Flowery Log
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Medieval Highlands]
Creation Files
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Uploaded Files
#2941 FloweryLogDungeonBossRoom.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2945 FloweryLogDungeonBossRoom_v2.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2947 FloweryLogDungeonEntrance.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2946 FloweryLogDungeonEntrance_v2.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2942 FloweryLogDungeonLabyrinth_v1.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2939 FloweryLogDungeonLabyrinth_v2.blueprint February 2, 2024 Download
#2940 Flowery_Log.dungeon February 2, 2024 Download
Created 1 year ago
Updated 9 months ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Flowery Log status has been set to Added
Ylva 9 months ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 9 months ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 9 months ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Approved
Ylva 1 year ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Needs Review
OriginalBeast 1 year ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Active
OriginalBeast 1 year ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Draft
OriginalBeast 1 year ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Active
Ylva 1 year ago
Flowery Log status has been set to Needs Review
OriginalBeast 1 year ago

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Hello again :)
The new rooms are distinct enough and offer for a good visual and gameplay variety. Functional elements are in place and a dungeon is player-friendly.
Everything seems to be in order, well done!
Happy to approve.
From here on the Developer team would need to check the creation and decide upon adding it to the game. When they pick your creation it will advance status to Accepted/Rewarded - and the Credits will be sent to an in-game account that matches the name of the Trovesaurus account that posted the creation - please make sure that the name is up to date and a platform (PC/ps4/5/Xbox/ns) is set. You can update those on your User > Edit > Edit Profile
You ve done a really good job with this dungeon, hoping to see more designs made by you :)
I have created a second version of the entrance and the boss room :D
I have used the design of the flowers you have sent me, because I could not come up with a
better solution for making the surface bigger and keeping the flower shape.
(hope it is not an issue)
I added decorations to the Entrance area as well :)
I have also removed the jumping pads next to the portal in: FloweryLogDungeonLabyrinth_v1
and I made changes to the layout of: FloweryLogDungeonLabyrinth_v2
Oh, and I added the NPC spawners in the boss room.
Hope you like it!
Hello! What a cute little dungeon :D
The design is solid and you got all the functional elements right, good job! Loving the decorations and the boss room!
Highlands is the very first biome that players enter after the tutorial, so it is of utmost importance to keep the dungeons in Highlands simple and player-friendly. While this dungeon is pretty good already, it could use a bit more work in some areas.
Feedback per room:
The flowers on the side of the stamp are a bit hard to jump on - id suggest to make these easier to land on and bounce off - making the flowers a bit bigger should help. For edits like on the image below for example you d only need to place some blocks in the Metaforge, no need to convert back to .QB. Try the /wadd prefabs/placeable/block/transmute/mimic.binfab .
The horizontal Launch pads can yeet players in a direction away from a dungeon, so i believe the vertical ones could be easier to use for new player.
Every room needs to have at least 2 variations - this adds a bit of a variety to the dungeons and makes it tiny bit less tedious to farm them. You have very good functional separation between the entrance/gameplay/bossroom, so hopefully it wouldnt be much of a trouble to make another for the Entrance (and boss) room(s).
For a new Entrance piece to fit together with the rest of the dungeon you d only need to make sure that a 5x5 area in the middle with the Red Plug and Orange Socket are in the same place. Im sure you have plenty of your own ideas, but just to list some examples - the second entrance could be a different-looking stump with a different way to climb up, or a flower patch, or a chubby bee, etc.
Nicely done! The only thing that might be worth changing about this room are the launch pads at the Purple corner near the Portal. It could be frustrating to try and avoid them while going for the portal, so for the sake of new players id suggest to remove them from this corner.
This variation is much less fun to navigate through. The narrow passages and mostly black repetitive surroundings make it really hard to find a portal. Id suggest to remove some of the walls, and/or add same glowing paths on the floor.
This room also does not have an upper part (like v1 has), so when this variation spawns, the Entrance does not have any blocks below water making this a deadly trap for a player with 2 jumps.
Please add the same room extension as v1 has to this room, or add some blocks below the Entrance part.
This room is so cute, i love it.
There should be 2-3 possible mob spawns (GM NPC) near the boss objective - please add them somewhere in the room.
Just like the Entrance, the boss room is going to need a V2. Since you connect the Gameplay rooms to the Boss room with portals - this V2 could have absolutely any layout.
Its generally a good idea to have combat areas that feel different between v1 and v2, so if the v1 has a flat elevated platform, a v2 could have a bumpy deepening or any other terrain variation.
Some theme ideas that could work with the rest of the dungeon - roots of the stump with some moles or hedgehogs around, or a secret stash of acorns, or a beehive, etc.
You have done a very good job with this dungeon already! Really hoping to see it back on Review!