New Strings

New Strings detected in Tune Up.


Friend Request


For the fallen stars, help them come home. The Moon Goddess's will lives in all her stars. Q'bthulhu shall not have them.


Collect Tainted Stars


The Sun Acolyte seeks your aid to collect more stars.


Adventure World


Altar of the Moon


Bomber Royale


Battle World




Moonglow Grotto


Sunken Sunvault


Verdant Veins




Recieved By the Moon Goddess's Blessing.


Found by those hidden in the Void.






Cursed Skylands


DM 10-person


DM 1v1


DM 5v5


Delve Cavern


Delve lacks gateway energy Completion impossible




Drowned World


Chat features are blocked due to your Parental Controls.


Save the stars!


Dysblockian Future


The Fae and the Undead are duking it out pick a side and fight.


Fae VS Undead


First Scenario


You are now blocking {0}


Add to Blocked


Friend Request




Name of the player to block:


Geode - Sanctuary


Geode - Sanctuary


Geode - Sanctuary


Geode - Sanctuary


Geode Topside




Igneous Islands


Invasion Test


You were invited to join {0}!






Q'bthulhu is closing in...


Elsphodel... please help.


You protected me this time...


They... were... trying...


I can still feel his power...


Help me get home to her... please.


He found us...


They will find her... stop them.


Are we too late?


He won't stop till he has more power...


He's taking what power I have... help please...


You must stop him.. Please Trovian...


Has the Moon Goddess fallen too far into the Void...?






One or more mods are out of date and may be incompatible with new features. If you experience issues please disable mods and try again.


Neon Realm


Fae Tombs in the Cursed Vale


Undead Tombs in the Fae Wilds


Plugs And Socket


Continue through the cave! Press [HK:AdventureModeSlot1] to throw bombs and blast the exit!


Press [HK:BasicAbility] and [HK:PrimaryAbility] to defeat Todstrom!


You can dodge attacks! Try it out by pressing [HK:Dodge]!


Lunar Plunge 2021 1/11: Trovian! Come visit me in the Hub, we celebrate Lunar Plunge for another year. Though we are without our beloved Moon Goddess, we continue to fight against Q'bthulhu's influences. Without your help his Shadow Invaders would be stretching across these lands. Celebrate the Moon Goddess Elsphodel, and help us wish she return home soon.


Visit Lunar Knight Qubesly in the Hub


Lunar Plunge 2021 2/11: Trovians! It is I, your Moon Goddess Elsphodel. For those of you that can hear my voice, I plead for your help once more. I am still lost in the void, with Q'bthulhu still on his chase to find me. His powers are still growing even in my escape from his prison. Please seek out my beloved stars, they need your help. There are forces beyond your control but you can stop the void from reaching you and my sister Elysia, your Sun Goddess. Tell Qubesly of what the Moon Goddess spoke.


Moon Goddess speaks, tell Qubesly what she said.


Lunar Plunge 2021 3/11: You heard the Moon Goddess too? After all this time she is still in the Void. We must help her! The Fae guards are reporting Q'bthulhu invaders are appearing in the Fae Forest. Speak with the Fae at their outpost in the Fae Forest. Be a mighty follower of the Moon Goddess and find out what they are planning Trovian!


Visit Fae Forest Adventure Giver


Lunar Plunge 2021 4/11: Trovian, I speak to you by the power of the Sun Goddess, Elysia. I am the Sun Acolyte Tauri. The Shadow Giants you fought are invading the area and trying to take the stars back to Q'bthulhu. It is up to you that this does not happen. By the Sun Goddess' glory, push his forces back into the Void.


Defeat Shadow Giants!


Lunar Plunge 2021 5/11: Sweet children of the Sun Goddess, you come to my aid yet again. My stars are being consumed by Q'bthulhu in order to stop my efforts to reach you. What is left of my strength comes from these stars. Please save them! Repel Q'bthulhu's powers back into the depths of the void.


Collect more Stars!


Lunar Plunge 2021 6/11: Hello Trovian children of the Sun! I have come far from lands beyond seeking out ways to bring back the Moon Goddess from the void. Visit me in the hub to help save these stars.


Visit Sun Acolyte in the Hub


Lunar Plunge 2021 7/11: I have watched over your valiant efforts to aid the Moon Goddess. We have little time left to save these stars as their energy and life continues to be drained by Q'bthulhu. Your dear Qubesly has allowed me to use your Radiant Dayspring to help you cleanse these stars of Q'bthulhu's influence. Use the Tainted Lunar Drops and Eyes of Q'bthulhu you have gathered to craft a Cleansed Lunar Drop.


Craft a Cleansed Lunar Drop


Lunar Plunge 2021 8/11: You've done it Trovian! The Moon Goddess has shown me how to transform these stars into something new! Come trade your Cleansed Stars for what I have in my store.


Lunar Plunge 2021 9/11: Be sure to collect a Banner from my store. You've done so much for the Moon Goddess. Let us hope that she can make it back to us before Q'bthulhu finds her... The void is a large and vast place of darkness.


Purchase a Banner


Lunar Plunge 2021 10/11: Sun Child, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tauri, Sun Acolyte to the Sun Goddess. For as long as I am here, the stars you bring me will continue to be cleansed. Although Q'bthulhu's invaders are still invading, I have kept watch, and I am impressed. I will fight with you and continue to watch your strength grow. What light I can provide, I give to you. Let us save these stars.


Defeat more Shadow Giants


Lunar Plunge 2021 11/11: Dear Trovian, I fear that my words may not reach you. The phases of the night are growing shorter, not by my hand alone. You have done well keeping Q'bthulhu at bay, fighting his forces back, and saving my dear Lunar Stars. Trovian, as I draw near, there are voices speaking out from the void. A call. A warning. We are a long way out of reach. Soon I will find my way to my sister, thanks to you.


Equip your new Mount


Fae Vs Undead 2021 1/9: Trovian!!! I need your help. For some reason, this time of year brings conflict. This year it seems that the Fae from the Fae forest and the Undead from Cursed Vale are having a feud. Can you talk to that friendly Skeleton under the Giant Mushroom in the hub and see what is going on.


Talk to the Undead Envoy


Fae Vs Undead 2021 2/9: Hey boyo how ya doin’ I’m Skullerd nice to meet ya. Anywho, you should know that even though we undead are spooky, scary skeletons, we have heart. Granted, cold ones. Those Fae invaded our lands, and we could use some help. In the Cursed Vale there are tombs now filled with an army of Fae. Please go knock some skulls, and help us poor undead before we're dead undead.


Defeat Enemies in the Cursed Vale Tombs


Fae Vs Undead 2021 3/9: Trovian, I thought I should let you know that there's a very angry Fae prince here. Can you swing by the hub and handle this situation. He is on top of the Giant Mushroom in the hub, and I’m worried that if he has to wait any longer, the hub will be in a much more distressed state.


Talk to the Fae Prince


Fae Vs Undead 2021 4/9: Are you the one attacking my Fae servants in the Cursed Vale!? I Fabio Fae La Fearso IV, Prince to the Fae kingdom, will not stand for this. Yes, yes, I fly everywhere, but I still won't stand for it. The Undead invaded us first with their tombs. You will right this wrong, go to the Fae Forest and remove those spooky skeletons from my lands!


Fight Enemies in the Fae Forest Tombs


Fae Vs Undead 2021 5/9: Wow, Trovian! You're caught in the middle of an all-out war. To think that both the Fae and Undead had the ability to create tombs. I’m still not sure why they are fighting, but it seems like they are getting more invasive. Look for invaders in the adventure worlds and smash 'em.


Defeat Invaders


Fae Vs Undead 2021 6/9: Hey, boyo… why are ya going out there and busting up my boys. Not cool.... You know I could forgive this if ya go take out one of the Fae Big Baddies in the Tombs. Head over to Cursed Vale and do that for me and maybe we can forgive this inconvenience.


Fight Fae Bosses in the Cursed Vale tombs


Fae Vs Undead 2021 7/9: Hey Trovian, I thought you could use a break from this silly conflict between the Fae and the Undead. You know I noticed that the buried chests from the feud last year are scattered in the tombs of both sides. Why don’t you go searching for some and see what’s in them?


Find Buried Treasure in the Tombs


Fae Vs Undead 2021 8/9: Trovian. Trovian! TROVIAN!!! The nerve… I have been trying to get you to apologize for fighting Fae in the tombs. I order you to go and destroy the undead making a mockery of our Fae Forest. Go and put an end to them! That’s an order!


Fight Undead Bosses in the Fae Forest tombs


Fae Vs Undead 2021 9/9: Well Trovian, I guess its not really fair for us to make you pick sides. How about this? The Undead have a crafting Cauldron and the Prince has a crafting Hookah. Why don't you go make a terraformer and terraform your very own Tombs? Whichever one you craft will be the winner, for you at least! Just saying, Undead for life (or death, you get it?!). Just go make one. Oh, and you'll need those Honor Tokens to craft them. See ya around boyo.


Craft Tombs Terraformer


That was some great dungeon-crawling Trovian; you're looking stronger already. Meet up with me back in the hub by holding [HK:Homeworld]. I want to show you around! I'm near where you left me, next to the Sun Goddess Statue to the South of the Landing Pad.


Look for nodes of purple Shapestone ore. Press [HK:BuildModeDestroy] and mine five ore.


Press [HK:Loot] to open the Loot Collector,\nthen select an item to save by pressing [HK:UIControllerButtonX].


Press [HK:EquipCurrentMountMovementType] to mount. You'll move faster this way but you can't fight.


Press [HK:BuildModePlace] to place three blocks.


Change modes with [HK:SwitchInputMode]. Press [HK:Inventory] to open the Build Inventory. Place the Loot Collector on the hotbar. Select it, and press [HK:BuildModePlace] to place.


Activate the blue portal by pressing [HK:Loot] to reach the next island.


Rescue Qubesly! Press [HK:BasicAbility] or [HK:PrimaryAbility] to attack your foes.


Press [HK:BasicAbility] or [HK:PrimaryAbility] to attack your foes and access the portal.




Boss at Soul Vault: Darknik Dreadnought Mk II


Boss at Soul Vault: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep


Boss at Soul Vault: Lobstroso


Boss at Soul Vault: Daughter of the Moon


Boss at Soul Vault: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon


Boss at Soul Vault: Vengeful Pinata God


Boss at Soul Vault: Weeping Prophet


Boss at Soul Vault: Tyrannosaurus Rex


Boss at Soul Vault: Spike Walker




Please visit


Shadow Arena


Shadow Dungeon


Shadow Pinnacle


Shadow Tower








Shores of the Everdark


Skeleton 5v5


Sky Realm


Storage Club


Titan’s Treasure This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes. Common – 86% Flux – 86% Uncommon – 13% Flux – 13% Rare – 1% 1 Megaflux Tank – 1% Gem Booster Box This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes (without Patron) and every 35 boxes (with Patron). Common – 86% Blue Gem Dust – 16.39% Red Gem Dust – 16.39% Yellow Gem Dust – 16.39% Cosmic Gem Dust – 16.39% Glittering Horseshoes – 16.38% Binding Darkness – 6.14% Uncommon – 13% Binding Darkness – 2.6% Lapis Luckbugs – 7.8% Golden Gem Keys – 2.6% Rare – 1% Empowered Gem Box – 0.95% Ninth Life – 0.05% Empowered Gem Box Common - 86% Class Gem Key Fragment - 18.88% Radiant Fire Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Air Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Water Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Cosmic Empowered Gem - 16.8% Uncommon - 13% Class Gem Key - 2.6% Stellar Fire Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Air Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Water Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Cosmic Empowered Gem - 2.6% Rare - 1% Prism of Light - 0.75% Diamond Dragon Egg - 0.25% Lustrous Gem Box Builder's Rough Focus - 54% Builder's Precise Focus - 16% Builder's Superior Focus - 7% Contained Chaos Spark - 16% Contained Chaos Flare - 7% Chaos Chest This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes. Common - 86% Bleached Bones - 1.69% Bottles - 1.69% Sticky Ichor - 1.69% Sunlight Bulbs - 1.69% Wild Cupcakes - 1.69% Enchanted Wood - 1.69% Faerie Dust - 1.69% Diamonds - 1.69% Pasmium - 1.69% Mushroom Chunks - 1.69% Shapestone Ore - 1.69% Formicite Ore - 1.69% Infinium Ore - 1.69% Cinnabar - 1.69% Robotic Salvage - 1.69% Blank Scrolls - 1.69% Radiant Shards - 1.69% Golden Seashells - 1.69% Meteorite Fragments - 1.69% Somber Souls - 1.69% Golden Souls - 1.69% Flux - 50.59% Uncommon - 13% Bleached Bones - 0.07% Bottles - 0.07% Sticky Ichor - 0.07% Sunlight Bulbs - 0.07% Wild Cupcakes - 0.07% Enchanted Wood - 0.07% Faerie Dust - 0.07% Plasmium - 0.07% Diamonds - 0.07% Mushroom Chunks - 0.07% Shapestone Ore - 0.07% Formicite Ore - 0.07% Infinium Ore - 0.07% Robotic Salvage - 0.07% Blank Scrolls - 0.07% Radiant Shards - 0.07% Golden Seashells - 0.07% Meteorite Fragments - 0.07% Somber Souls - 0.07% Golden Souls - 0.07% Flux - 1.72% Pearl of Wisdom - 2.15% Super Style Stash - 0.72% Glittering Horseshoe - 1.44% Chaos Chests - 0.5% Chaos Core - 5.03% Rare - 1% Current Item of the Week - 0.25% A Previous Item of the Week - 0.65% Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.002% Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.002% Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.01% Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.01% Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.01% Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.01% Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.01% Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.01% Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.01% Chaos Chests - 0.03% Shadow Pinatas - 0.03% Golden Chaos Chest Current Item of the Week - 25% A Previous Item of the Week - 65% Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.21% Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.21% Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.63% Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.63% Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.63% Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.63% Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.63% Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.63% Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.63% Chaos Chests - 2.6% Shadow Pinatas - 2.6% Chaotic Collection Stash Unlocks 1 of any Chaotic or Chaos Vault collection for Mounts, Allies, Wings or Mag Riders that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one item are dependent on the number of items still available for unlock and are unweighted. Primal Paragon Cube Contains 1 Primal Loop for the currently active class when opened. Greater Crystal Cache Common - 86% Gleamstone - 12.29% Builderite - 12.29% Ancient Gears - 12.29% Day Drops - 12.29% Moonlit Moss - 12.29% Wallflowers - 12.29% Crystals - 12.29% Uncommon - 13% Moonstone - 1.7% Blazine - 1.7% Geminite - 1.7% Dream Dew - 1.7% Sun Sap - 1.7% Cave Kelp - 1.7% Crystals - 1.7% Accelerite - 0.34% Lodestar - 0.34% Luckier Reliquary - 0.34% Rare - 1% Metamatter - 0.16% Space Expander (tradable) - 0.03% Accelerite - 0.15% Lodestars - 0.15% Silver Companion Egg - 0.15% A Tradable mount - 0.35% Glowing Crystal Cache 20 Metamatter - 17.65% Space Expander (tradable) - 2.94% Accelerite - 14.71% Lodestars - 14.71% Silver Companion Egg - 14.71% A Tradable mount - 35.29% Greater Geodian Topside Cache Common - 86% Crystalline Cores - 86% Uncommon - 13% Crystalline Cores - 6.13% Pearl of Wisdom - 1.23% Radiant Sovereigns - 1.23% Builder's Rough Focus - 2.45% Builder's Precise Focus - 1.23% Builder's Superior Focus - 0.61% Contained Chaos Spark - 0.12% Rare - 1% Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 0.03% Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 0.55% Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 0.03% Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 0.03% Glowing Geodian Topside Cache Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 0.03% Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 0.55% Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 0.03% Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 0.03% Greater Sundered Uplands Caches Common - 86% Ashfern Sporeling - 25.8% Irradium Ore - 17.2% Emberslag Ore - 17.2% Irradiant Powercell - 17.2% Unnatural Device - 8.6% Uncommon - 13% Ashfern Sporeling - 3.36% Irradium Ore - 2.35% Emberslag Ore - 2.35% Irradiant Powercell - 2.35% Unnatural Device - 1.23% Ashen Soul - 0.57% Irradiant Soul - 0.57% Key: Sunder-Ark Cache - 0.22% Rare - 1% Key: Sunder-Ark Cache - 0.49% Sundercharge Crystal - 0.37% Phoenix Mote - 0.12% Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Gold) - 0.0012% Scroll: Defense++ (Gold) - 0.0012% Scroll: Jump++ (Gold) - 0.0012% Scroll: Physical Damage++ (Gold) - 0.0012% Scroll: Magic Damage++ (Gold) - 0.0012% Scroll: Resource Collection++ (Gold) - 0.0012% Tradable Ship: Squishy Fishy - 0.00024% Tradable Mount: Doc Duckster - 0.00024% Tradable Ally: Irradiant Gearbox - 0.00024% Tradable Ally: Ashyen Lobber - 0.00024% Tradable Wings: Skyhook Gliders - 0.00024% Tradable Mount: Ashen Wanderer - 0.00012% Tradable Mount: Shinkira, the Cinderwing - 0.00012% Tradable Wings: Irradiantly Unbound - 0.00012% Tradable Wings: Ashen Pappus - 0.00012% Golden Sundered Uplands Cache Key: Sunder-Ark Cache - 49.88% Sundercharge Crystal - 37.08% Phoenix Mote - 12.13% Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Gold) - 0.12% Scroll: Defense++ (Gold) - 0.12% Scroll: Jump++ (Gold) - 0.12% Scroll: Physical Damage++ (Gold) - 0.12% Scroll: Magic Damage++ (Gold) - 0.12% Scroll: Resource Collection++ (Gold) - 0.12% Tradable Ship: Squishy Fishy - 0.024% Tradable Mount: Doc Duckster - 0.024% Tradable Ally: Irradiant Gearbox - 0.024% Tradable Ally: Ashyen Lobber - 0.024% Tradable Wings: Skyhook Gliders - 0.024% Tradable Mount: Ashen Wanderer - 0.012% Tradable Mount: Shinkira, the Cinderwing - 0.012% Tradable Wings: Irradiantly Unbound - 0.012% Tradable Wings: Ashen Pappus - 0.012% Greater Dragon Cache Common - 86% Dragon Coins - 86% Uncommon - 13% Dragon Coins - 13% Rare - 1% 100 Tradable Ancient, Moonwing, Bone, Winter, or Starlight Dragon Souls - 0.18% 40 Tradable Azulian Dragon Souls - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lunar New Year Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Dusk Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Siege Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Block Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Infineon Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Candorian Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Tidal Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pirate Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pumpkin Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Wisdom Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Worldspring Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Joyous Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lorekeeper Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Iridescent Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Dragon Kami Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Spinner Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Floral Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Valiant Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lightning Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Ice Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Preserver Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Voidwatcher Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Sarsaponia, The Pristine - 0.03% A Tradable Almakhestia, Host of Starfire - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Sandseasower Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Blossoming Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: Amatrix, the Hexed - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: Vaentaera, the Perpetual - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: A.T.M.O.S. - D-R4C - 0.03% Bomber Box Common - 86% Bomber Royale Coin: Blast Coin - 86% Uncommon - 13% Bomber Royale Coin: Blast Coin - 6.5% Tradable Aura: Sorrow of Defeat - 0.49% Tradable Aura: Glory of Victory - 0.49% Tradable Aura: Broken Thunder - 0.49% Tradable Aura: Short Fuse - 0.49% Tradable Aura: Booming Brainstorm - 0.49% Tradable Mount: Blue Battle Tiger - 0.49% Tradable Mount: Grey War Wolf - 0.49% Tradable Mount: Blue Terror Turtle - 0.49% Tradable Mount: Warpainted Javelina - 0.49% Tradable Aura: Cherry Bomb Burst - 0.33% Tradable Aura: Tears of Joy - 0.33% Tradable Aura: Confetti Cannon - 0.33% Tradable Wings: Victorious Paragon Wings - 0.33% Tradable Aura: Shadow Self - 0.16% Tradable Aura: Mental Minefield - 0.16% Tradable Ally: Kyrithite - 0.16% Tradable Ally: San and Cynguine, Burgeoning Virulence - 0.16% Tradable Mount: War Plane - 0.16% Rare - 1% Tradable Rubber Bomb Style: Patchwork Rubber Bomb - 0.1% Tradable Sticky Bomb Style: Patchwork Sticky Bomb - 0.1% Tradable Sticky Bomb Style: Zyntryn's Sticky Bomb - 0.1% Tradable Mount: Bomb Worm - 0.07% Tradable Ally: Blue Battle Beetle - 0.07% Tradable Ally: Red Battle Beetle - 0.07% Tradable Aura: The Reaper's Malice - 0.07% Tradable Aura: The Reaper's Collection - 0.07% Tradable Ally: Zynny - 0.06% Tradable Aura: The Berserker's Brutality - 0.06% Tradable Aura: The Berserker's Cunning - 0.06% Tradable Mount: Volatile Bounder - 0.05% Tradable Wings: Smoking Skulls of Battle - 0.05% Tradable Golden War Head Dragon Egg - 0.03% Tradable Golden Twin Plague Dragon Egg - 0.03% Tradable Golden Furious Dragon Egg - 0.01% Sticky Bomber Box Tradable Rubber Bomb Style: Patchwork Rubber Bomb - 10% Tradable Sticky Bomb Style: Patchwork Sticky Bomb - 10% Tradable Sticky Bomb Style: Zyntryn's Sticky Bomb - 10% Tradable Mount: Bomb Worm - 7% Tradable Ally: Blue Battle Beetle - 7% Tradable Ally: Red Battle Beetle - 7% Tradable Aura: The Reaper's Malice - 7% Tradable Aura: The Reaper's Collection - 7% Tradable Ally: Zynny - 6% Tradable Aura: The Berserker's Brutality - 6% Tradable Aura: The Berserker's Cunning - 6% Tradable Mount: Volatile Bounder - 5% Tradable Wings: Smoking Skulls of Battle - 5% Tradable Golden War Head Dragon Egg - 3% Tradable Golden Twin Plague Dragon Egg - 3% Tradable Golden Furious Dragon Egg - 1% Classic Battle Box Tattered - 40% Pistols Banner - 8% Angrybug Banner - 8% Frostflake Banner - 8% Skulls Banner - 8% Radiance Banner - 4% Shade Banner - 4% Ragged - 30% Pistols Banner - 6% Angrybug Banner - 6% Frostflake Banner - 6% Skulls Banner - 6% Radiance Banner - 3% Shade Banner - 3% Battle Worn - 15% Pistols Banner - 3% Angrybug Banner - 3% Frostflake Banner - 3% Skulls Banner - 3% Radiance Banner - 1.5% Shade Banner - 1.5% Superior - 10% Pistols Banner - 2% Angrybug Banner - 2% Frostflake Banner - 2% Skulls Banner - 2% Radiance Banner - 1% Shade Banner - 1% Pristine - 5% Pistols Banner - 1% Angrybug Banner - 1% Frostflake Banner - 1% Skulls Banner - 1% Radiance Banner - 0.5% Shade Banner - 0.5% Bronze Companion Egg (No Lodestar) A Common Companion - 84.97% An Uncommon Companion - 13.99% A Rare Companion - 1.04% Bronze Companion Egg (Lodestar) A Common Companion - 74.98% An Uncommon Companion - 23.02% A Rare Companion - 2% Gold Companion Egg A Jubilant Froleek - 12.5% A Supersonic Howlug - 12.5% A Viridian Cragglepod - 12.5% A Shroudd Gleemur - 12.5% A Effervescent Hoppet - 12.5% A Spectral Jelotl - 12.5% A Enigmatic Qubrik - 12.5% A Majestic Zepperay - 12.5% Golden Dragon Effigy Unlocks 1 of 38 Dragons under the Legendary Dragon collection that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one dragon are dependent on the number of dragons still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these dragons. Any individual Legendary Dragon - 2.63% Spring Recipe Unlocks 1 of 35 Spring Recipes under the Spring collection that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one Spring Recipe are dependent on the number of Spring Recipes still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these recipes. Any individual Spring Recipe - 2.86% Super Mount Stash Unlocks 1 of 58 total mounts under the Adventure Box, Cat, Corgi, or Rat collections that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one mount are dependent on the number of mounts in these collections still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these mounts. An Adventure Box Mount - 43.1% A Cat Mount - 12.07% A Corgi Mount - 12.07% A Rat Mount - 32.76% Super Style Stash Unlocks 1 of 3630 styles under the Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Relic, Resplendent, Shadow, Highlands, Frontier, Undead, Tundra, Fae, Dragon, Neon City, Candy, Radiant, Treasure Isles, Jurassic Jungle, Forbidden Spires, Vault, Stash Exclusive, Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter collections that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one style are dependent on the number of styles in these collections still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these styles. A Vault style - 32.15% A Stash Exclusive style - 0.88% An Uncommon style - 3.14% A Rare style - 3.17% An Epic style - 3.2% A Legendary style - 4.44% A Relic style - 3.47% A Resplendent style - 3.66% A Shadow style - 3.99% A Radiant style - 3.53% A Candy style - 3.5% A Dragon style - 3.58% A Fae style - 3.47% A Frontier style - 3.44% A Highlands style - 3.44% A Tundra style - 3.72% A Neon City style - 4.38% An Undead style - 3.66% A Treasure Isles style - 3.53% A Jurassic Jungle style - 1.65% A Forbidden Spires style - 1.43% An Autumn style - 0.8% A Spring style - 0.94% A Summer style - 0.58% A Winter style - 0.25% Super Recipe Stash Unlocks 1 of 953 recipes under the Cursed Vale, Candoria, Dragonfire Peaks, Fae Wilds, Desert Frontier, Medieval Highlands, Treasure Isles, Neon City, Permafrost, Jurassic Jungle, Forbidden Spires, Shadow's Eve, Sunfest Decorations, Turkeytopia Recipes, Spring, Summer, Winter, or Sports Ball collections. Chances for any one recipe are dependent on the number of other recipes in these collections still available to unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these recipes. A Cursed Vale recipe - 7.45% A Candoria recipe - 6.72% A Dragonfire Peaks recipe - 5.46% A Fae Wilds recipe - 9.02% A Desert Frontier recipe - 10.49% A Medieval Highlands recipe - 16.68% A Treasure Isles recipe - 6.93% A Neon City recipe - 14.17% A Permafrost recipe - 4.51% A Jurassic Jungle recipe - 1.36% A Forbidden Spires recipe - 3.67% A Shadow's Eve recipe - 0.94% A Sunfest Decorations recipe - 3.67% A Turkeytopia Recipes recipe - 1.36% A Spring recipe - 3.67% A Summer recipe - 1.99% A Winter recipe - 1.68% A Sports Ball recipe - 0.21% Bobble Pods Bobble Pods can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a bobblepod could receive a Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment, an Onionito Seed, and an Air Gem Duster Seed. Or they could just receive an Onionito Seed. Note that Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment drops are rolled twice on Dragon Day. Rare for Bobble Pods spawned with Hats - 6% Mount: Ridable Bobble Pod - 6% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment for Anyone - 12.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment - 12.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment for Thrower - 37.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment - 37.5% Rare for Anyone - 1% Pearl of Wisdom Seed Pod - 0.14% Chaos Chest Stalk Seed - 0.14% Water Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Fire Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Air Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Cosmic Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Golden Pitcher Plant Seed - 0.14% Rare for Thrower - 1.5% Pearl of Wisdom Seed Pod - 0.29% Chaos Chest Stalk Seed - 0.29% Water Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Fire Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Air Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Cosmic Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Golden Pitcher Plant Seed - 0.29% Uncommon for Anyone - 10% Gardener Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 3.81% Green Thumb Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 3.57% Botanist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.43% Horticulturist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.19% Uncommon for Thrower - 15% Gardener Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 5.71% Green Thumb Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 5.36% Botanist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 2.14% Horticulturist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.79% Common for Anyone - 100% Qubbage Seed - 16% Unicorn Chard Seed - 16% Onionito Seed - 12% Uggplant Seed - 12% Purp'lil Seed - 12% Totter Tate Seed - 8% Qumato Seed - 8% Cinnamellon Seed - 8% Bunfeed Seed - 4% Corn on the Cube Seed - 4% Common for Thrower - 50% Qubbage Seed - 8% Unicorn Chard Seed - 8% Onionito Seed - 6% Uggplant Seed - 6% Purp'lil Seed - 6% Totter Tate Seed - 4% Qumato Seed - 4% Cinnamellon Seed - 4% Bunfeed Seed - 2% Corn on the Cube Seed - 2% Party Animals Party Animals can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Party Animal could receive flux, glim, and a Pin Head. Or they could just receive flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Prancing Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Prancing Pinata - 2% Pearl of Wisdom for Thrower - 1% Pearl of Wisdom - 1% Helm for Thrower - 5% Pin Head - 5% Block Recipe for Anyone - 3% Standard Block Recipe - 0.6% Glass Block Recipe - 0.6% Metallic Block Recipe - 0.6% Glowing Block Recipe - 0.6% Textured Block Recipe - 0.6% Biome Recipe for Anyone - 5% Highlands Recipe - 0.5% Frontier Recipe - 0.5% Permafrost Recipe - 0.5% Cursed Recipe - 0.5% Fae Recipe - 0.5% Dragonfire Recipe - 0.5% Neon Recipe - 0.5% Candoria Recipe - 0.5% Jurassic Recipe - 0.5% Biome Recipe for Thrower - 30% Highlands Recipe - 3% Frontier Recipe - 3% Permafrost Recipe - 3% Cursed Recipe - 3% Fae Recipe - 3% Dragonfire Recipe - 3% Neon Recipe - 3% Candoria Recipe - 3% Jurassic Recipe - 3% Common for Anyone - 100% Flux - 33.33% Glim - 33.33% Shapestone Ore - 33.33% Common for Owner - 100% Flux - 33.33% Glim - 33.33% Shapestone Ore - 33.33% Crystal Pinatas Crystal Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Crystal Pinata could receive a Crystalline Dream Aura, Geamstone, and Day Drops. Or they could just receive Gleamstone. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Rare Items for Anyone - 0.06% Mount: Crystal Pinata - 0.03% Aura: Crystalline Dream - 0.03% Rare Items for Owner - 6% Mount: Crystal Pinata - 3% Aura: Crystalline Dream - 3% Crystal Styles for Anyone - 2.5% Crystal Styles for Thrower - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Crystal - 33.33% Gleamstone - 33.33% Day Drop - 33.33% Common for Thrower - 100% Crystal - 33.33% Gleamstone - 33.33% Day Drop - 33.33% Spring Pinatas Spring Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Spring Pinata could receive a Spring Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 10% Spring Recipe - 10% Recipe for Thrower - 25% Spring Recipe - 25% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Spring Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Spring Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Spring Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Spring Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Anyone - 10% Spring Style Stash - 10% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Spring Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 50% Flux - 25% Glim - 25% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 50% Flux - 25% Glim - 25% Summer Pinatas Summer Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Summer Pinata could receive a Summer Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 10% Summer Recipe - 10% Recipe for Thrower - 25% Summer Recipe - 25% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Summer Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Summer Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Summer Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Summer Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Anyone - 10% Summer Style Stash - 10% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Summer Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Autumn Pinatas Autumn Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Autumn Pinata could receive an Autumn Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Autumn Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Autumn Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Autumn Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Autumn Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Autumn Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Winter Pinatas Winter Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Winter Pinata could receive a Winter Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 5% Winter Recipe - 5% Recipe for Thrower - 30% Winter Recipe - 30% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Winter Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Winter Pinata - 2% Winter Styles for Anyone - 5% Chilly Pin Head - 0.45% Shaggy Yeti - 0.45% Prevailing Cool Head - 0.45% Slope Slider - 0.45% Banded Clubsicle - 0.45% Thunderous Sunderer - 0.45% Iceblock Tongs - 0.45% Snow Blower - 0.45% Ice Glider - 0.45% Mistwing Wand - 0.45% Winter Wyrm - 0.45% Winter Styles for Thrower - 25% Chilly Pin Head - 2.27% Shaggy Yeti - 2.27% Prevailing Cool Head - 2.27% Slope Slider - 2.27% Banded Clubsicle - 2.27% Thunderous Sunderer - 2.27% Iceblock Tongs - 2.27% Snow Blower - 2.27% Ice Glider - 2.27% Mistwing Wand - 2.27% Winter Wyrm - 2.27% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 44.44% Formicite Ore - 11.11% Infinium Ore - 11.11% Glim - 22.22% Flux - 11.11% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 44.44% Formicite Ore - 11.11% Infinium Ore - 11.11% Glim - 22.22% Flux - 11.11% Romancing Pinatas Romancing Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Romancing Pinata could receive Wings of Love wings, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Rare Items for Thrower - 10% 2 Mount: Romancing Pinata - 4.5% 2 Ally: Cheeky Cherub - 4.5% 2 Wings: Wings of Love - 1% 2 Mount: Romancing Pinata for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Ally: Cheeky Cherub for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Wings: Wings of Love for Anyone - 0.008% Romancing Styles for Anyone - 5% Romancing Pin Head - 0.71% Bristling Beauty - 0.71% Rosevine Recurve - 0.71% Enamoring Armor Piercer - 0.71% Big Bonbon Baton - 0.71% Heart Halberd - 0.71% Cupid's Ballista Bolt - 0.71% Romancing Styles for Thrower - 25% Romancing Pin Head - 3.57% Bristling Beauty - 3.57% Rosevine Recurve - 3.57% Enamoring Armor Piercer - 3.57% Big Bonbon Baton - 3.57% Heart Halberd - 3.57% Cupid's Ballista Bolt - 3.57% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Shamrockin' Pinatas Shamrockin' Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Shamrockin' Pinata could receive Springy Roller allies, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Rare Items for Thrower - 10% 2 Mount: Shamrockin' Pinata - 5% 2 Ally: Springy Roller - 5% 2 Mount: Shamrockin' Pinata for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Ally: Springy Roller for Anyone - 0.03% Shamrockin' Styles for Anyone - 5% Shamrockin' Pin Head - 0.71% Rainbow's Edge - 0.71% Gilded Horseshoe - 0.71% Little Luckslinger - 0.71% Enshrined Shamrock - 0.71% Clear-Cut Clover - 0.71% Pot o' Gold Poker - 0.71% Shamrockin' Styles for Thrower - 25% Shamrockin' Pin Head - 3.57% Rainbow's Edge - 3.57% Gilded Horseshoe - 3.57% Little Luckslinger - 3.57% Enshrined Shamrock - 3.57% Clear-Cut Clover - 3.57% Pot o' Gold Poker - 3.57% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Primal Paragon Pinatas Primal Paragon Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Primal Paragon Pinata could receive Primal Paragon Wings, Flux, and Nitro-Glitterine. Or they could just receive Flux. Primal Paragon Wings for Thrower - 0.005% Golden Signatory Ring Box for Thrower - 0.02% Paragon Aura: Helm for Thrower - 0.02% Paragon Aura: Weapon for Thrower - 0.1% Paragon's Mark for Thrower - 0.2% Paragon Style Unlocker for Thrower - 0.5% 2 Mount: Primal Paragon Pinata for Thrower - 1% Primal Paragon Cube for Thrower - 5% Trovian Loop for Thrower - 33% Paragon's Mark for Anyone - 0.025% 1 Mount: Primal Paragon Pinata for Anyone - 0.03% Paragon Style Unlocker for Anyone - 0.125% Primal Paragon Cube for Anyone - 1.25% Trovian Loop for Anyone - 10% Common for Thrower - 100% Veridium Ore - 50% Cinnabar Ore - 12.5% Nitro Glitterine Ore - 12.5% Glim - 12.5% Flux - 12.5% Common for Anyone - 100% Veridium Ore - 50% Cinnabar Ore - 12.5% Nitro Glitterine Ore - 12.5% Glim - 12.5% Flux - 12.5%


Item Chance for Lockboxes


Drop Rate




You have a flash deal active for {0} {1}! Open the Store and check it out!


A costume for the Bard.\n\nHarvested from A.T.M.O.S.-D-RAC. It looks cool, but doesn't give you a dragon for wearing it.




A costume for the Bard. Who knew a cover artist combining Vanilla Ice and Frozen could be so successful.




A costume for the Bard. Hits all the right notes through auto-tune block!


Techno Tenor


A costume for the Bard.\n\nDo not call her a fool, or you will get schooled.


Jolly Jester


A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nAppreciate what is best in life, like scritches, treats, and majestic floofs without a hecking concern in the world.


Corgian Borkbarian


A costume for the Vanguardian.\n\nWalk the fine line between light and shadow, between justice and vengeance, in this ambivalent vigilante outfit.


Twilight Ranger


A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nA boldly-colored costume for fearless seafarers.


Crimson Corsair


A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nStrike hard, strike fast.


Steadfast Striker


Bards embellish with relish, singing their song to assist their allies' abilities and enfeeble their enemies. Unleash a mighty kabong with your lute fist or cultivate a crowd with your cadence - playing to perfection powers your percussion.




Strike a chord!\n\nContains the Bard class, the Wings of Song wings, Cubix and Pretend Performer costumes, and Root Beer and Wild Hog allies.


Bard Pack


Contains everything in the Bard Pack (the Bard class, the Wings of Song wings, the Cubix and Pretend Performer costumes, and Root Beer and Wild Hog allies), plus the Pegasooza mount, the DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, the Fervent Support ally and 13370 credits!


Bard Super Pack


You've already unlocked the Bard Pack. Now, upgrade yourself to Super!\n\nContains all additional items from the Bard Super Pack: the Pegasooza mount, the DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, the Fervent Support ally and 13370 credits!


Bard Super Upgrade


This limited time pack unlocks the Void Cruiser and Swan's Song boats, the Silverwings mount, the Pica Pie and Moonsilver Moth allies, and the Vanguard of the Void, Lunar Lotus, Song of the Deep, and Nochlormancer Costumes. Get them before they're veiled again!


Lunar Void


Team DM 3v3


Team DM 5v5




View Profile


Winter Hub
































Tomb Skeleton


Tomb Skeleton Knight


Tomb Skeleton Noble


Tomb Skeleton Viking


Fae Target Dummy


No matter how many times you knock it down, it'll always get back up again.


Undead Target Dummy


You can hit it as much as you want, it won't mind... it's dead.


Wild Fae Tomb Caster


Wild Fae Tomb Warrioress


Wild Fae Tomb King


Wild Fae Tomb Rogue


Wild Fae Tomb Warrior


Wild Fae Tomb Queen


Wild Fae Juggernaut


Zombie Golem


Tomb Zombie Golem


Wight Tomb King


Tomb Wraith


Basic attack


Triggers an explosion around the bard dealing damage to nearby enemies and temporarily redirects aggro to the player for a short duration. Buffs nearby allies to gain increased physical damage, magic damage and critical hit damage. Removes three Melody when used.


Battle Song


Detonate the Singing Crystal with an overloaded amount of musical energy causing it to deal damage to nearby enemies.


Crystal Pop


Starts the Bardsong buff and adds one to Melody. Bardsong periodically spawns icons above the bards head. If the player uses the ability that matches the icon while it is active, they will gain Melody. All Melody is lost when Bardsong buff ends.


Epic Riff


Causes nearby allies to dance and gain increased movement speed and max energy. Buffs allies with a chance to restore energy when dealing damage. Removes three Melody when used.


Jubilant Song


Melody is used for bards abilities and is generated from the Bardsong buff. Gaining melody rotates through the bardsongs abilities. Having high melody will also increase the bards basic attack.




A parry attack dealing damage in a cone and grants the user an invulnerability bubble for a short time. Nimble Dance removes one Melody. If used correctly during Bardsong buff it will add one Melody.


Nimble Dance


Heals nearby allies and buffs them with life gain when dealing damage for a short time. Additionally applies stun to nearby enemies. Removes three Melody when used.


Peaceful Song


Throw out a singing crystal onto the ground. Whenever a song is used to buff nearby players, the area of effect is around both the bard and crystal. After using the ability Singing Crystal swaps into Crystal Pop.


Singing Crystal


Sing yourself a little song when you head into battle. When attacking gain Jubilant, Peaceful, and Battle song buffs in that order.


Personal Song


You have unlocked the Singing Crystal ability!


You have unlocked the Epic Riff ability!


The last transport.


Swan's Song


Carries all across crushing nothingness.


Void Cruiser


Mirror of the moon and its reflection.


Gravity Petal


Fly on moonlight




The powers of Fae and Undead combined, Tomb Digger crushes the competition. Literally, it drives over it and crushes it flat.


Tomb Digger


Ride as far as the moon light takes them.


Phase Glider


As cute as it is, be cautious of its bite!




Flies on wings of song.




Dwelling in the darkest depths, his devilish dance duplicates wisps of smoke.


Dhade the Wisp Dancer


She's a nocturnal and peaceful creature, but always ready to answer the call to battle the enemies of the fae.




His chirps are the only thing more annoying than his rattling.




Undauntedly supports you!


Moonsilver Moth


Self-recognizing, but prefers pie.


Pica Pie


The Bard's strongest ally.


Fervent Support


A mighty knight to aid and protect the Sun while the Moon goddess is still on her way.


Lunar Knighted Qubesly


A traditional recipe brewed from real sugar cube root!


Root Beer


A fierce force.


Wild Hog


They are gracious of your help Trovian, they follow you to keep safe.


Star Trail


Singing the song of ages.


Wings of Song


For those that follow her light in the darkest of places.


Phase Walker


A mark of service to the Fae Court.


Banner of Fae Court


The dead do not serve. Except the Tomb Lords, they better serve them or they're getting killed again.


Banner of the Tomb Lords


A trail of wishes astrayed.


Wishful Thinking


Crafting Material. A pulsing gold and blue ore that when touched fills ones head with musical inspiration.\n\nThis ore is found rarely in Tier 5 of the Geode caves.




Proof of Fae Honor! Gained from hunting Undead in the Fae Forest.\n\nDisappears at the end of the Fae Vs Undead event.


Token of Fae Honor


Proof of Undead Honor! Gained from hunting Fae in the Cursed Vale.\n\nDisappears at the end of the Fae Vs Undead event.


Token of Undead Honor


A fragment of Elsphodel's power.


Cleansed Lunar Drop


Lunar drops tainted by Q'bthulhu... he's trying to steal their power.


Tainted Lunar Drop


Empowered Water Gem for the Bard. The Bard has increased attack range and bard songs increased effectiveness. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.


Melody Master


Empowered Fire Gem for the Bard. The Bard has increased attack range and bard songs increased effectiveness. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.


Melody Master


Empowered Air Gem for the Bard. The Bard has increased attack range and bard songs increased effectiveness. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.


Melody Master




Mount: Tomb Digger


Mount: Dhade the Wisp Dancer


Ally: Chippy


Ally: Loreiasquella


Costume: Valorous Garb


Costume: Valorous Armor


Terraform a zone into Fae Tombs found in Cursed Vale. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.


Fae Tombs Terraformer


Terraform a zone into Undead Tombs found in the Fae Wilds. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.


Undead Tombs Terraformer


Techno Tenor Shades


The dark void sees all.


Piercing Void


Rimester's Rim


Wishing Lotus




Dub Stop Me Now


No Laughing Hatter


Lunatic Crown


Bard Starter Helm


Bard Level 10 Helm


Bard Level 20 Helm


Bard Level 30 Helm


Replica Deep one Mask


Void Struck


Twilight Ranger Helmet


Valorous Crown


Refurbished Valorous Helm


Crimson Corsair Capper


Steadfast Striker's Safety


Pretend Performer's Perm


Twangy Clangy Ten Gallon


Cubix Coiffure


Shooting true, the moon's lotus guides endless nights.


Orbital Striker


Also works as a snack if you get hungry.


King Crab Claw


Who would of known? Attaching a heavy object to a fist could make for a good weapon.




Feels like something jelly like and shocking is on your hand.


A Stinging Sensation


Talk about a suger overload.


Give me Smore Fist


Not related to any known candies of the same name.




This is based off a candy bar but will not say which in order to not play favorites.


Candy brand Name Here


Sooooooo Fluufffy!!!


Marshmellow Masher


Neon city standardized power plug. Dangerous if attacheted to hand and used to punch robots.


AC Adapter


We don't know who Arther was but they named a cable after him.


Arthernet Cable


Key to Neon City. Gets lost very often.


City Key


This weapon runs out of ink at the worst possible time.


Ink Cartridge


Once thought to work in a time machine, but was actaully just part of a fancy toaster.


Dux Capacitor


A fist crafted from a hunters monster costume. No Monsters were harmed in said crafting.


Hunter Monster


Crafted in the ice tundra, this tree branch is very good in snowball fights.


Cold Snap


I'm sure taking a carrot and taping it to your fist works great as a weapon.


A Normal Carrot


Harvested from Bad Big Borg Beatles.


Beatle Basher


Funny enough this is a repleca of a Dinosaur claw and not made from an actual dinosaur.


Dino Dino Dino Claw


Why anyone would craft a weapon out of a corpse flower is beyond me.


Amprophophallus Titanum


These cursed socks work better on your hands then your feet.


Spooky Socks


They can work as a light source if you need it.


Cursed Candle


Pretend Performer's Percussion


Twangy Clangy Tuner


Default weapon description entered here.


ERROR_BARD Weapon not found


Once a pair which created the most technical music, but they can only play their song One More Time.




Rimester's Retort


Techno Tenor Technical


Tremolonely Toner


This weapon uses bad jokes to a deadly degree.


A killer Joke


Back from the moon and all I have is this weapon. - Le voyage dans la lune


Selenites Fist


This weapon helps to channel bardtastic notes into magic...or super sonic waves of destruction.


A Simple Lute Pick


Cubix Clubber


It may be plastic, but every time you use the wispers of the deep ones can be heard.


Palstic Deep One Puncher


The void will consume by my tainted fists!


Void Seeker


Slayer of all enemies of the Tomb Lords.


Refurbished Valorous Sword


Steadfast Striker's Smasher


Crimson Corsair's Counterbalance


Lunar Spore


Valorous Staff


Bunfest Basher


Bunfest Lobber


Shadow Trapper


Lunar Knight Qubesly


Sun Acolyte Tauri


SERVANT! Press [HK:Loot] to take my commands! You must rid us of these horrid undead!


Fabio Fae La Fearso


Hey boyo press [HK:Loot] to interact. Hurry up and let's get this show on the road.




Token of Fae Honor Rewards


Honorary Fae Crafting Hookah


Tomb Digger


Token of Undead Honor Rewards


Crafting Cauldron of Undead Honor


Fae Amplifier Wall 01


Fae Amplifier Wall 02


Fae Amplifier Wall 03


Tomb Wraith Wall Trophy


Zombie Golem Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb Queen Wall Trophy


Tomb Skeleton Wall Trophy


Tomb Skeleton Knight Wall Trophy


Tomb Skeleton Viking Wall Trophy


Tomb Skeleton Noble Wall Trophy


Wight Tomb King Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb Caster Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb Warrioress Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Juggernaut Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb King Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb Rogue Wall Trophy


Wild Fae Tomb Warrior Wall Trophy


Boss at Soul Vault: Flakbeard the Relentless


Boss at Soul Vault: Shadow Hydrakken


Boss at Soul Vault: Refracted Balephantom


Use this portal with the [HK:Loot] button to pursue Todstrom.


A costume for the Bard.\n\nAward-winning (lip sync) battler.


Pretend Performer


A costume for the Bard. Sweet talkin' sweet rockin' til y'all're off your blocks!


Twangy Clangy


A costume for the Bard.\n\nHarvested from A.T.M.O.S.-D-RAC. It looks cool, but doesn't give you a dragon for wearing it.




A costume for the Bard.\n\nThis costume makes your beats Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.




A costume for the Bard. Who knew a cover artist combining Vanilla Ice and Frozen could be so successful.




A costume for the Bard. Hits all the right notes through auto-tune block!


Techno Tenor


A costume for the Bard. Feeling lo-lo-lonely.




A costume for the Bard.\n\nDo not call her a fool, or you will get schooled.


Jolly Jester


A costume for the Bard.\n\nShowed up to a lunar lancer party trying to blend in.


Lunar Lunatic


Starter Bard


Level 10 Bard


Level 20 Bard


Level 30 Bard


A costume for the Bard. Caterwauling,'s all coming from the heart.




A costume for the Bard.\n\nEmpowered by the underlords of the Deep.


Song of the Deep


A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nFrom the void a flower blooms.




A costume for the Vanguardian.\n\nAdvance to nothingness.


Vanguard of the Void


A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nArmor worn by the defenders of the Fae.


Valorous Garb


A costume for the Knight.\n\nPowerful armor worn by generations of defenders of the tombs.


Refurbished Valorous Armor


A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nStrike hard, strike fast.


A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nA sure shot.


Lunar Lotus

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Tune Up.

  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmablack_boss_name - Black Beak's Flag
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmablack_boss_description - A banner to show defeat of Black Beak.
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmablue_boss_name - Blue Barry's Flag
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmablue_boss_description - A banner to show defeat of Blue Barry.
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmagreen_boss_name - Mean Gene's Flag
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmagreen_boss_description - A banner to show defeat of Mean Gene the Green.
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmared_boss_name - Squawk Red-Eye's Flag
  • $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_generic_plasmared_boss_description - A banner to show defeat of the Squawk Red-Eye.
  • $prefabs_item_mount_blastflower_spring_name - Mount: Jade Bloom
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_class_item_description - Use to unlock a class for free.\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Bard or Vanguardian.
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_class_notrade_item_description - Use to unlock a class for free. Or loot collect it for 3 Double Experience Potions.\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Bard or Vanguardian.
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_boss_generic_plasmablack_boss_name - Memento: Black Beak
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_boss_generic_plasmablue_boss_name - Memento: Blue Barry
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_boss_generic_plasmagreen_boss_name - Memento: Mean Gene the Green
  • $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_boss_generic_plasmared_boss_name - Memento: Squawk Red-Eye
  • $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_ice_mage_feather_name - Microphone Staff
  • $npc_delve_boss_generic_plasmared_boss - Squawk Red-Eye
  • $npc_delve_boss_generic_plasmablue_boss - Blue Barry
  • $npc_delve_boss_generic_plasmagreen_boss - Mean Gene the Green
  • $npc_delve_boss_generic_plasmablack_boss - Black Beak
  • $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_bee_item_name - Hive Bee Wall Trophy
  • $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_beetle_shadow_item_name - Shadow Beetle Wall Trophy
  • $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_biped_bunfest_thrower_item_name - Bunfest Thrower Wall Trophy
  • $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_biped_bunfest_smasher_item_name - Bunfest Smasher Wall Trophy
  • $SD_Recipes_delve_boss_generic_plasmablack_boss_once - Boss: Black Beak
  • $SD_Recipes_delve_boss_generic_plasmablue_boss_once - Boss: Blue Barry
  • $SD_Recipes_delve_boss_generic_plasmagreen_boss_once - Boss: Mean Gene the Green
  • $SD_Recipes_delve_boss_generic_plasmared_boss_once - Boss: Squawk Red-Eye
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmablack_boss_name - Delve Gateway: Black Beak
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmablack_boss_description - Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Black Beak!
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmablue_boss_name - Delve Gateway: Blue Barry
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmablue_boss_description - Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Blue Barry!
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmagreen_boss_name - Delve Gateway: Mean Gene the Green
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmagreen_boss_description - Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Mean Gene the Green!
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmared_boss_name - Delve Gateway: Squawk Red-Eye
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_crafted_generic_plasmared_boss_description - Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Boss: Squawk Red-Eye!
  • $prefabs_skins_lunarlancer_firefighter_name - Pyro Fighter
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_Jump_Description - Press [HK:Jump] to jump. Press it twice to double jump.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_LockItemDeconstructor_Description_Console - Press [HK:Loot] to open the Loot Collector,\nthen select an item to save with [HK:UIControllerButtonX].
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_expertise_gems_05_Description_controller - Lets take a look at the Gems Tab on your Character Sheet. You can find your Gems Tab by opening your character sheet (press and hold [HK:CharacterSheet]) and selecting the second tab with [HK:UIControllerButtonRB].
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_expertise_gems_31_Description_controller - Allies provide a small boost in power; try equipping me (Gemsly), or any other powerful ally! Allies can be equipped from the Character Sheet, hold [HK:CharacterSheet]. Remember that [HK:UIControllerButtonA] equips an ally and [HK:UIControllerButtonY] equips an ally's style.
  • $Quest_DelveBoss_generic_plasmared_boss - Defeat Squawk Red-Eye
  • $Quest_DelveBoss_generic_plasmablue_boss - Defeat Blue Barry
  • $Quest_DelveBoss_generic_plasmagreen_boss - Defeat Mean Gene the Green
  • $Quest_DelveBoss_generic_plasmablack_boss - Defeat Black Beak
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_golden_thread_04_interact_Description - That was some great dungeon-crawling Trovian; you're looking stronger already. Meet up with me back in the hub by pressing and holding [HK:Homeworld]. I want to show you around! I'm near where you left me, next to the Sun Goddess Statue to the South of the Landing Pad.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_golden_thread_17_interact_Description - Alrighty, great, that should be more than enough Shapestone. Head back to the Hub (press and hold [HK:Homeworld]) and meet up with me over in the Crafter's Corner to the Northwest of the Landing Pad.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_Event_may2021_04_Name - Dungeons, Dungeons, Dungeons beat some 1 Star Dungeons
  • $StoreProduct_free_class_loy_5_informational_description - Unlock a FREE Class Coin by buying anything in the Store for real world currency!\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Bard or Vanguardian.
  • $StoreProduct_free_class_loy_5_description - You have unlocked your Class Coin! Click Buy and claim your FREE class!\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Bard or Vanguardian.
  • $StoreProduct_trove_sweet_sixteen_pack_description - Get all of the Trove's first 16 classes (does not include Bard)! For each class you already own, you'll receive a Credit Pouch to sell in the Marketplace.
  • $Store_BuyCredits - CREDIT PACKS
  • $Settings_ViewEula_Console - View Legal Terms
  • $Tutorial_tip_7 - Hold SHIFT and scroll with mousewheel to rotate objects in Build mode
  • $AccountLinking_WebCode - Gamigo Code
  • $AccountLinking_WebCodeDefaultUrl -
  • $AccountLinking_Promo - Get a Cotton Candy ally when you link your console account to a Gamigo account and sign up to get the latest Trove news via email.\n\nDon’t have a Gamigo account? No problem!\nWe’ll help you create one and then automatically link it!
  • $AccountLinking_Promo_Orbis - Get a Cotton Candy ally when you link your account for PlayStation™Network to a Gamigo account and sign up to get the latest Trove news via email.\n\nDon’t have a Gamigo account? No problem!\nWe’ll help you create one and then automatically link it!
  • $AccountLinking_PlayNowPromo - Your console is not linked to a Gamigo account.\n\nGet a Cotton Candy ally when you link your console account to a Gamigo account and sign up to get the latest Trove news via email.
  • $AccountLinking_PlayNowPromo_Orbis - Your account for PlayStation™Network is not linked to a Gamigo account.\n\nGet a Cotton Candy ally when you link your account for PlayStation™Network to a Gamigo account and sign up to get the latest Trove news via email.
  • $AccountLinking_CreateTrionAccount - To create a Gamigo Account and sign up to get the latest Trove news, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_CreateTrionAccount_Orbis - To create a Gamigo Account and link your PlayStation™Network account, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_CreateTrionAccount_Durango - To create a Gamigo Account and link your XBox Live account, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_ExistingTrionAccount - To sign in with an existing Gamigo Account, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_ExistingTrionAccount_Orbis - To sign in with an existing Gamigo Account and link your PlayStation™Network account, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_ExistingTrionAccount_Durango - To sign in with an existing Gamigo Account and link your XBox Live account, please fill out the following:
  • $AccountLinking_WebLinkDescription - To link your Gamigo account via the web, enter the code below at the following link:
  • $AccountLinking_WebLinkSteps - To link your Gamigo account\nEnter the code at the following link
  • $LinkCodeFailure - Failed to retrieve Gamigo code
  • $AccountLinking_OptInAgree - I have read and agree to Gamigo's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  • $AccountLinking_TOSMustAccept - To link accounts you must agree to Gamigo's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  • $Welcome_button_go - Trove Store
  • $Welcome_button_starter_pack - Trove Store
  • $Store_Lootbox_Probabilities_Desc - Titan’s Treasure This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes. Common – 86% Flux – 86% Uncommon – 13% Flux – 13% Rare – 1% 1 Megaflux Tank – 1% Gem Booster Box This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes (without Patron) and every 35 boxes (with Patron). Common – 86% Blue Gem Dust – 16.39% Red Gem Dust – 16.39% Yellow Gem Dust – 16.39% Cosmic Gem Dust – 16.39% Glittering Horseshoes – 16.38% Binding Darkness – 6.14% Uncommon – 13% Binding Darkness – 2.6% Lapis Luckbugs – 7.8% Golden Gem Keys – 2.6% Rare – 1% Empowered Gem Box – 0.95% Ninth Life – 0.05% Empowered Gem Box Common - 86% Class Gem Key Fragment - 18.88% Radiant Fire Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Air Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Water Empowered Gem - 16.8% Radiant Cosmic Empowered Gem - 16.8% Uncommon - 13% Class Gem Key - 2.6% Stellar Fire Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Air Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Water Empowered Gem - 2.64% Stellar Cosmic Empowered Gem - 2.6% Rare - 1% Prism of Light - 0.75% Diamond Dragon Egg - 0.25% Lustrous Gem Box Builder's Rough Focus - 54% Builder's Precise Focus - 16% Builder's Superior Focus - 7% Contained Chaos Spark - 16% Contained Chaos Flare - 7% Chaos Chest This box is a guaranteed rare result every 70 boxes. Common - 86% Bleached Bones - 1.69% Bottles - 1.69% Sticky Ichor - 1.69% Sunlight Bulbs - 1.69% Wild Cupcakes - 1.69% Enchanted Wood - 1.69% Faerie Dust - 1.69% Diamonds - 1.69% Pasmium - 1.69% Mushroom Chunks - 1.69% Shapestone Ore - 1.69% Formicite Ore - 1.69% Infinium Ore - 1.69% Cinnabar - 1.69% Robotic Salvage - 1.69% Blank Scrolls - 1.69% Radiant Shards - 1.69% Golden Seashells - 1.69% Meteorite Fragments - 1.69% Somber Souls - 1.69% Golden Souls - 1.69% Flux - 50.59% Uncommon - 13% Bleached Bones - 0.07% Bottles - 0.07% Sticky Ichor - 0.07% Sunlight Bulbs - 0.07% Wild Cupcakes - 0.07% Enchanted Wood - 0.07% Faerie Dust - 0.07% Plasmium - 0.07% Diamonds - 0.07% Mushroom Chunks - 0.07% Shapestone Ore - 0.07% Formicite Ore - 0.07% Infinium Ore - 0.07% Robotic Salvage - 0.07% Blank Scrolls - 0.07% Radiant Shards - 0.07% Golden Seashells - 0.07% Meteorite Fragments - 0.07% Somber Souls - 0.07% Golden Souls - 0.07% Flux - 1.72% Pearl of Wisdom - 2.15% Super Style Stash - 0.72% Glittering Horseshoe - 1.44% Chaos Chests - 0.5% Chaos Core - 5.03% Rare - 1% Current Item of the Week - 0.25% A Previous Item of the Week - 0.65% Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.002% Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.002% Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.01% Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.01% Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.01% Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.01% Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.01% Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.01% Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.01% Chaos Chests - 0.03% Shadow Pinatas - 0.03% Golden Chaos Chest Current Item of the Week - 25% A Previous Item of the Week - 65% Wings: Skeye Stalkers - 0.21% Wings: Chaos Butterfly - 0.21% Aura: Whispers of Chaos - 0.63% Mount: Koroki, the Sower of Chaos - 0.63% Ally: Contorting Contemplator - 0.63% Ally: Winking Tentabox - 0.63% Ally: Chaotic Mimic - 0.63% Ship: Chaotic Clipper - 0.63% Ship: Chaotic Cruiser - 0.63% Chaos Chests - 2.6% Shadow Pinatas - 2.6% Greater Crystal Cache Common - 86% Gleamstone - 12.29% Builderite - 12.29% Ancient Gears - 12.29% Day Drops - 12.29% Moonlit Moss - 12.29% Wallflowers - 12.29% Crystals - 12.29% Uncommon - 13% Moonstone - 1.7% Blazine - 1.7% Geminite - 1.7% Dream Dew - 1.7% Sun Sap - 1.7% Cave Kelp - 1.7% Crystals - 1.7% Accelerite - 0.34% Lodestar - 0.34% Luckier Reliquary - 0.34% Rare - 1% Metamatter - 0.16% Space Expander (tradable) - 0.03% Accelerite - 0.15% Lodestars - 0.15% Silver Companion Egg - 0.15% A Tradable mount - 0.35% Glowing Crystal Cache 20 Metamatter - 17.65% Space Expander (tradable) - 2.94% Accelerite - 14.71% Lodestars - 14.71% Silver Companion Egg - 14.71% A Tradable mount - 35.29% Greater Geodian Topside Cache Common - 86% Crystalline Cores - 86% Uncommon - 13% Crystalline Cores - 6.13% Pearl of Wisdom - 1.23% Radiant Sovereigns - 1.23% Builder's Rough Focus - 2.45% Builder's Precise Focus - 1.23% Builder's Superior Focus - 0.61% Contained Chaos Spark - 0.12% Rare - 1% Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 0.03% Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 0.55% Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 0.03% Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 0.03% Glowing Geodian Topside Cache Tradable Mount: Sunseeker's Glider - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Surface Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: Twilight Stalker - 0.11% Tradable Mount: No-Leaf Rovre - 0.03% Tradable Geode Costume for Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Vanguardian, Knight, or Revenant - 0.55% Tradable Legendary Tome: Cosmic Gem Dust Omnibus - 0.03% Tradable Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Ochre Sand Squid - 0.03% Tradable Ally: Burning Bantam - 0.03% Greater Dragon Cache Common - 86% Dragon Coins - 86% Uncommon - 13% Dragon Coins - 13% Rare - 1% 100 Tradable Ancient, Moonwing, Bone, Winter, or Starlight Dragon Souls - 0.18% 40 Tradable Azulian Dragon Souls - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lunar New Year Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Dusk Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Siege Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Block Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Infineon Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Candorian Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Tidal Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pirate Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Pumpkin Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Wisdom Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Worldspring Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Joyous Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lorekeeper Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Iridescent Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Dragon Kami Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Spinner Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Floral Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Valiant Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Lightning Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Ice Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Preserver Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Voidwatcher Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Sarsaponia, The Pristine - 0.03% A Tradable Almakhestia, Host of Starfire - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Sandseasower Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Golden Blossoming Dragon Egg - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: Amatrix, the Hexed - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: Vaentaera, the Perpetual - 0.03% A Tradable Mount: A.T.M.O.S. - D-R4C - 0.03% Classic Battle Box Tattered - 40% Pistols Banner - 8% Angrybug Banner - 8% Frostflake Banner - 8% Skulls Banner - 8% Radiance Banner - 4% Shade Banner - 4% Ragged - 30% Pistols Banner - 6% Angrybug Banner - 6% Frostflake Banner - 6% Skulls Banner - 6% Radiance Banner - 3% Shade Banner - 3% Battle Worn - 15% Pistols Banner - 3% Angrybug Banner - 3% Frostflake Banner - 3% Skulls Banner - 3% Radiance Banner - 1.5% Shade Banner - 1.5% Superior - 10% Pistols Banner - 2% Angrybug Banner - 2% Frostflake Banner - 2% Skulls Banner - 2% Radiance Banner - 1% Shade Banner - 1% Pristine - 5% Pistols Banner - 1% Angrybug Banner - 1% Frostflake Banner - 1% Skulls Banner - 1% Radiance Banner - 0.5% Shade Banner - 0.5% Bronze Companion Egg (No Lodestar) A Common Companion - 84.97% An Uncommon Companion - 13.99% A Rare Companion - 1.04% Bronze Companion Egg (Lodestar) A Common Companion - 74.98% An Uncommon Companion - 23.02% A Rare Companion - 2% Gold Companion Egg A Jubilant Froleek - 12.5% A Supersonic Howlug - 12.5% A Viridian Cragglepod - 12.5% A Shroudd Gleemur - 12.5% A Effervescent Hoppet - 12.5% A Spectral Jelotl - 12.5% A Enigmatic Qubrik - 12.5% A Majestic Zepperay - 12.5% Golden Dragon Effigy Unlocks 1 of 38 Dragons under the Legendary Dragon collection that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one dragon are dependent on the number of dragons still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these dragons. Any individual Legendary Dragon - 2.63% Spring Recipe Unlocks 1 of 35 Spring Recipes under the Spring collection that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one Spring Recipe are dependent on the number of Spring Recipes still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these recipes. Any individual Spring Recipe - 2.86% Super Mount Stash Unlocks 1 of 58 total mounts under the Adventure Box, Cat, Corgi, or Rat collections that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one mount are dependent on the number of mounts in these collections still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these mounts. An Adventure Box Mount - 43.1% A Cat Mount - 12.07% A Corgi Mount - 12.07% A Rat Mount - 32.76% Super Style Stash Unlocks 1 of 3630 styles under the Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Relic, Resplendent, Shadow, Highlands, Frontier, Undead, Tundra, Fae, Dragon, Neon City, Candy, Radiant, Treasure Isles, Jurassic Jungle, Forbidden Spires, Vault, Stash Exclusive, Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter collections that the player does not already have unlocked. Chances for any one style are dependent on the number of styles in these collections still available for unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these styles. A Vault style - 32.15% A Stash Exclusive style - 0.88% An Uncommon style - 3.14% A Rare style - 3.17% An Epic style - 3.2% A Legendary style - 4.44% A Relic style - 3.47% A Resplendent style - 3.66% A Shadow style - 3.99% A Radiant style - 3.53% A Candy style - 3.5% A Dragon style - 3.58% A Fae style - 3.47% A Frontier style - 3.44% A Highlands style - 3.44% A Tundra style - 3.72% A Neon City style - 4.38% An Undead style - 3.66% A Treasure Isles style - 3.53% A Jurassic Jungle style - 1.65% A Forbidden Spires style - 1.43% An Autumn style - 0.8% A Spring style - 0.94% A Summer style - 0.58% A Winter style - 0.25% Super Recipe Stash Unlocks 1 of 953 recipes under the Cursed Vale, Candoria, Dragonfire Peaks, Fae Wilds, Desert Frontier, Medieval Highlands, Treasure Isles, Neon City, Permafrost, Jurassic Jungle, Forbidden Spires, Shadow's Eve, Sunfest Decorations, Turkeytopia Recipes, Spring, Summer, Winter, or Sports Ball collections. Chances for any one recipe are dependent on the number of other recipes in these collections still available to unlock. Probability has been calculated assuming the player owns none of these recipes. A Cursed Vale recipe - 7.45% A Candoria recipe - 6.72% A Dragonfire Peaks recipe - 5.46% A Fae Wilds recipe - 9.02% A Desert Frontier recipe - 10.49% A Medieval Highlands recipe - 16.68% A Treasure Isles recipe - 6.93% A Neon City recipe - 14.17% A Permafrost recipe - 4.51% A Jurassic Jungle recipe - 1.36% A Forbidden Spires recipe - 3.67% A Shadow's Eve recipe - 0.94% A Sunfest Decorations recipe - 3.67% A Turkeytopia Recipes recipe - 1.36% A Spring recipe - 3.67% A Summer recipe - 1.99% A Winter recipe - 1.68% A Sports Ball recipe - 0.21% Bobble Pods Bobble Pods can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a bobblepod could receive a Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment, an Onionito Seed, and an Air Gem Duster Seed. Or they could just receive an Onionito Seed. Note that Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment drops are rolled twice on Dragon Day. Rare for Bobble Pods spawned with Hats - 6% Mount: Ridable Bobble Pod - 6% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment for Anyone - 12.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment - 12.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment for Thrower - 37.5% Blossoming Dragon Egg Fragment - 37.5% Rare for Anyone - 1% Pearl of Wisdom Seed Pod - 0.14% Chaos Chest Stalk Seed - 0.14% Water Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Fire Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Air Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Cosmic Gem Duster Seed - 0.14% Golden Pitcher Plant Seed - 0.14% Rare for Thrower - 1.5% Pearl of Wisdom Seed Pod - 0.29% Chaos Chest Stalk Seed - 0.29% Water Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Fire Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Air Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Cosmic Gem Duster Seed - 0.29% Golden Pitcher Plant Seed - 0.29% Uncommon for Anyone - 10% Gardener Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 3.81% Green Thumb Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 3.57% Botanist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.43% Horticulturist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.19% Uncommon for Thrower - 15% Gardener Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 5.71% Green Thumb Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 5.36% Botanist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 2.14% Horticulturist Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes - 1.79% Common for Anyone - 100% Qubbage Seed - 16% Unicorn Chard Seed - 16% Onionito Seed - 12% Uggplant Seed - 12% Purp'lil Seed - 12% Totter Tate Seed - 8% Qumato Seed - 8% Cinnamellon Seed - 8% Bunfeed Seed - 4% Corn on the Cube Seed - 4% Common for Thrower - 50% Qubbage Seed - 8% Unicorn Chard Seed - 8% Onionito Seed - 6% Uggplant Seed - 6% Purp'lil Seed - 6% Totter Tate Seed - 4% Qumato Seed - 4% Cinnamellon Seed - 4% Bunfeed Seed - 2% Corn on the Cube Seed - 2% Party Animals Party Animals can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Party Animal could receive flux, glim, and a Pin Head. Or they could just receive flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Prancing Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Prancing Pinata - 2% Pearl of Wisdom for Thrower - 1% Pearl of Wisdom - 1% Helm for Thrower - 5% Pin Head - 5% Block Recipe for Anyone - 3% Standard Block Recipe - 0.6% Glass Block Recipe - 0.6% Metallic Block Recipe - 0.6% Glowing Block Recipe - 0.6% Textured Block Recipe - 0.6% Biome Recipe for Anyone - 5% Highlands Recipe - 0.5% Frontier Recipe - 0.5% Permafrost Recipe - 0.5% Cursed Recipe - 0.5% Fae Recipe - 0.5% Dragonfire Recipe - 0.5% Neon Recipe - 0.5% Candoria Recipe - 0.5% Jurassic Recipe - 0.5% Biome Recipe for Thrower - 30% Highlands Recipe - 3% Frontier Recipe - 3% Permafrost Recipe - 3% Cursed Recipe - 3% Fae Recipe - 3% Dragonfire Recipe - 3% Neon Recipe - 3% Candoria Recipe - 3% Jurassic Recipe - 3% Common for Anyone - 100% Flux - 33.33% Glim - 33.33% Shapestone Ore - 33.33% Common for Owner - 100% Flux - 33.33% Glim - 33.33% Shapestone Ore - 33.33% Crystal Pinatas Crystal Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Crystal Pinata could receive a Crystalline Dream Aura, Geamstone, and Day Drops. Or they could just receive Gleamstone. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Rare Items for Anyone - 0.06% Mount: Crystal Pinata - 0.03% Aura: Crystalline Dream - 0.03% Rare Items for Owner - 6% Mount: Crystal Pinata - 3% Aura: Crystalline Dream - 3% Crystal Styles for Anyone - 2.5% Crystal Styles for Thrower - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Crystal - 33.33% Gleamstone - 33.33% Day Drop - 33.33% Common for Thrower - 100% Crystal - 33.33% Gleamstone - 33.33% Day Drop - 33.33% Spring Pinatas Spring Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Spring Pinata could receive a Spring Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 10% Spring Recipe - 10% Recipe for Thrower - 25% Spring Recipe - 25% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Spring Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Spring Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Spring Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Spring Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Anyone - 10% Spring Style Stash - 10% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Spring Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 50% Flux - 25% Glim - 25% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 50% Flux - 25% Glim - 25% Summer Pinatas Summer Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Summer Pinata could receive a Summer Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 10% Summer Recipe - 10% Recipe for Thrower - 25% Summer Recipe - 25% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Summer Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Summer Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Summer Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Summer Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Anyone - 10% Summer Style Stash - 10% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Summer Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Autumn Pinatas Autumn Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Autumn Pinata could receive an Autumn Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Autumn Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Autumn Pinata - 2% Helm for Anyone - 1% Autumn Pin Head - 1% Helm for Thrower - 4% Autumn Pin Head - 4% Style Stash for Thower - 25% Autumn Style Stash - 25% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Winter Pinatas Winter Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Winter Pinata could receive a Winter Pin Head, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Pinata Dragon Egg for Anyone - 0.01% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.01% Pinata Dragon Egg for Thrower - 0.2% Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg - 0.2% Recipe for Anyone - 5% Winter Recipe - 5% Recipe for Thrower - 30% Winter Recipe - 30% Mount for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Mount: Winter Pinata - 0.03% Mount for Thrower - 2% 2 Mount: Winter Pinata - 2% Winter Styles for Anyone - 5% Chilly Pin Head - 0.45% Shaggy Yeti - 0.45% Prevailing Cool Head - 0.45% Slope Slider - 0.45% Banded Clubsicle - 0.45% Thunderous Sunderer - 0.45% Iceblock Tongs - 0.45% Snow Blower - 0.45% Ice Glider - 0.45% Mistwing Wand - 0.45% Winter Wyrm - 0.45% Winter Styles for Thrower - 25% Chilly Pin Head - 2.27% Shaggy Yeti - 2.27% Prevailing Cool Head - 2.27% Slope Slider - 2.27% Banded Clubsicle - 2.27% Thunderous Sunderer - 2.27% Iceblock Tongs - 2.27% Snow Blower - 2.27% Ice Glider - 2.27% Mistwing Wand - 2.27% Winter Wyrm - 2.27% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 44.44% Formicite Ore - 11.11% Infinium Ore - 11.11% Glim - 22.22% Flux - 11.11% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 44.44% Formicite Ore - 11.11% Infinium Ore - 11.11% Glim - 22.22% Flux - 11.11% Romancing Pinatas Romancing Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Romancing Pinata could receive Wings of Love wings, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Rare Items for Thrower - 10% 2 Mount: Romancing Pinata - 4.5% 2 Ally: Cheeky Cherub - 4.5% 2 Wings: Wings of Love - 1% 2 Mount: Romancing Pinata for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Ally: Cheeky Cherub for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Wings: Wings of Love for Anyone - 0.008% Romancing Styles for Anyone - 5% Romancing Pin Head - 0.71% Bristling Beauty - 0.71% Rosevine Recurve - 0.71% Enamoring Armor Piercer - 0.71% Big Bonbon Baton - 0.71% Heart Halberd - 0.71% Cupid's Ballista Bolt - 0.71% Romancing Styles for Thrower - 25% Romancing Pin Head - 3.57% Bristling Beauty - 3.57% Rosevine Recurve - 3.57% Enamoring Armor Piercer - 3.57% Big Bonbon Baton - 3.57% Heart Halberd - 3.57% Cupid's Ballista Bolt - 3.57% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Shamrockin' Pinatas Shamrockin' Pinatas can drop multiple items and have extra rolls for the thrower, so these probabilities will not add up to 100%. For example, someone throwing a Shamrockin' Pinata could receive Springy Roller allies, Flux, and Glim. Or they could just receive Flux. Rare Items for Thrower - 10% 2 Mount: Shamrockin' Pinata - 5% 2 Ally: Springy Roller - 5% 2 Mount: Shamrockin' Pinata for Anyone - 0.03% 2 Ally: Springy Roller for Anyone - 0.03% Shamrockin' Styles for Anyone - 5% Shamrockin' Pin Head - 0.71% Rainbow's Edge - 0.71% Gilded Horseshoe - 0.71% Little Luckslinger - 0.71% Enshrined Shamrock - 0.71% Clear-Cut Clover - 0.71% Pot o' Gold Poker - 0.71% Shamrockin' Styles for Thrower - 25% Shamrockin' Pin Head - 3.57% Rainbow's Edge - 3.57% Gilded Horseshoe - 3.57% Little Luckslinger - 3.57% Enshrined Shamrock - 3.57% Clear-Cut Clover - 3.57% Pot o' Gold Poker - 3.57% Common for Anyone - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30% Common for Thrower - 100% Shapestone Ore - 20% Formicite Ore - 10% Infinium Ore - 10% Glim - 30% Flux - 30%