item_name - Flux Folio
  • $prefabs_equipment_banner_banner_catastrophe_description - All things are temporary, especially this banner.
  • $prefabs_equipment_banner_banner_catastrophe_permanent_description - Beware whose attention you attract.
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion_manatrack_biome_neon_name - POTION: Neon City Manahunter
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion_mana_attuned_fae_learn_name - Unlock: 'POTION: Fae Forest Manahunter'
  • $prefabs_item_fishing_pole_mastery_item_name - Master Angler's Rod
  • $prefabs_item_lootbox_depths_harvests_description - Contains materials normally only found in the Long Shade difficulty.
  • $prefabs_item_mount_ball_treeornament_item_name - Mount: Bouncy Bauble
  • $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_pirate_description - Hatches into Flakbeard, the Relentless!
  • $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_pirate_notrade_name - Mount: Flakbeard, the Relentless
  • $prefabs_item_mount_pinata_centaur_name - Mount: Pinatataur
  • $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_boltblade_notrade_name - Mount: Fulguras, the Lightning Blade
  • $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_boltblade_description - Hatches into Fulguras, the Lightning Blade!
  • $prefabs_item_mount_pinata_chaos_item_name - Mount: Chaotic Pinata Mount
  • $prefabs_item_mount_butterfly_snowy_item_name - Mount: Blizzard Behe-Moth
  • $prefabs_item_pet_wheel_tumblebot_name - Ally: Rodney the Rollerbot
  • $prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodevug_worldboss_warning_jellyfish_interactive_sign_content - Over 5000 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.
  • $prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodevug_worldboss_warning_manta_interactive_sign_content - Over 3000 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.
  • $prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodevug_worldboss_warning_lobster_interactive_sign_content - Over 500 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.
  • $prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodevug_worldboss_warning_all_interactive_sign_content - Over 10500 Light is recommended before attempting this fight.
  • $gl.gathering.b.0.b.details - Increases Lasermancy by 200. Increases Maximum Health by 10%.