New Strings

New Strings detected in Punches & Potions.


Everything. They took everything from me. I will have my revenge. Hunt them, fight them, and destroy them. Do this and I will sell you what I have collected in my battles. Defeat Heckbugs in DRAGONFIRE PEAKS, then return to The Hunter in the events area of the Hub.


Hunt Heckbugs


Rip, tear, destroy them. Until it is done.


The pinnacle of competition is challenging powerful foes. My foe was Lawson Terror of the Jurassic Jungle. I had the countless, and, I, mean, COUNTLESS Garx-i-maniacs cheering, channeling their raw energy into my spirit that allowed me to break free of the Tyrananic Twister. Find powerful foes in their homes on Trove and put 'em in their place!


Defeat Dungeons


Anyone can throw a punch, most can take one, but being able to fight isn't enough. If you can't win the crowd then what's the point? And how do you think I won the crowd? You can't just be good, you have to look good while you do it. You can't look like me, but who can? What you can do is hop around like a madman. I never understood it, but the crowd loves a good attack from the top rope.


Jump Around


Running, jumping, they're all good workouts, but nothing prepares you for a fight like a fight. Go out there, start some fights, defeat some villains and you'll see how quickly your confidence grows.


Defeat Enemies


The key to a good workout is cardio, and the best cardio is putting one foot in front of the other. Get to running and remember, quitters never become Champions!


Go for a Walk




Awarded for completing a step in the Martial Arts Expertise quest thread


Awarded for completing the Martial Arts Expertise quest thread


Awarded for completing a step in the Mysticism Expertise quest thread


Awarded for completing the Mysticism Expertise quest thread


Push through the pain, it's only a distraction. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Win the crowd, win the day. Good job Trovian - Garx, Heavyweight champion


One day, one task, one victory. Good job Trovian - Garx, Heavyweight champion


You can't reach your goals till you move. Good job Trovian - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Good work Trovian, but don't stop there. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Good is fine, but great is better. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


When you want to quit, that's when you start. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Mountains are hills you haven't crossed yet. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Don't stop, stopping is for losers. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


The last steps are the hardest, and the sweetest. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


And now the real challenge begins. - Garx, Heavyweight champion


Martial Arts




You can craft only {0} of this item.


You can craft {0} more of this item {1}.


Ingredients may change material requirements per craft.


This will never be available again.


This recipe will be available again on {0}.












Party Magician




Hedge Wizard




Master of the Mystic Arts


{0}, {1}












Show only removeable effects


Effect Viewer


The Heavyweight Champion is in the Hub and looking for challengers.


Renewus: Garx's Challenge


Press [HK:Loot] to remove.






One of this item will be automatically consumed upon purchase.


Helpful to Devteam


this month


Must complete MYSTICISM questline [HK:ActivityTracker] to purchase.


Find the Overtasked Disciple and help them to unlock this purchase.


Martial Arts




Heckbugs In Love 2024 1/6: Hi Trovian! It's Qubesly again and it's that time of year again. Heckbugs, why is it always heckbugs. If you're gonna be around some heckbugs you should carry some Hecky Chow around. Better they eat that than, well, you.


Craft a Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow at the Radiant Dayspring


Heckbugs In Love 2024 2/6: Great job Trovian. This stuff is great! You throw it and a heckbug shows up immediately. Try it!


Throw the Hecky Chow


Heckbugs In Love 2024 3/6: The heckbugs you summon with Hecky Chow are looking for that special heckbug. Matching two heckbugs is a very dangerous affair for them, so dangerous that if we left them alone they'd never pair up. Take the little heckbug to meet other heckbugs and protect it from other aggressive heckbugs until you can find a partner for it. Look for Heckbugs in the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS and see if you can make some matches.


Help Heckbugs find love


Heckbugs In Love 2024 4/6: Normal heckbugs are one thing, but heckbugs twisted by the Shadow are especially dangerous. If you wait around long enough in an Adventure World they'll find their way to you. Take a few out and protect Trove from the Shadow.


Defend against Heckbug Invaders


Heckbugs In Love 2024 5/6: Thanks buddy! In case you didn't notice, some of the heckbugs we've been pairing up over the years have made their way to Geode. They seem to enjoy the underground caves of Geode especially. Over the last few years they have found their way into the Verdant Veins and Sunken Sunvault, and you should find some there this year too. A new development is that they've finally appeared in the Moonglow Grotto and have inherited some of the mystical properties of the cave system. Head into the Moonglow Grotto or any of the other caves and help the little heckbugs out.


Help Heckbugs in the Geode Caves


Heckbugs In Love 2024 6/6: It really is nice to see the more peaceful side of the Heckbugs shine through. Did you find one of their eggs by chance? They are all over the caves on Geode this time of year. I sent one to your claims, hatch it and have some fun with your very own heckbug.


Hatch a Heckbug Egg


Renewus 2024 1/7: Happy new year Trovian, and what a new year it is! The Heavyweight Champion of Trove Wrestling Entertainment is in the hub. You definitely shouldn't miss the opportunity to see what he's up to, and maybe get an autograph.


Speak to Garx


Renewus 2024 2/7: Hello Trovian. How are you, do you feel weak? You look kind of weak, what you need is the proper training regimen. Lucky for you I'm here, and I've brought with me my signature Championship Training Weights. I can only offer it to official members of Trove Fitness Unlimited. And what luck, the Radiant Dayspring just happens to be selling membership. Shatter you limits with Trove Fitness Unlimited. Craft the Trove Fitness Unlimited Membership at the Radiant Dayspring.


Craft a Trove Fitness Unlimited Membership


Renewus 2024 3/7: Step one is complete. Can you feel the energy, the electricity in the air? I sense a challenger in you, can you? Let's get started with a light warm up, just do whatever comes natural and get moving.


Jump Around


Renewus 2024 4/7: Step two of your journey is to purchase my all in one Championship Training Weights. And don't worry about the expense, it's just another obstacle on your fitness journey to greatness. You can craft it at the Radiant Dayspring, but you won't be able to see it unless you equip the Trove Fitness Unlimited Membership ally. It is members only afterall. Equip the Trove Fitness Unlimited Membership ally and craft the Championship Training Weights at the Radiant Dayspring.


Craft the Championship Training Weights


Renewus 2024 5/7: You can put that in your Cornerstone. You'll see one of the Training Regimen if you use the Championship Training Weights. They change each day, complete a workout every day and you'll be throwing enemies around like me in no time! Craft a Training Regimen at the Championship Training Weights and complete the quest it gives.


Complete a Training Regimen


Renewus 2024 6/7: Well done. I can already see improvement. Let's test it out, a challenger can't fight the champion without proving themselves. If there's one thing, and, I, mean, ONE THING, I hate it's a bully. Find some chumps looking to start a fight and teach them a thing or two about being a bully.


Defeat Enemies


Renewus 2024 7/7: Victory, but of course you won. How could you lose now that you're on my training regimen? Now there's no point in putting in all this hardwork if you're not going to enjoy it. Kick your feet up, maybe hit that Renewus Orb that keeps dropping in the Hub. Don't forget to keep training. Laziness is the enemy of success. Attack your goals and maybe one day even YOU can challenge the Champ.


Hit the Renewus Orb


Martial Arts 01/16: Well met, Trovian. I am an envoy for the Neon Punch Club, traveling Masters of the MARTIAL ARTS, visiting your Hub to teach our ways. Meet me if you'd like to learn!


Speak with DISCIPLE DANIEL in the HUB


Martial Arts 02/16: The ALTAR of MARTIAL ARTISTRY is where we get our work done. We use KARMA to craft MANTRAS, SHOUTS, and STANCES--though they behave differently, they all go into your AUTO-USE equipment slot.




Martial Arts 03/16: The KARMAIC SHRINE is where we get our inner-work done. POSITIVE KARMA comes by doing acts of service throughout Trove--like helping Geode Cave Critters, or pulling Unsightly Weeds. NEGATIVE KARMA? Well, as you know, the universe is full of violence and sufferng. Do you have any enemy trophies, Trovian?




Martial Arts 04/16: Gardening is good for the mind, soul, and body. Martial Arts recognizes this connection. We have a COMPOSTER free to use here in the hub!


Inspect the Neon Punch COMPOSTER


Martial Arts 05/16: Use the composter to recover a SOUL TANGLE from the trophy of a fallen enemy. Visit DISCIPLE DANIEL if you need the required INCENSE.




Martial Arts 06/16: Use your Soul Tangle at the KARMAIC SHRINE to collect some NEGATIVE KARMA. It sounds scary, but trust me, that negative karma is already yours.




Martial Arts 07/16: Using your karma and the Altar of Martial Artistry, craft a MANTRA of REGENERATION. If you need more POSITIVE KARMA, try pulling Unsightly Weeds in the Fae Forest!




Martial Arts 08/16: Equip your MANTRA of REGENERATION in your AUTO-USE slot. Then /SLEEP ('/sleep' in chat) until the Mantra activates (which takes 10 seconds), giving you an EFFECT visible in the EFFECT VIEWER, accessible from your Character Sheet [HK:CharacterSheet].


Equip and Activate your Mantra


Martial Arts 09/16: Mantras can be re-used, unlike SHOUTS and STANCES which are consumed each use. You can consume a Mantra, however, at the RELIC of PRESERVATION, and turn it into a week-long LITANY effect. Check out the Relic of Preservation now.


Interact with the RELIC of PRESERVATION


Martial Arts 10/16: I sell the Incense required for the Litany ritual. A LITANY will last until the end of the CURRENT WEEK, and you can perform the ritual up to 24 times each day--but it can get expensive. Apply a Litany now, and complete your path to enlightenment.




Martial Arts 11/16: Now, for your first Act of Service. Each day Master Pun-Chi will offer an Act of Service as inspiration for you to bring POSITIVE KARMA into the world. Speak with him today and we shall see lessons he has for today.


Speak with Master Pun-Chi


Martial Arts 12/16: Like all Grasshoppers, your first task will be weed removal. Very good for the local flora! Purchase 'Act of Service: Removing Weeds' from Master Pun-Chi.


Purchase and Use 'Act of Service: Removing Weeds'


Martial Arts 13/16: It would appear you must start where we all did. UNSIGHTLY WEEDS can be found in the CURSED VALE, FAE FOREST, JURASSIC JUNGLE, and FORBIDDEN SPIRES. Removing them will make Trove more beautiful and perhaps bring a smile to the face of one that does not need suffer seeing them. Accept the quest from the purchased item in your inventory.


Remove 25 Unsightly Weeds


Martial Arts 14/16: Wonderful, can you feel the POSITIVE KARMA flow through you? It is a wonderful feeling. As you progress through your training in the Martial Arts Master Pun-Chi will offer more Acts of Service.


Return to Master Pun-Chi


Martial Arts 15/16: Some within our Club find Master Pun-Chi's tasks to be a bit too much. Their journey is longer. If you wish when you see them you may aid them, as that in itself is an Act of Service. One of our Overtasked Disciples has appeared in the hub. Speak with him and see what he offers.


Speak with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub


Martial Arts 16/16: There are many lessons that are hidden, keep an eye out as you progress through the Martial Arts and you may unlock them. For now you should keep things simple, purchase the FISH FOOD from the Overtasked Disciple. Then, when coming across a POOL in the wild, take a moment to feed the fishes and contemplate your lessons so far. I have taught you all I have to teach. Master Pun-Chi, and you yourself are now the teacher.


Purchase Fish Food


Mysticism 01/09: Trovian. Mistress MYSTENTA CULL invites you to learn the ways of MYSTICISM. Find her BELOW CRAFTER'S CORNER in the hub, where it smells of delicious fishies!




Mysticism 02/09: BUFFS are powerful effects which last until the CURRENT DAY resets. You can only have ONE (1) Buff active at a time. You can apply/replace Buffs at the ORB of MYSTICISM, open it up and view some now!


View BUFFs at the ORB of MYSTICISM


Mysticism 03/09: POTIONS have just as much power as buffs, but they're portable! They usually last 4+ hours, which only counts down while you're 'online.' They're crafted at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB. You won't have any recipes yet, but we'll get to that soon!


View recipes at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB


Mysticism 04/09: Whether working with Buffs or Potions, one thing all Mysticists need is MANA. WILD TROVIAN MANA, specifically. THE ORB OF MYSTICISM will show you 3 'Manahunter' buffs each week, telling you which Adventure World Biomes currently contain Mana to be collected. Mistress Cull also stocks Mana each and every day.




Mysticism 05/09: An active BUFF is required to learn the associated POTION recipe. With your MANA, you can now use the ORB of MYSTICISM to craft a BUFF.


Craft a BUFF


Mysticism 06/09: Beyond just an active BUFF, to learn a POTION RECIPE you must also Equip the food "ALCHEMYSTIC'S INSIGHT" in your Auto-Use slot. They only last a minute, so it's a good idea to craft a few!\n\n You can view active BUFFs by opening the EFFECTS viewer, the button for which is on the CHARACTER SHEET [HK:CharacterSheet].




Mysticism 07/09: Learn a POTION RECIPE at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB. To do this, have an active BUFF--for which you don't yet know the potion recipe--and Equip ALCHEMYSTIC'S INSIGHT in your Auto-Use slot.




Mysticism 08/09: Craft a POTION at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB. Potions can be sold on & purchased from the Marketplace, but the buyer automatically consumes 1 Potion immediately upon purchase!


Craft a POTION


Mysticism 09/09: You're done, Trovian! That's Mysticism! Please visit my shop to show your appreciation! I'm Twobsly, by the way!


Visit MY Shop!




this season


Wild Trovian Mana: +1000 Carrying Capacity!


Wild Trovian Mana: +100 Carrying Capacity!


11 Mystic's Reagent Stashes


33 Mystic's Reagent Stashes


Contains ingredients and mana to further the research of Mysticism


Mystic's Reagent Stash


Embrace the Mystical with this magical menagerie (and books)! Unlocks the Sorcerer Centaur and Wizardly Wyvern mounts, the Overloading Omnibus and Manahunting: Master Edition tomes, and the Enchanted Emerald Escort and Tiny Flying Magic Friend allies.


Mystic Madness


The following Titles were unlocked:


All Titles already unlocked


this week


It is in service that we find enlightenment.


As we help others we help ourselves.


I search and search and search, but MOONLIGHT BULBS are so hard to find. I have a huge list of things to find today, would you mind helping me out? Collect MOONLIGHT BULBS all over Trove to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Collect Moonlight Bulbs


It's so hard to get them back to the hub while they are still usable.


Become a Champion to unlock this Act of Service.


Act of Service: Create Something


How long has it been since you created something? It is the greatest gift we can give to others. Talent matters not, only the effort. Give it a try, see what you can come up with.




Act of Service: Aiding Critters


Why do you seek strength? Is it to defend or destroy? Too often the threats of Trove and Geode push us toward violence. It is easy to forget those that can not defend themselves. The strongest warrior protects the weak. Seek out those in need in the Geodian Caves and aid them. Help critters in the Geodian Caves.


Aid Cave Critters


Master Pun-Chi's many lessons for his disciples are often cryptic, but always valuable.


Act of Service: Feeding Fish


Life is a circle. Destruction makes room for new growth. Many in Trove take from the waters, few return anything. Always remember to give back from which you take. Failing to do so might find you empty handed in the future. Feed fish in pools all over Trove. You can buy Fish Food from the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub.


Feed the Fish


Act of Service: Speed of Youth


The young always seek speed. They wish to move quickly, skip lessons, and they fail to see what is in front of them as a result. Seek Nitro-Glitterine on Geode, but remember to take your time. Remember it is the journey, not the destination that is important.


Mine Nitro Glitterine


Act of Service: Seeking the Flame


How do you know the flame is hot? You reach and burn your hand. This is a lesson we must all remember. Seek Primordial Flame and take hold of the flame, control your pain, and learn.


Mine Primordial Flame


Act of Service: Pondering Frost


We can learn much from the Permafrost. It's biting cold reveals our weaknesses as surely as the flames of the Dragonfire Peaks. Regrettably, ice outside the Permafrost is ephemeral. Obtain Glacial Shards and ponder their permanence.


Mine Glacial Shards


Become a Martialist, find the Overtasked Disciple, and aid them to unlock.


Act of Service: Take a Moment


Meditation is good, but sometimes the blood must be flowing to think properly upon a question. When the need arises, I find a healthy walk is best. Try it out, see how it feels.


Go for a Walk


Act of Service: Removing Weeds


Balance. A master martial artist always seeks balance. Not only in form, but all things. UNSIGHTLY WEEDS have unbalanced the beauty of Trove. Today your task is to find them, remove them, and ponder how this achieves balance for you. Remove UNSIGHTLY WEEDS in the CURSED VALE, FAE FOREST, JURASSIC JUNGLE, and FORBIDDEN SPIRES.


Remove Unsightly Weeds


Become a Disciple, find Fabio Fae La Fearso, and serve the Fae King to unlock.


Become a Disciple to unlock this Act of Service.


Complete steps of the Martial Arts questline to unlock.


Arigato. Please bring it to the Hub and I will accept it.


Master asks too much. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Overtasked Disciple


Try as I might to avoid it, conflict is ever present here. I'd like to spend as little time here as possible. Would you mind collecting ASHFERN SPORELINGS for me so I can continue with my list for the master? Collect ASHFERN SPORELINGS to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Collect Ashfern Sporelings


Everything down here is so scary.


Master sent me here to conquer my fear of heights. It's not working. Would you mind collecting IRRADIANT POWERCELLS for me so that I can get out of here. Why would anyone want to live so high up? Collect IRRADIANT POWERCELLS to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Collect Irradiant Powercells


I feel like every step I take I might fall.


Hello boy-o. This mana stuff, it's wreaking havoc on our knights. They had their curses cured in the past, but the mana is reactivating it. The Order of the Moon gave us some curse cures and we could sure use some help. Would you mind curing some of our knights? Craft Elsphodel's Cure at the . Then find afflicted werewolves in the Cursed Vale and cure them.


Cure the Tomb Lord Knights


Curses, It's always curses.


Become a Martialist to unlock this Act of Service.


Master Pun-Chi says to go run we must first walk. Well I've been walking all over this desert and I'm no closer to done with his list. Could you please help me and collect NITRO-GLITTERINE?. …ITRO-GLITTERINE to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Nitro-Glitterine


Shades of red, it's all just shades of red.


Master Pun-Chi's has touched many lives and seeks to introduce you to some of them.


Act of Service: Aiding the Unthankful


Fabio Fae La Fearso can try your patience. He is a king, and expects you to give him respect he rarely earns. Still, we can not bear a grudge, lest a grudge be held against us. Seek him out and help him, perhaps a kind action might change his perspective.


Help Fabio Fae La Fearso


Act of Service: Protect Trove


Of all the students I have taught, none was so full of NEGATIVE KARMA as Chuck Pinzo. He is selfish in all ways. I have heard his Patsy has been seen in the Sundered Uplands. Seek them out and see what he is up to.


Seek the Scamster


Act of Service: A Pirate's Favor


I have enjoyed my time in the Hub. I have met all sorts of new friends. Saltwater Sam is an interesting fellow. He's quite sad due to dropping his hat while recently fishing. Apparently it happens frequently, perhaps you could lend a hand? He said he lost it in the TREASURE ISLES.


Finding a Hat


Act of Service: Helping a Friend


One of my former students resides in the Permafrost. He was ever impatient and never took to my lessons. I have helped him as much as possible, but these days it is difficult to make the journey. Would you please keep an eye out in the Permafrost for my young friend. Trouble follows him as the sun chases the moon. Find Chillio and help him in the Permafrost.


Help Chillio


Greetings Trovian. I have been tasked by my master with obtaining crafting materials for my training, but my master asks too much. There is not enough time, and what he asks for is difficult to find. If you wouldn't mind helping me I would be very grateful. Mine SHAPESTONE Ore to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Shapestone Ore


If it's common why is it so hard to find.


Tro... vian... it's so... hot. I'll never... find the ore... my master wants... please help. Mine PRIMORDIAL FLAME to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Primordial Flame


It's so hot, why don't I ever get to go to cooler places?


H-H-Help m-m-me. T-T-Too c-c-cold t-t-to t-t-hink. M-M-Mine G-G-GLACIAL S-S-SHARDS p-p-please. Mine GLACIAL SHARDS to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Glacial Shards


C-C-C-old. S-S-So c-c-c-old.


Trovian, please help! Master Pun-chi has tasked me with finding INFINIUM ORE, but it's impossible. Even if I were to find it there's many many other tasks as well. Please help, you're my only hope! Mine INFINIUM ORE to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Infinium Ore


Is it called Infinium because it takes infinity to find?


All of Trove thanks you for your sacrifice.


A man truely worthy of pity. Only seeing the value in the material. Violence is not the way, it would be simpler to show him the fragility of wealth. Purchase all he has, let him see that wealth does not bring enlightment. Destroy whatever trinkets he gives you, they are always worthless. For the good of all of Trove, buy what he's selling and destroy it. Rumors circulate that Chuck Pinzo has been hiding near powerful enemies on Trove and Geode.


Purchase Pinzo's Products


Spend in a spree with your buddy Chucky P.!


Ahoy! Thanks for the favor Trovian, I owe ya!


There's a waterproof note inside the brim: ''Property of Saltwater Sam. Please return to me in the Fishing Area of the Hub if found.'' Saltwater Sam would probably appreciate the favor.


Return the Pirate Hat


Truely a tragedy, a pirate hat lost at sea.


Living in the Neon City means your life runs on PLASMA, and we go through a lot of it. It's an exhausting task, mind giving me a hand? Use the PLASMA SPONGE to collect PLASMA to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Collect Plasma


This is my least favorite task, it always leaves me so tired....


Thanks Trovian. If ya don't mind, keep an eye out. This happens more than you'd think.


Yo Trovian. As you can see I'm in a bit of trouble. Every so often the sun shines a bit too much and my head melts off my body. The worst part is my body doesn't seem to realize it. Could you do me a favor and find my body. The last time this happened I didn't get fixed till Snowfest! Press [HK:Loot] to interact with Chillio's Body.


Find Chillio's Body


We all get lost sometimes....


VERIDIUM. That's all I need to be done with this planet, but I can't find it. Maybe you will have better luck, mind helping me out? Mine VERIDIUM to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.


Mine Veridium


You'd think you could find green in a sea of red.


Your service is appreciated, but your work is never done.


UNSIGHTLY WEEDS, everywhere I look instead of glorious fae fauna I see weeds. This is unacceptable. When I screamed for the gardner I was informed that I had fired the gardener. Given that, I must find a replacement. You seem capable. As regeant of all of the Fae that I can see I conscript you to pull every UNSIGHTLY WEED you can see. Find and pull weeds from the ground in the CURSED VALE, FAE FOREST, JURASSIC JUNGLE, and FORBIDDEN SPIRES.


Remove Unsightly Weeds


Unisghtly, unwanted, and most importantly, unaccecptable.


Maintains Melody as long as the correct Abilities are used.




Increases Physical & Magic Damage by 30%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 20%.


Increases Physical & Magic Damage by 45%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 45%.


Increases Movement Speed by 25%. Increases Maximum Energy by 30.


Increases Movement Speed by 40%. Increases Maximum Energy by 50.


Critical Hits trigger a Life Leech effect.


Increases Movement Speed by 40. Increases Attack Speed by 200%. Increases Physical Damage by 130%.


Increases Movement Speed by 30. Reduces Incoming Damage by 25%.


Increases Attack Speed by 50%. Increases Physical Damage by 50%.


Queued to enter a Delve. If you have placed a "Matchmaker," interact with it again to "READY" and "RUSH" the Delve.


Delve Queue


Increases Movement Speed by 75%. Reduced Lava damage.


Increases Jump by 5 and Jump Height by 100%.


Advanced Jumping




Increases Health Regeneration & Maximum Health


Friendsgiving: Health Regeneration & Maximum Health


Increases Jump by 10 and Reduces Incoming Damage by 10%


Friendsgiving: Jump & Damage Reduction


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 25 and Magic Damage by 5%


Friendsgiving: Critical Hit Damage & Magic Damage


Increases Attack Speed by 10 and Physical Damage by 5%


Friendsgiving: Attack Speed & Physical Damage


Increases Movement Speed by 5 and Magic Find by 15


Friendsgiving: Movement & Magic Find


Increases Damage done by 10%, and Magic Find by 25


Friendsgiving: Damage & Magic Find


Increases Energy Regen by 5 and Attack Speed by 20


Friendsgiving: Energy & Attack Speed


While above 90% hp you gain 15% increased Magic Damage.


While below 90% hp you gain 10 Movement Speed.


Proof of membership to the Trove Fitness Unlimited Gym. Being a member of the Gym has its perks, including a seldom inflated sense of ego.


Reduced Falling speed


Can walk across Ice without slipping


Increases Stability by 150 and 100%. Reduces incoming damage by 50%. Intercepting damage from nearby Players.


Reduces Incoming Damage by 25%. Redirects 25% of Incoming Damage to another Target. Increases Stability by 100%.


Increases Physical Damage by 85%


Increases Health Regeneration by 150%. Increases Stability by 1000. Increases Movement Speed by 10.


Stealth. Movement Speed increased by 50%. Throwing Stars available.


Falling slowly.


Increases Health Regeneration by 100%. Increases Physical Damage by 50%. You are NOT currently protected from Death.


Reduces damage taken. Upgrades Primary Attack so that it affects all nearby enemeis and Skellittles. Ends when Energy reaches 0.


The only Zen you find here is the Zen you bring with you.


Road-top Zen Garden


Always willing to light the way for a fellow magic practitioner.


Sorcerer Centaur


He will not help you find the answers, but he will help you outrun the questions!


Heavenly Hakuna


Because Dragons just weren't magical enough.


Wizardly Wyvern


Technology and Magic are pretty similar if you think about it.


Mystical Mecha


It crawls, it skulks, and it creeps across the geodian caves.


Mount: Cave Crawler Critter


Cave Crawler Critter


He's just a little guy!


Tiny Flying Magic Friend


Like a Water Manabeast if you made it smaller and friendlier.


Mini Water Manabeast


One thing is for certain, this heckbug isn't missing any meals.


Ally: Pudgy Heckbug


Pudgy Heckbug


Four legs means four times the speed, right?


Cragged Heckbug


The heckbugs that can't fly still find a way.


Hoppin' Heckbug


Dragonflys are mystical, but this one still scares me.


Dragonfly Heckbug


Like a Cosmic Manabeast if you made it smaller and friendlier.


Mini Cosmic Manabeast


Master Pun-chi assigned this one to follow you, but you still have to do all the good deeds by yourself.


Not-so helpful Grasshopper


If things are in balance, they do not have to make sense.


Portable Wisdom


Like an Air Manabeast if you made it smaller and friendlier.


Mini Air Manabeast


Can trick you into thinking that being a member of gym makes you better than others.


Trove Fitness Unlimited Membership


Some say it's a guide to magical greatness. Others say it leads to an early end. Only one way to find out.


Enchanted Emerald Escort


Like a Fire Manabeast if you made it smaller and friendlier.


Mini Fire Manabeast


Keep it balanced!


Karma Capacitor


Produces 10000 Crystallized Mana Fragments when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.


Overloading Omnibus


Grants the Mega Manahunter Buff when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.


Manahunting: Master Edition


Produces 200 Crystallized Mana Fragments when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.


Mana Manual


This gym not only gets you where you need to be, but lets you get a workout in on the way.


All in One Flying Gym


Find your inner peace beyond the clouds.


Balanced Kite


Increases Physical Damage by 75%


Sundered Uplands: Physical Damage++


Increases Magic Damage by 75%


Sundered Uplands: Magic Damage++


Forces FLYING and GLIDING trovians to the ground unless protected!


Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands


Sundered Uplands: Freedom of Flight


Sundered Uplands: Flight Restrictions!


Reduces damage taken by 15%, only active in the Sundered Uplands biome


Sundered Uplands: Defense++


Increases Jump by +50, only active in the Sundered Uplands biome


Sundered Uplands: Jump++


Rarely, upon doing damage when in the Sundered Uplands, increase Physical Damage dealt. Cooldown: 100s


Sundered Uplands: Physical Damage++


Rarely, upon doing damage when in the Sundered Uplands, increase Magic Damage dealt. Cooldown: 100s


Sundered Uplands: Magic Damage++


Occasionally increases the amount of Sundered Uplands resources received when mined or harvested Cooldown: 100s


Sundered Uplands: Resource Collection++


Healed 5% of Maximum Health when DRINKING a potion.


Litany: When in Trove!


EXPLOSION triggered when MINING for 5s. Cooldown: 30s


Litany of Mega-Lasermancy


BLOCK REVEAL triggered when MINING for 3s. Cooldown: 5s


Litany of Meta-Lasermancy


Grants +25 Magic Find plus an additional 1%.


Litany of Luck


Mantra of Luck


Grants +500 Health Regeneration plus an additional 5%.


Litany of Regeneration


Mantra of Regeneration


Reduces Incoming Damage by 10%.


Intimidating Screech


Grants +25% Energy Regeneration.


Invigorating Roar


Increases Critical Hit by +5%.




Increases the Power of your next Jump by +75%.




Damage dealt to Enemies causes Explosions.


Explosive Projectiles


Increases Light by +1%




Blocks SLOW and increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 when in CHOCOLATE until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Blocks SLOW and increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 when in CHOCOLATE


BUFF: Chocolate Affinity


Transforms lava beneath your feet into walkable ground until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Transforms lava beneath your feet into walkable ground.


BUFF: Firewalker


Increases Maximum Flasks by 3 until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases Maximum Flasks by 3.


BUFF: Flask Capacity


Increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 and 5% until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 and 5%


BUFF: Regeneration


Prevents SLIPPING when on ICE until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Prevents SLIPPING when on ICE.


BUFF: Icebound


Increases Jump by 10 and 5% until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases Jump by 10 and 5%.


BUFF: Jump++


Increases Magic Damage by 1.0% until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases Magic Damage by 1.0%.


BUFF: Keen Mind


DEFEATING ENEMIES allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from CANDORIAN Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Candoria.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from JURASSIC JUNGLE Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Jurassic Jungle.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from DRAGONFIRE PEAKS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Dragonfire Peaks.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from FAE FOREST Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Fae Forest.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from DESERT FRONTIER Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Desert Frontier.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from SUNDERED UPLANDS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Sundered Uplands.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from MEDIEVAL HIGHLANDS Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Medieval Highlands.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from NEON CITY Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Neon City.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from FORBIDDEN SPIRES Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Forbidden Spires.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from PERMAFROST Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Permafrost.


DEFEATING ENEMIES from CURSED VALE Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Cursed Vale.


Periodically reveals nearby NPCs through walls until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Periodically reveals nearby NPCs through walls.


BUFF: Aura-Vision


Increases Physical Damage by 1.0% until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases Physical Damage by 1.0%.


BUFF: Strength of Beasts


Grants a short duration SLOWFALL when JUMPING in ADVENTURE WORLDS, DELVES, and the HUB until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Falling slowly. Use DODGE to cancel.


Grants a short duration SLOWFALL when JUMPING in ADVENTURE WORLDS, DELVES, and the HUB.


BUFF: Vampire's Grace


Increases Stability by 500 and 5% until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Increases Stability by 500 and 5%.


BUFF: Stability++


Transforms water beneath your feet into walkable ground until the current DAY ends. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


Transforms water beneath your feet into walkable ground.


BUFF: Waterwalker


Levels the terrain before you as you run.




Cuts Crafting time in half


Hasten Crafting


Become slow in exchange for the protection of explosions


Explosive Protection


Leaving behind a golden path, even in the air!


Ganda Lite


Just bear in mind that you're in the center


Summon Giant Explosion


Increases Health Regen by 100000


Ultimate Regeneration


Increases Jump by +10000




Increases Lasermancy by 750


Lasermancy MAX


Summons a floating platform below you


Conjure Platform


Pull enemies towards you


Magic Pull


Push enemies away from you


Magic Push


Jump higher for a limited time


Super Jump


Turn the ground below into an air vent


Air Vent


Allows Learning of POTION recipes for active Buffs at the Alchemystic's Lab


Crafting this will give you an activity in the Events tab of the Activity Journal. The activity will remain for 24 hours. Completing these activities will give you Effort of Champions.


Training Regimen: Defeat Dungeons


Training Regimen: Jump Around


Training Regimen: Defeat Enemies


Training Regimen: Go for a Walk


Pinzo's Perfectly Crafted Products consistently provide precisely perfected outcomes. Pinzo's up to something again. Use this item to start an activity to handle this inevitable Pinzo Problem.


Pinzo's Perfect Products


When equipped in Auto-Use, heals 5% of Max Health whenever DRINKING a Flask.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra: When in Trove!


Throw this food into a fish pool found in chocolate to feed the fish and feel better about yourself!


Fishfood: Chocolate Pools


Throw this food into a fish pool found in lava to feed the fish and feel better about yourself!


Fishfood: Lava Pools


Throw this food into a fish pool found in plasma to feed the fish and feel better about yourself!


Fishfood: Plasma Pools


Throw this food into a fish pool found in water to feed the fish and feel better about yourself!


Fishfood: Water Pools


When equipped, steadily GLIDE for 10+ seconds in Hub or Adventure Worlds to receive SLOWFALL for 10 seconds.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra of Featherlight


When equipped in Auto-Use, MINING for 5s total triggers a large EXPLOSION.\nCooldown: 30s\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra of Mega-Lasermancy


When equipped in Auto-Use, MINING for 3s total briefly reveals nearby resource blocks.\nCooldown: 5s\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra of Meta-Lasermancy


When equipped in Auto-Use, MOUNT-up and strike an /EPICPOSE to increase MAGIC FIND by +25 and +1% for 2 hours.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra of Luck


When equipped in Auto-Use, /SLEEP for 10+ seconds to increase HEALTH REGENERATION by +500 and +5% for 2 hours.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.


Mantra of Regeneration


When consumed, creates an EXPLOSION instantly at your location.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a CHARGE ability (Knight, Neon Ninja, Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 45s


Shout: Explosive Yell


When consumed, decreases INCOMING DAMAGE by 10% for 10 seconds.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a CHANNEL ability for 3+ seconds (Dracolyte, Tomb Raiser).\nCooldown: 30s


Shout: Intimidating Screech


When consumed, empowers your LEAP LANDING with an EXPLOSION.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a LEAP ability (Candy Barbarian, Lunar Lancer).\nCooldown: 30s


Shout: Massive Roar


When consumed, increases ENERGY REGENERATION by 25% for 5 seconds.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a SLAM ability (Fae Trickster, Ice Sage, Knight).\nCooldown: 60s


Shout: Invigorating Roar


When consumed, reduces the MOVEMENT SPEED of nearby enemies by 85% for 5 seconds.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when beginning a THROW ability or item use.\nCooldown: 60s


Shout: Intimidating Yell


When consumed, increases CRITICAL HIT by 5% for 5 minutes (as long as another Sharp-Shooter is in your Auto-use Slot).\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when holding a CHARGESHOT ability for more than 7 seconds (Dino Tamer, Gunslinger).


Stance: Sharp-Shooter


When consumed, PULLS IN nearby ROBOTIC enemies.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a SWING ability (Bard, Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Knight, Lunar Lancer, Neon Ninja, Revenant, Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 90s


Stance: Neon Swing


When consumed, PULLS IN nearby enemies.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a SWING ability (Bard, Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Knight, Lunar Lancer, Neon Ninja, Revenant, Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 60s


Stance: Gravity Swing


When consumed, PULLS IN nearby ROBOTIC enemies.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using an UPPERCUT ability (Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 90s


Stance: Neon Punch


When consumed, increases JUMP HEIGHT by +75% for a single jump.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when JUMPING after RUNNING FORWARD for 5 seconds.\nCooldown: 30s


Stance: Running-Momentum-Transfer


When consumed, your projectiles briefly create EXPLOSIONS when they strike enemies for 15 seconds.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a SHOOT ability for 5+ seconds (Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dino Tamer, Fae Trickster, Gunslinger, Ice Sage, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Solarion, Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 120s


Stance: Explosive Projectiles


When consumed, spawns LAUNCHPADS all around you, faciliating a quick escape.\n\nEquip in your Auto-Use slot to consume when using a SHOOT ability (Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dino Tamer, Fae Trickster, Gunslinger, Ice Sage, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Solarion, Vanguardian).\nCooldown: 60s


Stance: Springtrap


Consume your currently equipped Mantra, converting it into a LITANY, applying a portion of its effect for the remainder of the CURRENT WEEK.\n\nOnly 1 Litany may be active at a time.




Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting in any biome, and allows Wild Trovian Mana to be collected by Defeating Almost ANY enemy until the current DAY ends.


BUFF: Mega Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in CANDORIAN Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Candoria will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Candorian Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in JURASSIC JUNGLE Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Jurassic Jungle will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Jungle Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in DRAGONFIRE PEAKS Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Dragonfire Peaks will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Peaks Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in FAE FOREST Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Fae Forest will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Fae Forest Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in DESERT FRONTIER Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Desert Frontier will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Desert Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in SUNDERED UPLANDS Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Sundered Uplands will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Sundered Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in MEDIEVAL HIGHLANDS Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Medieval Highlands will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Highlands Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in NEON CITY Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Neon City will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Neon City Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in FORBIDDEN SPIRES Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Forbidden Spires will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Spires Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in PERMAFROST Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Permafrost will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Permafrost Manahunter


When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in CURSED VALE Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Cursed Vale will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.


BUFF: Cursed Vale Manahunter


Blocks SLOW and increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 when in CHOCOLATE for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Chocolate Affinity'


POTION: Chocolate Affinity


Transforms lava beneath your feet into walkable ground for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Firewalker'


POTION: Firewalker


Increases Maximum Flasks by 3 for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Flask Capacity'


POTION: Flask Capacity


Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands for 4 hours.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands


Unlock: 'POTION: Freedom of Flight'


POTION: Freedom of Flight


Increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 10,000 and 5% for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Regeneration'


POTION: Regeneration


Prevents SLIPPING when on ICE for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Icebound'


POTION: Icebound


Increases Jump by 10 and 5% for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Jump++'


POTION: Jump++


Craft to learn/unlock this MYSTICISM Recipe


Increases Magic Damage by 1% for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Keen Mind'


POTION: Keen Mind


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in CANDORIAN Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana. \n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1)


POTION: Candorian Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in JURASSIC JUNGLE Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Jungle Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in DRAGONFIRE PEAKS Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Peaks Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in FAE FOREST Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Fae Forest Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in DESERT FRONTIER Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Desert Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in SUNDERED UPLANDS Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Sundered Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in MEDIEVAL HIGHLANDS Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Highlands Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in NEON CITY Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Neon City Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in FORBIDDEN SPIRES Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Spires Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in PERMAFROST Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Permafrost Manahunter


Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in CURSED VALE Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


POTION: Cursed Vale Manahunter


Unlock: 'POTION: Candorian Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Jungle Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Peaks Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Fae Forest Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Desert Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Sundered Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Highlands Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Neon City Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Spires Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Permafrost Manahunter'


Unlock: 'POTION: Cursed Vale Manahunter'


Periodically reveals nearby NPCs through walls for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Aura-Vision'


POTION: Aura-Vision


Increases Physical Damage by 1% for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Strength of Beasts'


POTION: Strength of Beasts


Grants a short duration SLOWFALL when JUMPING in ADVENTURE WORLDS, DELVES, and the HUB\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Vampire's Grace'


POTION: Vampire's Grace


Increases Stability by 500 and 5% for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Stability++'


POTION: Stability++


Transforms water beneath your feet into walkable ground for 4 hours\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).


Unlock: 'POTION: Waterwalker'


POTION: Waterwalker


Level the terrain before you for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Bulldoze


Cuts Crafting time in half for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Hasten Crafting


Become slow in exchange for the protection of explosions for 30 seconds. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Explosive Protection


Allows you to throw a powerful fireball.


SCROLL: Fireball


Leave behind a golden path for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Ganda Lite


Summons a Giant Explosion around you.


SCROLL: Summon Giant Explosion


Increases Health Regen by 100000 for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Ultimate Regeneration


Increases Jump by 10000 for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Jump+++++


Increases Lasermancy by 750 for 5 minutes. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Lasermancy MAX


Summons a floating platform below you that lasts for 30 seconds.


SCROLL: Conjure Platform


Pull enemies towards you for 2 seconds. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Magic Pull


Push enemies away from you for 2 seconds. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Magic Push


Jump higher for 30 seconds. Scroll effects do not persist between worlds.


SCROLL: Super Jump


Turns the ground below into an updraft that lasts for 60 seconds.


SCROLL: Updraft


Completely worthless, Who would want this? Dropped by Heckbugs in the Dragonfire Peaks during the Heckbugs In Love event.


Heckbug Pincer


One drop in the bucket of what builds a Champion. Obtained from Dungeons during the Renewus 2025 event. Can be used at the Championship Training Weights. Warning: Will be removed at the end of the Renewus 2025 event!


Effort of Champions


Occasional by-product when crafting BUFFS or POTIONS. Can be converted into Wild Trovian Mana at the Alchemystic's Lab.


Crystallized Mana Fragment


Previously worthless, their worthlessness has once again made them worth something. Now a commemorative coin as a lasting relic from one of the most successful Pinzo scams to date. Destroy (loot collect) this item for the good of Trove.


Commemorative Pinzon


This cerifificate confers ownership of one share of the Pinzo's Products LLC. Warning: The owner of this product certifies their knowledge that it's value is highly volatile and upon reaching zero, becomes null and void. Destroy (loot collect) this for the good of Trove.


Share of Pinzo's Products


While not sure why everyone is seeking it, Chuck Pinzo is not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. This right boot comes with all the bells and whistles one can expect from a right boot. Warning: This boot is for viewing only and has no practical purpose. Destroy (loot collect) this for the good of Trove.


Pinzo's Right Boot


The best flux tank flux can buy. Converts Megaflux Tanks into the Super Mega Pinz-Tank, which is better in every conceivable way. Destroy (loot collect) this for the good of Trove.


Super Mega Pinz-Tank


Removing this unsightly weed will make all of Trove happy.


Unsightly Weed


Used by the MARTIAL ARTS and sold by the Neon Punch Club in the hub!


Beginner's Incense


Used at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to convert MANTRAS into WEEK-LONG effects!


Quality Incense


Obtained by delivering WAYWARD SOUL TANGLES at the KARMAIC SHRINE


Negative Karma


Obtained by performing acts of service. Find and speak with a MARTIAL ARTS envoy in the HUB to learn more.


Positive Karma


These souls have experienced a lot of... experiences.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Ancient souls.


Ancient Soul Tangle


A mighty being, finally resting.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with MIGHTY souls.


Mighty Soul Tangle


A soul swarm if there ever was one.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Buggy souls.


Insectoid Soul Tangle


Sweeter than you can possibly imagine.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Candied souls.


Candied Soul Tangle


Warping and writhing in and out of your perception...\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Chaotic souls.


Chaotic Tangle of Souls


An infinite series of steady ticks, if listened-to close enough.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Mechanical souls.


Mechanical Soul Tangle


It pulses with bestial fury.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Draconic souls.


Draconic Soul Tangle


Small but powerful.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Fae souls.


Faesoul Tangle


It feels heavy with burden.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Undertow souls.


Undertow Soul Tangle


Towering power.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Gigantic souls.


Gigantic Soul Tangle


It gleams with brilliant light.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Arcane souls.


Arcane Soul Tangle


Primitive.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from many Trovian enemies.


Soul Tangle


Digital souls from digital existences.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Neon souls.


Neon Soul Tangle


Brilliant.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Radiant souls.


Radiant Soul Tangle


It dissipates at the slightest touch or movement, but eventually settles back into shape.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Shadowy souls.


Shadowy Soul Tendril


An infinite cycle of death and reincarnation.\n\nObtained by COMPOSTING trophies from enemies with Undead souls.


Eternal Soul Tangle


Obtanied from Cursed Skylands adventure worlds.\n\nUsed by Mysticists.


Crystallized Zephyr of Mana


Obtanied from Igneous Islands adventure worlds.\n\nUsed by Mysticists.


Crystallized Mana Ember


Obtanied from Geode Topside adventure worlds.\n\nUsed by Mysticists.


Crystallized globs of Meta-Mana


Obtanied from Drowned adventure worlds.\n\nUsed by Mysticists.


Crystallized Aquatic Mana


Migrates its way across all Trovian ADVENTURE WORLD biomes.\n\nWhispers in the HUB suggest those familiar with MYSTICISM use Mana.


Wild Trovian Mana


Mystical Heckbug Egg


Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Mystical Heckbug. Found rarely when exploring or assiting wild Heckbugs in the Moonglow Grotto during the Heckbugs In Love event.


To fight like a champion you have to train like a champion. To train like a champion you have to eat like a champion. Be the Champion Garx knows you can be.


Garx's Championship Protein Bar


When Equipped in the Auto-Use slot, allows Trovians the insight required to transform a currently active BUFF into a POTION RECIPE at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB


Alchemystic's Insight


Contains a Crystals, Mystical Heckbug Eggs, sometimes a Heckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style, and rarely a Cave Crawler Critter.


Mystical Heckbug's Trove


Contains rare reagents or a wealth of mana!


Arch Mystic's Reagent Stash


Technology and Magic are pretty similar if you think about it.


Mount: Mystical Mecha


Recipe: Stance: Neon Swing


Recipe: Stance: Neon Punch


"A friendly, funny-looking fellow gave me this! No, I don't know what it is."


Recipe: Karmaic Transmutation


Sail: Neon Pearl


Random Weapon Style


Unlocks the Pointy Podao spear style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Pointy Podao


Unlocks the Enlightened Spear spear style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Enlightened Spear


Unlocks the Sword of Enlightenment sword style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Sword of Enlightenment


Unlocks the Striking Sai sword style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Striking Sai


Unlocks the Enlightened Mau bow style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Enlightened Mau


Unlocks the Curled-up Yumi bow style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Curled-up Yumi


Unlocks the Enlightened Punch fist style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Enlightened Punch


Unlocks the Tori-justice fist style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Tori-justice


Unlocks the Nimbble Nunchaku pistol style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Nimbble Nunchaku


Unlocks the Sharpened Shuriken pistol style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Sharpened Shuriken


Unlocks the Enlightened Gourd Mace staff style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Enilghtened Gourd Mace


Unlocks the Pocket-sized Podao staff style, or gives Positive Karma if that style is already unlocked.


Style: Pocket-sized Podao


Increases the maximum amount of Wild Trovian Mana you can carry by 1000!


MEGA Mana Maximizer


Increases the maximum amount of Wild Trovian Mana you can carry by 100!


Mana Maximizer


Point the sharp side at your foes for best results.


Pointy Podao


As fancy, as it is deadly.


Enlightened Spear


Can stay in pristine condition for centuries.


Sword of Enlightenment


Your most trustworthy friend in the shadows.


Striking Sai


Balance your thoughts before taking aim.


Enlightened Mau


It might or might not be asymmetrical.


Curled-up Yumi


Just one is enough.


Enlightened Punch


Obligates your enemies to pay up.




Too fast to be seen.


Nimble Nunchaku




Sharpened Shuriken


For a smashing Kung Fu.


Enlightened Gourd Mace


Don't let the enemies get too close.


Pocket-sized Podao


All of them. All. Of. Them. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


The Hunter


''...'' Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Master Pun-chi


Helpful Grasshopper


Another Helpful Grasshopper


Placeable Decorations for sale [HK:Loot]! Fund the Neon Punch Club!


Press [HK:Loot] to make a purchase & help fund the Neon Punch Club!


Disciple Daniel


Helper Twobsly


Helper Threebsly


Helper Fourbsly


Placeable Decorations for sale [HK:Loot]!


Mystenta Cull, Mystic Merchant


Press [HK:Loot] browse items used for the MYSTIC ARTS!


@DNT Used by the MARTIAL ARTS profession to manage one's Karma


@DNT Public Composter of the Neon Punch Club


Enlightened Banner: Bottom


Enlightened Banner: Middle


Enlightened Banner: Top


Training Rope: Straight


Training Rope: Straight End


Enlightened Seating


Training Plaftorm


Training Support: Base


Training Support: Rope Corner


Training Support: Four Ropes


Training Support: Rope End


Training Support: Three Ropes


Training Support: Two Ropes


Training Support: Top


Enlightened Table: Plain


Enlightened Table: Cups


Enlightened Table: Incense


Mystical Banner - Bottom


Mystical Banner - Middle


Mystical Banner - Top


Mystical Scroll - Bottom


Mystical Scroll - Middle


Mystical Scroll - Top


Mysterious Carpet


Large Mana Fragment Placeable


Mana Fragment Placeable


Mana Wall Tile


Mana Tile


Eye Pod 1


Eye Pod 2


Eye Pod 3


Ceiling Eye Pod 1


Ceiling Eye Pod 2


Ceiling Eye Pod 3


Mystical Tentacle Base


Mystical Tentacle Middle


Mystical Tentacle Tip


Mystical Ceiling Tentacle Base


Mystical Ceiling Tentacle Middle


Mystical Ceiling Tentacle Tip


Heroes are forged one day at a time, one lift at a time, one drop of sweat at a time. Gives access to the Training Regimen daily activities.


Championship Training Weights


Fully capable of crafting many of Chuck Pinzo's decorations, but this printer has been modified to prevent mass production of, among other things, more Chuck Pinzos.


Patented Pinzo Printer


Tomb Lords Cauldron


Used to craft powerful SHOUTS, STANCES, and MANTRAS, to be equipped in the AUTO-USE EQUIPMENT Slot.


Used by the MARTIAL ARTS profession to manage one's Karma


Press [HK:Loot] to manage your Positive and Negative Karma


Path of Service


Path of Suffering


Karmaic Shrine


Used by the MARTIAL ARTS profession to convert MANTRAS into week-long LITANIES


Press [HK:Loot] to convert equipped MANTRA into a LITANY effect


Path of Preservation


Relic of Preservation


Altar of Martial Artistry


Used to craft powerful POTIONS and cast timely TRANSMUTATIONS


Reagents & Valuables






Alchemystic's Lab


Used to turn Wild Trovian Mana, among other reagents, into powerful BUFFS.


The Orb of Mysticism


Empowered Air Manabeast


Empowered Air Manabeast Wall Trophy


Empowered Fire Manabeast


Empowered Fire Manabeast Wall Trophy


Empowered Cosmic Manabeast


Empowered Cosmic Manabeast Wall Trophy


Empowered Water Manabeast


Empowered Water Manabeast Wall Trophy


Air Manabeast


Air Manabeast Wall Trophy


Wild Manabeast


Wild Manabeast Wall Trophy


Fire Manabeast


Fire Manabeast Wall Trophy


Cosmic Manabeast


Cosmic Manabeast Wall Trophy


Water Manabeast


Water Manabeast Wall Trophy


Must have MANTRA equipped in Auto-Use slot


Cracking one of these is bad luck for a year, that's almost worse than the explosion!


Bomber Royale: Mystical Heckbug Egg


Mystical Heckbug Egg


Explosions are just par for the course for a creature native to the Dragonfire Peaks.


Bomber Royale: Heckbug Egg


Heckbug Egg


Twice the ferociousness, twice the explosion!


Bomber Royale: Heckbug-Hybrid Egg


Heckbug-Hybrid Egg


Obtained for reaching 200 skill in Martial Arts


, Martial Arts Master


Obtained for reaching 200 skill in Mysticism


, Master of the Mystic Arts

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Punches & Potions.

  • $prefabs_abilities_equipment_catastrophe_vision_banner_emptyeffect_description - Allows you to see Fiona Catastra, sometimes found near Adventure Shrines
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_rarity_03_daily_name - Angler's Seeker Lures
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_rarity_03_daily_description - Increases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_speed_03_daily_name - Angler's Quick Lure
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_speed_03_daily_description - Increases how quickly you catch fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_trophy_03_daily_name - Angler's Depth Lures
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_fishingbait_trophy_03_daily_description - Increases the chance of catching trophy fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_giantlands_scroll_flightrestritions_gold_name - Scroll: BUFF: Freedom of Flight (Gold)
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_giantlands_scroll_flightrestritions_gold_description - Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands.\nDuration: 3 days, online or offline\nMust be in Sundered Uplands to consume\nREMOVES all active MYSTICISM BUFFS!
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_giantlands_scroll_flightrestritions_obsidian_name - Scroll: BUFF: Freedom of Flight (Obsidian)
  • $prefabs_item_consumable_giantlands_scroll_flightrestritions_obsidian_description - Allows unrestricted flight within the Sundered Uplands.\nDuration: 1 week, online or offline\nMust be in Sundered Uplands to consume\nREMOVES all active MYSTICISM BUFFS!
  • $prefabs_item_holiday_hellbug_heckychow_summon_item_description - This tasty Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow can be used attract a friendly Heckbug to follow you around for 10 minutes.
  • $UnequipFail_Edible - This Auto-Use consumable has been prepared for use, and cannot be un-equipped.
  • $EquipmentSlot_Edible - Auto-Use
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_expertise_martialarts_03_Description - Martial Arts 03/16: The KARMAIC SHRINE is where we get our inner-work done. POSITIVE KARMA comes by doing acts of service throughout Trove--like helping Geode Cave Critters, or pulling Unsightly Weeds. NEGATIVE KARMA? Well, as you know, the universe is full of violence and sufferng. Do you have any enemy trophies, Trovian?
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_expertise_martialarts_07_Description - Martial Arts 07/16: Using your karma and the Altar of Martial Artistry, craft a MANTRA of REGENERATION. If you need more POSITIVE KARMA, try pulling Unsightly Weeds in the Fae Forest!