New Strings

New Strings detected in Bamboo Dragon.


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Meet Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit. Invite him to join you today!\n\n * Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit\n * 33 Greater Dragon Caches\n * 333 Dragon Coins\n * 3 Diamond Dragonite Pouches\n\n50 Patron Points!


Bamboo Dragon Pack


Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon!


The Bamboo Dragon Pack is available for purchase, and Bamboo Shoots can be found in the Forbidden Spires!


Collect Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragments in the Forbidden Spires, or purchase the Pack!


Natural armor harder than steel, Duraveln rides brave against onslaught eternal. Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +15% Max Health, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.


Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit


Sure to bring good fortune.


Lucky Lantern


It comes to share an auspicious future with the people of Trove.


Successful Stalk


Finally, the culm-ination of years of bamboo-related mad science.


'Bad-Stalk' McSkulligan


When harvesting Bamboo Shoots in the Forbidden Spires, increases the amount of Bamboo Shoots obtained, and slightly increases the drop chance of Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragments. The 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event must currently be ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen]).


Craft to gain LIMITED access to the 'the Hollow Spirit' title suffix.\nTitle access is revoked in SUMMER (JUN 1st).


Seasonal Title: the Hollow Spirit


Obtained from the Forbidden Spires, but if and only if the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])


Bamboo Shoot


Consume to unlock the Dragon: Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit!


Golden Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained very rarely from Bamboo Shoots found in Forbidden Spires biomes when the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen]).


Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragment


Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg


Seasonally available at the DRAGON CRUCIBLE. Requires ownership of Mount: Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit.


, the Hollow Spirit


Dragon Whisperer

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Bamboo Dragon.

  • $prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_spires_interactive_craftingcategory_1_name - Forbidden Spires Collections