New Strings
New Strings detected in March 31 Hotfix.
Bunfest Daily Adventure: Donate to the cause Trovian. Help us fend off the Shadowy Buns by donating at any donation station during Bunfest!
Make a Donation
Bunfest Daily Adventure: Those dang Shadowy Buns are going after Liv's hidden Eggs. You can find their bases anywhere her eggs are hidden: Geode Topside, Medieval Highlands, Candoria, and the Fae Forest.
Defeat Egg Dungeons
Bunfest Daily Adventure: I'm Liv and I've hidden eggs all over the place, Trovian! Can you find them? I'll give you a hint. I'm a fan of Faeries, a candy fiend, and I love the knights of old. I also threw them all over the Geode Topside, for good measure.
Find Hidden Eggs
Bunfest Daily Adventure
Rewarded for completing a Bunfest Daily Adventure.
Bunfest 2021
Inspector Cardboard is yours to claim!
Bunnies? Eggs? CHOCOLATE!? Bunfest is here!
Bunfest 2020 1/8: Trovian, it's me, Qubesly! Some new friends have shown up in the hub asking for assistance. It is time to do your civic duty and help them, Trovian!
Complete a Daily Bunfest Adventure
Bunfest 2020 2/8: Chocolate? Not just liquid, but there are BLOCKS of Chocolate out there?! Please, go gather the Chocolate up, I've heard you can find Chocolate in Hidden Eggs and Egg Dungeons in the Fae Forest, Candoria, Medieval Highlands, and all over the Geode Topside.
Gather Chocolate
Bunfest 2020 3/8: It is time to go make some Eggs of your own. Head to the Bunfest Station in the Hub and craft that Chocolate into some fun!
Craft Hidable Eggs
Bunfest 2020 4/8: Those eggs are made for hiding, and that just what you'll do. Don't forget to hide them in your Cornerstone (or Club)!
Hide Eggs in your Cornerstone or Clubworld
Bunfest 2020 5/8: Looking great and unique. The rabbits in those egg dungeons are pretty unique too, and I think they have some High Quality Chocolate on them. How do you catch a unique rabbit Trovian? You 'neak up on them. So get sneakin!
Gather High Quality Chocolate
Bunfest 2020 6/8: All this Chocolate is making me crave power. Dragon Egg fragments are all over, Trovian, gather up Dragon Fragments to feel the full spirit of Bunfest.
Gather Dragon Egg Fragments
Bunfest 2020 7/8: I'm getting news from the front, Trovian. Eggs are hidden on the ground of Geodes, I've heard tell of rainbows, tentacles, and more, go pick them up and let me know what you find.
Find Eggs on the Geode Topside
Bunfest 2020 8/8: So that's what’s going on. Well, now it is finally time to sit back, relax, and munch some Chocolate. You can craft edible Chocolate at the Bunfest Station during Bunfest!
Eat Chocolate
Get a leg up on Bunfest with this bundle of 15 Bunfest Bucks. Hop to it!
15 Bunfest Buck 2020 Pack
Get 15 Bunfest Bucks immediately from this limited time pack!
A combatant in the Great D'hev War, Inspector Cardboard vanquished many a ladybug in years past.
Inspector Cardboard
Not made of Chocolate.
Pretty in pink.
Certainly not just Qubesly in a costume.
Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons and finding hidden eggs during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.
Bunfest Chocolate 2020
Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.
High Quality Bunfest Chocolate 2020
Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. A token granted during the Bunfest 2020 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.
Bunfest Buck 2020
Sickly Sweet.\n\nLeftover Chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.
Cleansed Bunfest Chocolate
Bunny Treasure Box
Mount: Hopsy
This is a tradable mount.
Unlock a random Bunfest 2020 recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Recipe Stash: Bunfest '20
Shadow Bun Helm
Collectables and Lockboxes
Bunfest Station
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Sea
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Tentacle
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Lava
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Pastel
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Striped
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Pride
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Purple
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Crossed
Decoration: Hideable Bunfest Egg: Shanty
Bunfest Basher Wall Trophy
Bunfest Lobber Wall Trophy
Bunfest Chocolauncher Wall Trophy