New Collections
New Collections detected in Tutorial Rework grouped by type.
Badges 37
Mag Riders 1
Mounts 12
Pets 9
Secondary Skins 2
Changed Collections
Changed Collections detected in Tutorial Rework.
Rickety Minecart - description changed
- from 'Rattle and roll all along the rail towers.'
- to 'Rattle and roll all along the rail towers. When equipped, use [HK:EquipCart] and move over a Mag Rail to ride!'
Slow Sebastian - blueprint changed from c_mt_horse_lightbrown_ui to c_mt_horse_lightbrown_02_ui
Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift - description changed
- from 'Inspired by Zehira flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +50 Lasermancy, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.'
- to 'Inspired by Zehira flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +100 Lasermancy, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.'
Feathered Pledge - name changed from 'Fired Up Fowl' to 'Feathered Pledge'
Feathered Pledge - description changed
- from 'This chook comes pre-roasted but this is fine.'
- to 'Loyal to the last!'
Feathered Pledge - category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Rare'